Chapter Six

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"Hey new girl number two!" A loud voice bellows behind me. Having just left the lunch line, I was trying to find an empty table when an arm wraps around my shoulders. Looking up in irritation, the manners of the owner questionable, I find a pair of clouded cobalt eyes, a mess of campaign tussles and an obnoxious football jersey.

"Excuse me?" I question, looking between the boy's childishly tubbed features and the unwelcome arm rudely around my shoulders.

"Damn girl, hot accent." He smirks. "Mike Newton, come on hot new girl, you're sitting with my friends and I."

"Luna Remy Sallow Uley. Clearly you have not been introduced to the terms manners and consent." I huff, trying without success to wriggle out of the irritating boy's hold. With a grumble I simply follow the boy's lead towards a large round table.

Three girls are seated beside the boy from this morning who seems to be leading a familiar head of brunette waves. Sighing dishearteningly at the fact that I was to endure the whole awkward new girl interaction with Isabella's insufferable comments, I look over the three girls. A tall, kind eyed girl with warm caramel eyes and dark highlighted hair shyly smiles welcomingly, waving before adjusting her pale rose glasses and tucking a dark lock behind her ear. The two girls behind her, one taller with tan complexion, corn silk hair and small fishy green eyes while the other shorter with voluminous wavy mousy hair and clouded blue eyes. The former glaring as she rakes over my figure and the latter sporting an overly faux grin. The girl seemed almost as fake as Isabella. Rubbing my arm in unease at the scrutiny of the two girls' gazes, I take a seat at the table, relief flooding when the obnoxious boy's arm drops.

"You must be Luna, I'm Angela." The kind eyed girl introduces, smiling at me sweetly before turning to Isabella who now just made presence. "And you're Isabella, right?"

"Bella." She snoots, glaring at me and not taking a care to the hurt expression of the sweet girl besides me. Leaning over I smile reassuringly before nodding in thanks.

"I would love to tell you that you get use to her dazzling personality but I've only known the girl a day."

"You've never met? Aren't you both sisters?" The fishy eyed girl asks.

"She's adopted. Birth parents don't want her, first adoptive guardian were murdered and now my dad and I are stuck with her." Isabella snarks abruptly, leering over me with a cruel smile. The table's occupants dart their eyes in horror between us both, weary at the smirking girl and an odd pity for me.

"I would have placed it more gently." I nod, taking an unamused bit of my apple.

"How are you so calm with what she just said?" The boisterous boy from before asks softly with a grimace. Deciding no further harm can generally be done I answer in the most truth I am willing to provide.

"I watched my parents be brutally murdered and be mercilessly torn apart at the tender age of seven. I ran away the same night and crossed an entire ocean from London to New York within a year." I deadpan. "I have had my time to grieve and have had my fair share amount of thoughtless comments on their homicide. Isabella knows nothing of pain nor suffering and grief, though her pathetic naivety hurts it can not compare to witnessing your own parent's mutilation."

Their horror grows, eyes locked on me before farting in every other direction. A few moments pass when finally the shock diminishes and fruitless chatter and banter is traded. The Asian boy leans towards the blonde prat from earlier.

"So you've met my home girl." He smirks at Mike, sending a strained wink my way.

"Your home girl?" The blonde chokes, eyes flickering to me before looking at the boy in disbelief. Suddenly a dark skinned boy pops into view beside me.

"My girl." He laughs before pecking my cheek and pulling out Mike's chair out from under him. The dark boy taking off as the blonde scrambles to his feet and begins chase, the dunderheads appearing completely stupid but gratefully lifting the sullen mood.

"It's like first grade all over again, and you're the shining new toy." Jessica laughs stiffly.

"How long will this last." I groan, the mousy blonde interrupted as the cruel brunette pipes up.

"Who are they?" She queries, gesturing towards the canteen doors. Rolling my eyes at the dramatic entrance of the cold ones I barely stifle a blushed laugh as my burly bear of a mate beams my way with an exaggerated wink, the blonde besides him stares in shock before looking at me, bewilderment growing more prominent on her face as she takes in my own in surprise.

"The Cullens." Angela breaths quietly.

"They're Dr. Cullen and his wife's foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska like a few years ago." Jessica continues, looking over her shoulder at the new comers.

"They kinda keep to themselves." Angela adds.

"Yea because some of them are like together together. The blonde girl, that's Rosalie and that big dark haired guy, that's Emmet. The two aren't a thing and honestly seem to kind of have some sibling rivalry going on." Jessica laughs. "You see the little dark haired girl? That's Alice, she's really weird and the blonde one that looks- holy shit!"

Curious of her curse I turn to find the blonde southerner smiling at me broadly, eyes never seeming to leave my own. With a small smile and a nod I turn back to look at Jessica, the mousy blonde staring at me in shock.

"Jasper is smiling at you?!" She gasps.

"Are you about to have a stroke? We met during history, boy was a big talker." I shrug with a small chuckle. The girl continues to gape at me when Isabella interrupts again.

"Who's he?" She breaths lustfully. Oh for the love of the gods. Turning back to the door, Jessica blushes before continuing.

"That's Edward Cullen, totally gorgeous obviously, but he's got eyes only for the ice bitch, aka Rosalie Hale. Like I care."

How many times was she rejected?

"Yea so Rosalie and Edward are the only two together, Alice gives serious lesbian vibes while Jasper and Emmet basically avoid the girls like the plague." Jessica finishes.

"So it's just Edward and Rosalie. Only those two?" Isabella muses.

"Yea but they basically make up for the entire family if you know what I mean." Jessica grumbles. A sound of disgust leaves me at her indication. I don't know what is more gross, their sex lives or that she knows about it.

Deliberately trying to zone out of the rest of their conversation, I return my focus to the questionable excuse of food on my tray. Not lifting my eyes when the dark skinned boy from before bounds over, Mike pouting on his tail as they both settle down at the table.

"Tyler Crowley, your future date to prom." He offer his hand to me, an egotistical expression similar to the blonde footballer leering over my figure.

"Luna, not into the whole mingling between sweaty hormonal teens." I excuse.

"Playing hard to get." He raises a brow.

"You're not my type." I shrug. "I'm not into the whole major prat thing."


"I think of it more as self respect."

"You're a total polar opposite to your sister." He states.

"Didn't the accent give it away? I am a foster kid. Born in Greece to a mother of its heritage, raised in London, biological father was a Quileute from the reservation and finally I was adopted by my Pateras, the chief of police. There is thankfully no blood relation between us." I correct. "Now if you all would not mind, I am off to class."

"The bell hasn't gone yet?" Angela stumbles.

"No but it will in about thirty-seven seconds." I answer before standing and placing my scraps in a bin and stepping out of the room.

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