Chapter 9

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Still Tiffany's Pov.

"Are you ready to head to town?" Kuroko questions me.

"Yeah, I'm ready," I answer. We walk down the sidewalk and make a right turn to get to a different direction. Kuroko grabs my right hand and hold it gently.

I truly do find it weird that Kuroko would always grab my hand every time we're alone like this. It always makes me feel like we are a couple. I have a feeling he might have falling in love with me like Akashi did. Why can't they fall in love with each other instead of me?

It will make every fan girl in my world happy if they become a couple. A comfortable silence starts building up between me and Kuroko. We both have calm auras with blank expressions. We don't always need to talk to each other when we're alone together or with someone else.

We can just enjoy the peaceful moment with each other instead of starting a conversation. It doesn't take us long to get to our location and push the door open for us to enter the mall. We stroll down the hallway to get to the Shoe Store and go inside. Then we head over to the male section and look at the different kinds of shoes.

Kuroko lets go of my hand after he sees his size. He bends down and observes the shoes with his usual deadpanned look. I, on the other hand, sit down on a bench and watch him choose the running shoes. In my view, he looks cute when he is so focus on searching for the right pair.

"Hey Sharky-chan," Kuroko suddenly breaks the silence. He gazes over and stares at me with his deadpanned look.

"Yes, what is it?" I hum. I see him holding a pair of white and blue running shoes.

"What do you think of these sneakers?" Kuroko questions me.

"In my opinion, they will look really great on you," I honestly reply.

"Thanks, Sharky-chan," Kuroko says with a poker face.

"Are you ready to pay for them?" I quiz.

"Yes," Kuroko shrugs. I get up from sitting on the bench and walk towards the cashier with Kuroko. He places the sneaker on the counter and watch the worker uses the scanner to see how much the shoes cost.

She puts it in the bag after the scan is over. Kuroko grabs his wallet out of his pocket and takes the right amount of money to pay for his shoes. Then he grabs the bag and emerges from the store with me trailing beside him. We stroll down the hallway.

"Where would you like to go next?" I muse. Kuroko doesn't have the chance to respond when his stomach suddenly growls. He looks away with a small embarrassed blush. "It looks like your stomach answered for you."

Kuroko grabs my right hand and drags me towards Ichiraku Ramen. I just shake my head at his sudden action. We enter the restaurant and go sit down on stools. We immediately pay for our ramen after we give the worker our order. I've always wondered why Naruto likes ramen so much.

"Itadakimasu," Kuroko and I slightly pray. He lets of my hand when we start eating our ramen with our chopstick. It's completely silence between me-

"Hey Brat, hey Kuroko!" a familiar voice speaks behind us. There's only one person who always call me a brat. I see Kyle entering Ichiraku Ramen.

"Hey Penguin/ Sharky-kun," Kuroko and I greet him.

"How are you guys?" Kyle asks, sitting down beside me.

"We're doing pretty well, Sharky-kun," Kuroko deadpans. He and I continue eating our ramen. "What about you?"

Kuroko's Pov.

"Other than dealing with Akashi, I'm also doing pretty well," Sharky-kun answers. He looks rather worried and serious about something.

"Why do I get the feeling you did something to piss Akashi off," Sharky-chan sighs.

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