Akashi Seijuro's Ending

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Reminder: This chapter continues from Chapter 11 as Akashi's Ending. I'll put the end of it here, so you wouldn't be confused.

Kuroko tackled him to the ground after Akashi started walking towards us. I took this cue to run past Kuroko and Akashi and went into the forest. I head to the waterfall without looking back at them. I knew Kuroko isn't going to let Akashi kill him that easily. I was just about to reach the waterfall when I suddenly saw Kyle running towards me.

"I was wondering where Kuroko took you," Kyle mused.

"Yeah, he took me to the cliff to have a picnic until Akashi interrupted us," I grumbled.

"Are you freaking serious?" Kyle grunted.

"Yes! And we need to get the hell out of here!" I demanded.

"Roger that," Kyle agreed.


Akashi's Pov.

After knocking Tetsuya out, I run back into the forest to search for Tiffany and stop her from leaving this dimension with Kyle. She's not going to get away from me that easily! She will stay here while her brother goes back to their world. I eventually see Tiffany and Kyle dashing towards the waterfall with their hands interlock. I assume they don't want to each other behind.

"Tiffany! Don't you dare go into that portal!" I yell after her.

My statement only makes them run faster than before. Dashing towards them, I manage to grab Tiffany's hand and rip her out of her younger brother's grip. I pull her to my body and hold her tightly in my arms. Kyle is already inside of the portal, going back to his dimension.

"Let me go!" Tiffany demands. She tries to break from my grip, but fails miserably. I drag her far away from the portal as much as I possibly can. She is a lot taller and heavier than me, after all. "I refuse to become yours!"

"I hate to break to you, Tiffany, but I already claim you when I first lay my eyes on you," I smirk. She continues trashing around in my arms. The whole waterfall suddenly explodes from the homemade bombs that I made.

"No!" Tiffany cries in horror.

"You can no longer go back to your own world, now," I laugh evilly.

"Why can't you let me go back to my world?" Tiffany screams in my face.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm too madly in love with you to let you go to your world and give birth to my child. I'm the only one that can be with you and raise our child," I explain.

"No! I refuse to have you as my husband! I don't want my freedom to be taking away from me!" Tiffany denies.

"You will have your freedom back, once you submit to me and accept your feelings for me," I try reason with her.

"Never, will ever submit to you and accept my feelings for you!" Tiffany barks.

"The only thing you're doing is making me love you more than ever~" I purr.

"That's too bad. I don't love you at all!" Tiffany spits. Grabbing her chin, I force her to look at me and kiss her roughly. Her cheeks turn into a lovely pink. I continue dragging her through the forest while making sure she doesn't escape from me.

"Are sure about that? You will accept your feelings for me and stop going against me," I chortle evilly.

"Go to hell," Tiffany spit.

Eventually, we arrive to the end of the forest and see my limo waiting patiently for me and my dear lover. The driver opens the door for us after he sees me struggling to carry Tiffany towards the vehicle. He doesn't question me or change his expressionless look. I shove her into the limousine before I quickly join her and stop her from going to the other door to get out.

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