Kuroko Tetsuya's Ending

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Kyle's Pov.

I grab my sister's hand and intertwine my finger with hers. It's the only way I will know she is standing beside me. We run to the waterfall as fast as we possibly can before Akashi catches up to us and stops us from leaving this dimension. He'll do anything to keep Tiffany from going back to our world. It doesn't take us long to get there and see the portal opening up in the waterfall.

"Tiffany! Don't you dare go into that portal!" a far distant voice calls out to her.

We immediately run to the waterfall and jump into the portal after we recognize the voice right away. Our hands grips tightly as everything around us turns pitch black. Our eyes are completely tight shut. It feels like we're falling to the ground. The voice of Akashi sounds so far away now.

I open my eyes and realize we are lying on the grass in the middle of the park. I can hear a waterfall coming from a distance. It isn't just any park that we're in. It's the park that we use to basketball over the years. We have final return to our dimension.

"Akashi won't be able to come here and take my sister away," I smile.

I gaze up and notice the sky is completely pitched black. Then I lift up my wrist up and look at my black watch. It says it's 1 in the morning. It's no wonder why everything is quiet, except for the animals. I turn my head and see Tiffany starting to sit up.

"Did we make it back to our world?" Tiffany questions me.

"Yes, we have return to our dimension," I assure.

"What a relief..." Tiffany sighs.

"We should head home and go to bed. It has been a long day," I suggest.

"Sounds good to me," Tiffany shrugs. We get up from sitting on the ground and sweep the dirt off our clothes. Then we emerge from the park and head down the sidewalk. Neither of us speaks to each other about anything. It really feels nice to be back in our dimension.

30 minutes later, we finally arrive to our townhouse and a step onto the front porch. I'm just about to unlock the door when we suddenly hear our names being called. We glance over and see a couple running towards us with worried expressions. They live just a few doors down from ours. We turn our bodies and face our neighbour.

"Hey Mr. and Ms. Hortons," Tiffany and I greet them.

"Where have you two been??" Mr. Hortons questions us. He completely ignores our greeting.

"It's quite a long story," I respond. I really don't know how to explain our situation to them. It's not like they will believe us if we told them that we teleport to Kuroko No Basket world.

"You guys have missing for a year and eight weeks!" Ms. Hortons adds.

"Like my brother said, it's quite a long story," Tiffany agrees with me.

"We were quite worried about you guys after we saw the breaking news," Mr. Hortons mentions.

"What do you mean?" I puzzle.

"There was a bomb on the plane that you two were on. It exploded after the plan was high in the air. They couldn't find you guy's bodies on the plane when they search for any survivors," Ms. Hortons explains.

"Even after a year and eight weeks, they haven't stop searching for you guy's bodies," Mr. Hortons continues.

"So that's the reason why we were teleported to an anime world," I ponder with a sweat drop.

"What happened to you two?" Ms. Hortons quizzes.

"To be honest with you guys...we don't really know what happened on that day. One minute, we were sleeping on the plane. The next minute, we found ourselves falling out of the sky," Tiffany confesses.

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