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To be of both titan and human. A child of the very first gods and a mortal. I was the first and forsaken to be the only. Shortly after my conception it was decreed by the gods that such power was never to be brought to existence again.

Hypocritical inbred bastards.
I knew the truth of the decree proclaimed by the king of Olympus. I was born the daughter of the titaness of the night, mother of darkness and daughter of chaos. The one being the lightning god feared. When my being was brought to this world, the hybrid daughter of his greatest fear and a creature of pure natural essence, a shifter, Zeus saw to my kind ending with me.

Though the god was always fair to me, kind as an uptight god can be and treating me like any other half blood, the weariness of the god was evident. I had inherited all power of my mother in equal if not more, but the blood of the ancient shifter within my veins had manifested into a power set of its own. The creatures of darkness saw me their heiress, the monsters their deity and magic it's harbour.

Over time I learnt the names to place my abilities, a simple way of listing my powers. It soon became clear which powers originated from the two separate parties of my blood.
- Circadian Manipulation
- Umbrakinesis
- Light manipulation
- Magic
- Hydrokinesis
- Shape Shifting
- Premonition
- Necromancy
- Healing touch
- Deaths kiss
- Heightened senses/physicality
To name a few.

And so I was an oddity. Unless born of the big three, the demigod children never truly inherited a divine gift, simply a kind of sense or branched off ability of sorts. It was believed that as I was the offspring of both an original goddess and a supernatural father, that my genes were more prominent when gifting me my powers. However I often saw the gifts a curse.

And it was made clear that I was not the only one. The gods followed Zeus' caution, their own skepticism of the daughter of night and granddaughter of Chaos shown true.

And so I became an oddity among oddities, the peculiar of the strange, the queer among the different.

The Queen of Monsters

(Some dates, featuring partners, ages and such jazz have been changed. For example Jacob and the wolves have already shifted and the sequence of events are muddled and intertwined, some completely changed.)

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