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Everyone arrived at the reception ready to have a good time with the newlyweds. Taehyung and his fiance shared their first dance as a married couple. Glasses were clinking as the guests wanted them to share a kiss one more time.It was finally time for the couple to listen to their friends' messages.

Jimin was up first.

"Hi everyone, good evening. I'm one of the unfortunate souls to be friends with this douche but that's a story for another day. I'll be quick, don't worry. To Taehyung, congratulations for making sure she'd be stuck with you for the rest of your lives. And as for your lovely wife, if you need a divorce attorney I'd be more than glad to help you."

Laughter filled the hall as Jimin cracked his puns at the couple.

"All jokes aside, I'd like to say thank you for making Tae happy again. You both deserve each other. I'm glad you gave each other another chance at love. Not everyone gets that privilege in life," he looked at you as he said it before bowing and went back to his seat.

The air felt thick inside so you grabbed your glass of champagne and made your way to the balcony. You watched as everyone mingled with each other until you saw Jungkook's girlfriend waving her hands at you mouthing if you were okay to which you simply nodded with a smile.

'Must be nice to get married,' you thought about it, sighing deeply. Just as you were about to take another swig of your drink, a familiar voice stops you in your tracks.

"Who knew you'd turn into a drinker," Jimin eyed you.

"A lot of things can change in a year. You barely know anything about me now," you shrugged, facing away from him.

He remembered the first time you met him and how he retorted that he was yet to find out more about you. 'Truth hurts like a bitch,' he thought.

Both of you just stood silently, watching the sky while suffering in awkwardness. You felt that there was a need for you to stay there any longer so you decided to make your way back to the hall but he stopped you by the arm.

"Jimin–" He pulls you into a safe blind spot where no one can see – the storage room. You protested in his hold but couldn't do much about it anymore. If you didn't know him well, you'd probably think he's some crazy friend of the groom who was invited to the part.

He gently pushes you inside the room then closes the door without making so much noise as he possibly could.

"So, we're finally alone," he grins sheepishly at you.

"What the hell is wrong with you!? The storage? Really? We've had sex in odd places all throught our relationship and now you're pulling me in for a talk in here. Go open the door, it's getting stuffy."

He wiggled the door knob but it didn't open. He tried to open it again but it only made his forehead crease even more. Jimin scratched his head as he thought of a solution on how to get the both of you out of the cramped up room.

"Will you hurry up and open the damn door?"

"I'm fucking trying! What do you want me to do? Cry for help like a damsel?"

A frustrated groan escaped your lips as you leaned your weight on the table and watched Jimin as he tried to think of a strategy on how to get out. He finally gives up and sighs, turning around to take a few steps over to where you were.

"How very unfortunate that you're stuck with me again. On the brighter side, you're in good hands," he sounded almost regretful, making you scoff.

"As if that makes it any better."

"At least I tried, Y/N," he emphasized.

"But did you really though?"

Case 001: Attorney Park (Trial and Error Series)Where stories live. Discover now