Chapter Nine

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"So you imprinted on my sister?" Sam states, his eyes looking over me indifferently.

"I did."

"I'm glad she has you." He nodded. "I know you can't hurt her, our nature makes such thing impossible but don't push her. You and Luna have known each other for most of your lives and the only person oblivious to your clear love sick eyes has been Luna. I know you want her, but take your time. It's worth it." Patting my shoulder I smile gratefully at the alpha before watching as he enters the room holding my life mate.

It wasn't a secret that I had been in love Luna for the last several years. The moment we met the connection was formed and with the imprint my father and the elders believed that the true alpha blood played a part, preparing me for when the phase did come.
The imprinting sensation was unlike anything a person could feel unless it happened to them, the true pleasure of the sensation indescribable. It was like gravity shifted, the world and all my ties to it falling, being severed and realigned. New bonds created indestructibly to centre around her.
Grinning stupidly at the thought I follow Sam into the open lounge room, chuckling as both Emily and my angel exclaim in unison.

"So you and Emily have met?" I ask rhetorically .

"Yea we- EEPP!" She squeals as I dash over to lift her back into my arms. "Jacob put me down, I will pinch you again. Better yet, I'll go put on those leather boots you love so much and reintroduce them to your shins." She mutters.

"You wouldn't dare." I growl, shuddering at the memory of the incomparable pain of my little mates kicks, hard leather boots made the bruises so much worse. Knowing that my vindictive angel will likely bring out the shoes of agony I place her back on her feet with a pout.

"So that's why you'd always come home with rainbow legs." Dad laughs loudly, doubling over in his chair.

"You try falling victim to her fury. I had those bruises for weeks." I defend.

"He's got a point Billy, I stole the little wolf's apple crumble last summer. Surprised that I didn't join you in that wheelchair." Sam grimaces. "For something so tiny she knows how to cripple a man."

"The only place I can effectively reach." Luna shrugs innocently, stepping around us all towards the front door. Chuckling I follow her, grabbing her hand and leading her to my rabbit.

"You finished it!"

"About time hu?" I laugh, basking adoringly in her wonder.

"It's incredible." She sighs, smiling at me. "We should help Billy."

Nodding, we go to help my dad into the car, the old fart grumbling the entire time. Luna moves to sit in the back much to my protest, her own words stating that it would be bad manners against my dad for him to be stuck in the back.
Billy takes the small trip to tease me and make my little imprint laugh, the time spent like a flash of our childhood.


Pulling up in front of the small Forks diner, we help my dad back into his wheelchair just as Charlie, Sam and Emily pull up, Isabella following begrudgingly.
Glaring at the girl currently sneering at my mate I grab my mates hand again before follow my dad into the diner and finding a booth in the back.

Settling down we all take a brief look at the menus before ordering, Luna and Emily  laughing at the expressions of her dad and Isabella at the size of Sam's meal and my own.

"You both eat like wolves." Luna snickers, my dad smirking suspiciously while Emily chuckles.

"What's with you and this wolf talk Lu?" Sam queries.

"It's a common expression is it not?"

"It's you eat like pigs, angel." I correct.

"Forgive the foreigner then." She laughs, beaming when her orange juice is set before her.

"Thank you." She grins gratefully before starting on her drink.

Small conversation flowed, myself often trading glares with the Swan girl when a snide comment or stray sneer would be directed towards my mate. Dinner was silent, Sam and I ordering even more food to the shock of the Swans while the rest continue to laugh. Only when a sickeningly sweat scent of sugar and bleach does all conversation cease completely.

"Odd, I'm here almost every night and I've never seen the Cullens here." Charlie muses as the bell chimes with an incoming customer.

"Maybe they are having a cheat day." Isabella offers, earning confused glances. "No one can look that perfect without some major beauty schedule and diet."

"If it were a cheat day, their eyes would be a little less gold." Luna mumbles, a shocked glance her way from both Sam and I.

"What was that Luna?" Charlie asks.

"The Cullens seem rather resilient, if they are on a diet of sorts I doubt their morals would allow them to break it." She answers. "Now, it seems a bit rude to speculate people behind their backs so why don't we just return to our meal."

"Be as rude to them as you like." Sam grumbles almost incoherently, Emily nudging him in the ribs with a scowl.

"Samual Joshua Uley, manners are a virtue." Luna scolds.

"You heard that?" I choke.

"I have good ears." She shrugs, returning to her plate of chips and parmigiana.

My glare shifts from the Swan girl to the two male leeches in the both across from us, their golden eyes trained on my mate while silent snarls are directed at me. Shifting I wrap an arm tight around my little imprint, shielding her from the leeches as we all stand to move out the door, Billy and Charlie going to the counter to pay for our meal while the rest of us head towards the cars.

"Relax." Luna whispers to me, giving me a small smile before moving over to help my dad as he exits the diner.

Dropping Luna back home with her dad and Isabella, the four of us drive back to the Res, Sam and Emily making a stop at our house before leaving.

"Do you think she is going to phase?" Emily asks, looking between the three of us.

"It's hard to say. A woman has never joined the pack before nor has an imprint." Sam ponders.

"And she has always been feverish in temperature compare to most humans, her physical and sensual states are both rather advanced but if she was going to phase at any point it would have at least started at school this morning. Being in such direct contact to the Cullens would have triggered a shift."

"Could it have already happened while she was away?" Emily stutters.

"No we would have smelt it." I deny.

"Billy, got any thoughts." Sam looks towards my dad desperately.

"You will learn more in time. Don't force anything, let what happens happen." He states before shifting his chair in the direction of his room. "Have a good night you two!" He yells before closing the door.

"He knows something doesn't he." Sam groans, hugging his imprint tight before leaving with a grumbled goodbye. Sighing in defeat, I stump against the lounge, thoughts of my Luna banging around my head like a mantra, although, even before the imprint that wasn't an uncommon thing. Chuckling softly at the mere memory for her beautiful face, I closed my eyes in peace, loosing myself in my mental memory of my angel.

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