Chapter Twelve

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Another day being left behind. Joy.

After watching Isabella pelt out of the school car park yet again I settle for simply shadow walking, landing in my bedroom and having the laugh of my week at the expression upon the brunette's face as she found me in the kitchen finishing my algebra homework .

Against my warnings, the dim witted girl had dragged the vampire with funny hair away earlier today, the infuriated vampire returning from their outing with a scowl to put Oizys to shame. Undoubtedly the coven was now aware of the girl's discovery and were now going to decide god knows what.

The leader as far as I was aware had morals to strongly favoured upon to heed the Volturi of the becomings of an enlightened human, so the likelihood of obnoxious vampires with egos of Adonis visiting for a business trip of slaughter and fine dining was unlikely. The likelihood of the coven disposing of the brunette even more so.

It was daunting that at this point I was the one most likely to strangle the girl, though I actually could not place a pliable defending argument for the brunette. Her jealousy and petty behaviour was immature and honestly rather pathetic, she lacked imagination to even make the vile and affronting comments creative nor her attempts of humiliation and aggravation successful.

Sighing I return to the task at hand, cooking three dozen hamburgers for a tribe meeting of insatiable wolves, their imprints and the elders. My nerves were wracking, it had been a few years since I had last gone to a tribal gathering, though I had always adored the legends and histories of my people, I could never help but feel outside the loop. I was never good with people, though polite I always seemed shy as a child and this standoffishness made it hard to communicate and befriend others.

Turning off the oven I try to regain my self, negative emotions were always a trigger for unfortunate events when the supernatural was involved.

Leaning against the kitchen counter I try to regain my senses, the small panic attack ridiculous for the events of something so minor. Not noticing the sound of the door opening, I gasp in shock as two arms wrap around my mid section, twirling me around before locking me against my captors hip like a child. Tilting my head up to the abnormaly large figure I role my eyes good naturally at the becoming normal greeting of my favourite wolf.

"Maybe you could try with a manner-able hello next time?" I laugh.

"We both know that you have enough manners for the both of us." He beams, nuzzling you neck. Shaking my head I push myself back onto my feet, turning back to the oven and removing the apple pies and encasing them in tinfoil.

"I wouldn't be so sure, I did practically immobilise a boy from the waist down today."

"What did he do?" Jacob asks, moving to the mince patties upon the stove and flipping the meat, placing cheese upon the newly exposed surface and allowing the meat to simmer and the cheese to melt.

Smiling softly I feel my body warm at his faith in me, not even questioning that I was not in the wrong.

"He threw a ball at me then tried to find himself in my pants. Dunderhead deserves the infertility of a nut shot I sent him." I defend, confused when a growl sounds besides me.

"Tell me who the mother fucker is so I can have my own go at him." He snarls, body vibrating as the flesh cages rattles from the beast within.

"Jake calm down, the tosspot is not worth your time. Besides, we both know that you lack the proper ability to conceal all evidence of foul play." I chuckle, remembering our time as children when I would insist upon forensic podcasts and his frightened whines. "I would rather not be visiting my wolf in jail."

Grumbling the shifter pulls me towards his side with one arm, flipping the meat onto the buttered and sauced buns before nuzzling yet again into my shoulder, having to bend quite deeply at the height difference.

Oddly the position feels natural, comforting and safe. The emotions had always come strongly with my wolf yet this seemed different, more intimate. Allowing the feeling to be rid my anxiety I snuggle into the older boy, nudging his head with my own before burrowing into his neck.

"You're my favourite person you know?" I murmur. "You make me feel safe when no other can, my protector from everything including myself." The moment of honest relief was something I knew Jacob would be conscious of, my dearest companion having always seemed to hold a sixth sense for the truth behind a person's facade.

"You'll never need me as much as I need you." He whispers. "How about a deal? I promise to protect and adore you forever and a day more, while you promise to always stay with me, to need me and lean upon me without doubt." Smiling I look upon at the wolf, a childish habit coming into play as I over my pinky finger to him.

"Forever and a day more." I reminisce, my wolf linking our limbs without hesitation, both kissing each other's knuckle before grinning at each other.

"Forever and a day more." He promises.


Stepping out of the ochre rabbit both Jacob and I balancing the towers of plastic containers in our arms while walking though the open clearing and towards the burning bon.

Bellowing laugher comes from shadowed figures bordering the flame, light flickering over their russet forms. A boy around my age comes running up to us both, a broad contagious grin breaking his face as he bounds over. Though smaller then Jacob the boy was a good foot or so taller then me with cropped crow hair and light almond skin.

"Luna!" He hollers excitedly, surprising me with a tight hug and incomprehensible rambles. A trait familiar to only one friend of mine with la push heritage.

"Seth?" I mutter, the scrawny boy I remember with long hair and boisterous personality founded within a boy that resembled more a man then my old play mate.

"Yea Lu-Lu! So what do you think?" He laughs loudly, gesturing to himself with a prideful gleam.

"Jacked." I laugh, hugging the bumbling boy back before a rough cough draws me back to the glowering wolf behind me. "Careful there Jake, you're starting to sound like a certain miffed dunderhead."

"Hope you're not talking about me moon eyes!" I baritone voice growls behind me. Stiffening I turn towards a boy that irked me to no end and found pleasure in tormenting me as a child.

Clutching the containers tighter I feel both Jacob and Seth inch closer to me protectively as I face the smug face of the idiot that is Paul Lahore. Glaring at the boy I watch in concealed confusion as the boys face transforms from arrogance to startled to an adoration followed by fatal regret. Confused I simply glare at the boy before moving towards my brother, placing the containers upon the table before settling besides my brother and leaning against my wolf as he settles down besides me, unaware of the unwavering stare of a certain hot head and the glowers he sends my wolf's way.

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