Chapter 10

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"How is it that whenever you have something on your mind and you don't wanna talk about it you make me pay for it when you wanna go strutting and climbing high and fast as if I can keep up with you three," Thalia says as she hunched over to catch her breath, watching as both Achlys and Mel kept walking, while Desdemona stayed put by her side.

"I don't know what you're talking but we're not stopping anytime soon so I suggest you suck it up and keep moving," She says stopping in her tracks, looking at the young woman.

"It doesn't help to keep your feelings bottled up you know"

"Noted. Now let's continue to move"

She then continued to lead the way, not caring if the younger girl was following or not. However, she figured she was since she heard a loud groan out of both frustration and exhaustion.

"When I was younger, my mom had these beautiful ruby red earrings, that she just simply loved. Hell, at times felt like she loved those damn earrings more than me" Thalia spoke as she made her way up the mountain careful to not fall. "One day, I'm in my room playing dress-up with them and I don't know how or when but I lost one of them"

"Please move your childhood recap story along to the point"

"Ok rude pants. Anyway, she was in such a mood, making a big deal out of these things and I was so scared to tell her the truth that I never said anything, even as I got older never said a word about them. But I had this gut feeling that she sometimes had always known that it was me. We both never said anything about it but there was always that small awkward tension between us that never left the room. Because I thought she knew I never minded that much on how her or my father treated me"

"Not tracking"

"My point is once she died, at her funeral, I placed one earring in her casket. It wasn't the same as talking to her about it but the moment they lowered her down with that one earring I felt this weight being lifted off my shoulders. I was holding onto this burden for so long letting it bottle up in me that I didn't think about how it truly affected me till year's later"

"So what you're saying is, if I don't talk about what's on my mind, I'll lose my earrings?" She faked gasped, looking at her. "Well, it's a good thing, I don't like earrings"

"You are truly insufferable. This little charade can only mask half of your insecurities for so long"

"Insecurities? What are you talking about?" Her attitude now changing as her attention was also focused.

"Can we take a break? I need to sit down for this"

Both Thalia and Melaina took a seat on a nearby log that overlooked the entire town hearing the crash of a waterfall, that they passed on the way up. Achlys and Desdemona then lay down next to the two girls.

"What do you mean insecurities?"

"We all have them, nothing to be ashamed of or be afraid to admit"

"I'm a Goddess. I have no fears. Let alone insecurities"

"I don't know why you're not being honest with me, but mostly yourself. I think I got a good idea of what yours are"

Thalia didn't look over at her and neither did Melaina. They both kept their gazed focused on the horizon. Since Melaina didn't answer she continued.

"I believe that, yes even though, you are a goddess, you still have trouble with your inner self. You put up a cold front to hide your insecurities that come from not feeling worthy enough for your father to have stayed and loved not only you but your siblings as well"

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