Chapter Seven

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My eye water as barely concealed snickers choke my lungs. I was slightly concerned when I found that I shared biology with Isabella, but the sight of her hilarious interactions with the bronze haired cold one were comedic genius.

The vampire currently had both his airways harshly covered and was sternly turned away from the flirtatious brunette. The darkening hunger of his eyes spoke volumes, during my time in camp we were warned and taught of all dark creatures, the Ambrose being one of them despite there lack of hunting attraction to our kind and unawareness of our existence. From the looks of it, the cold one found his singer.

And I pitied him for the fact that said singer was very unlikely to leave him alone.

Overall the scene was hilarious despite the dire situation, the cold one could lose his control any moment and snap, being rid of a good thirty students and teacher in a second. But the sight if Isabella's pitiful and rather humiliating efforts to draw the male into a lustrous state for her was enough to bring me to tears. That and I was well aware that I would be able to see the events of a massacre before it even occurred and easily divert the possibility.

Against my better judgement I decided to open my mind to the telepath. The blood of the titan of chaos having some instinctual curiosity question the Ambrose.

'Which revolts you more? Her efforts to sway your emotions from your mate, or your own desire to suck the ignorant girl dry? Is it her blood that appeals more or the need to defend your insulted love?'

The bronze whips his head up, looking around frantically before his burnt gold eyes collide with my own silver beams. His eyes widen at contact while I smile sweetly.

'She may be rude and cruel but that does not warrant her death. Relax Edward, I won't let you hurt her. Your restrain is is impressive, it is all but unknown for a cold one to resist the pull of a their singer.' I nod respectfully, turning my attention back to the last few moments of the class before standing at the bell's dismissal. A silent laugh leaves my lips the cold ones pivot for the door, undoubtedly going to seek the comfort of his mate. Strolling through the corridors, I pass the student coordinators office, amusement rising at seeing the cold one all but beg the receptionist to allow him to switch classes.

"What are you laughing at?" A bitter voice sounds behind me. Looking at the flustered brunette behind me I simple smile politely with a giggle.

"Maybe try to find another person to subject your affections for. He's happy Isabella, if you care about him, leave the poor boy be." I suggest. "He seems shy."

"As if I would take your advice. I doubt you've ever actually been in a relationship or know when a man wants what is offered to him." She glared.

"Well you are right about the relationship thing and I do tend to deflect situations were certain desires are shown. But I do know when a person is uncomfortable, and that boy basically fled the class at the closest possible second." With that I take the spot Edward just left, the Ambrose glaring at both Isabella and I before taking off with a huff. Handing over my attendance slip I turn with a wave goodbye at the brunette before taking off to English.


Grey walls, Shakespeare quotes and random movie posters form the 90's. Could this room possibly get any more clique? Laughing at the stereotypical decor of the classroom I hand over my slip before taking my allocated seat as other students begin piling in. Stiffening slightly I watch as the bear of a cold one enters, followed by the scowling blonde. I inwardly groan as the blonde takes place besides me, a targeted glare of her tuscany eyes examining my form.

Ignoring her gaze as I was the other students, I grabbed my book of ancient mythologies from my bag. Flicking through them in content as I shift between reading and writing the provided notes.

"Would you care to share with the class what amuses you so Ms. Sallow-Uley?" A facade of an English accents drawls. Looking up I find my professor quirking a brow at me, ignoring the low growl of the bear behind me I hand over the book.

"Do explain what exactly this is?" He glares down at the pages, flipping through and clearly trying to decipher the text and meaning of the images.

"A tomb of ancient mythologies."

"And you can read gibberish?" He snarks bitterly.

"Actually sir, the tomb is written in a multimodal text of old Greek and Latin." I answer.

"And I suppose you can read Greek and Latin correct Ms. Sallow-Uley." He mocks before smirking. "But of course you are not actually able to read such a text as Latin is a dead language." Rolling my eyes at the common idiocy, and the fact that it was within his job descriptions to know the simple error.

"A common misconception. Latin is a dead language verbally as all native speakers of the tongue are deceased. Latin however can be read as any other language. It is simply no longer spoken through verbal means." I correct. "Now may I have my book back please?"

With a redden bashfulness the professor lets out a huff as he all but throws the tomb back onto the desk and steps off the resume the notes.

"Vlakas." I sigh. Checking over the worn leather for any damages.

"So you understand Greek and Latin?" The blonde besides me asks. Turning I find her glare replaced with shock.

"I am fluent in both, as well as well as Scottish, Oscan and Quileute." I shrug.

"Why so many?"

"I was bored. The camp I go to over the summer teaches us more in a few weeks then schooling education provides us over a three year period, so I was always bored with the same teachings." I explain. "That and I have ADHD, OCD and dyslexia. Though it makes subjects like math a science harder, it surprisingly makes my adaptation and learning of languages accelerated."

"So you are like a breathing google translator?" She chuckles.

"Depends if a digital translator is a master of pankration, karate, mixed martial arts, boxing, kickboxing, kendo and tai chi." I laugh.

"Jesus woman, some kind of assassin in training?"

"No, I just don't like the idea of being weak."

"To what?" She queries.

"Men are the greatest monsters to dwell this planet. They hide behind masks of fragile flesh and let there demons feed upon the innocence of woman and children."

"Now that I can understand." She nods stiffly.

"Anyyywho, I also revel in knowing that my small form and innocent exterior allow people to underestimate me. Make the pleasure of kicking arse all the more entertaining."

"I believe we will get along well tiny human." She laughs.

"I'll save judgment for a later date Ambrose."

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