Chapter Four

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The mother fucking shit just happened?!

One moment I was standing by the wrangler with my family, making fun of Edwards weirdly spiked hair, the next I was following the most mouthwatering scent I had ever smelt in my ninety so years of existence. The scent was one of sweet French vanilla and fresh night air with a hint of rain, it aroused no thirst and if anything shockingly took away the ever present burn within my throat. The scent made me feel protective and possessive, a new unquenchable need that rose stronger than the thirst.

A need to claim and mate.

It was with a start that I realised the origin of the scent and if anything moved faster, pushing past people and crowds alike, only stopping when a small body runs straight into mine. A flutter of sparks follow the brief contact before she tumbled to the ground. Staring down I can't help but gaze in shock at her beauty. Short raven curls framed a perfect almond complexion, big eyes two pools of silver while a flawless hourglass adored her tiny body.

Shit. All I could think about was taking her away and fucking her senseless within the forest, claiming her mine.

My little mate was about to rise before I pulled her into my arms, holding her tight as I dared to my chest.

"You're here." I mummer. "After all these fucking years waiting." Her body stiffens slightly, seeming understandably confused before she whispers in shock.


"What was that baby girl." I ask, my breath kissing her ear as a purring rumbles within my chest.

"Could you kindly place me back on my feet?" She asks. Growling in defiance I hold her tighter. "Please, put me down."
Her tone shifts slightly, and the request is one I oddly can't seem to relent too.

Gently, I place her back on her feet, confused out of my mind before turning worried beyond belief as she seems to daze.

Shocking similar so Alice, my little mate stares blankly in a kind of trance before snapping out of it, staring at me in shock.

"I'm your mate." She mutters in bewilderment before ducking around me and all but running down the hall. I was about to follow her when Alice seemed to materialise in front of me.

"Did I just see what I thought I saw?" She queries jovially.

"She knew." I state dumbly.

"How though?" She chocks her head as Edward approaches.

"I couldn't read her mind." He muses in shocked confusion. "She didn't have a scent either, I couldn't smell her blood."

"Neither could I." Alice agrees.

"I could only detect her natural scent." I nod.

"Maybe it's a natural defence, she's mated to a vampire so her scent does not appeal in a way to cause her harm from other vampires." Alice hums, and though the explanation makes all but perfect sense, it didn't feel right.
My brother and I simply nod, both of us clearly doubtful before we end up being dragged off by our sister, a thoughtful look upon her face.

"What do you mean you can't see her?!" Edward whispers sharply.

"I mean that I can see the first new girl Isabella, but Luna is like a fractured puzzle. Every vision I look for her in is broken and seems to build a kind of mirage around her. She's just not there." She huffs. "Maybe it has nothing to do with Emmet, she may have a defensive talent that protects her, if it's this strong now, just image how powerful she'll be when she's one of us!" She giggles excitedly.
Nodding absentmindedly I fall back behind them, uncharacteristically quiet as flashes of my mates angelic face come to the fore front of my mind.



I was always burning, my throat felt as if it were being flayed, raging lava pooling in my throat. It was all consuming, the added burn of my family even from halls away adding to the insatiable burn. Barely able to prevent myself from either causing massacre or running away, I hold onto the worn wood of the dest before me, using the fragile timbre as a kind of anchor.

Just as I was about to make a run, hide myself from the pain and blood of the unsuspecting students around me, the most mouth watering scent slams into my senses like a jackhammer. The scent birthed no thirst, the burning agony a flame only moment prior now completely lost, as if never there to begin with.

Vanilla, fresh nigh air, the gentle scent that came with the downpour of a summer storm.

It was addicting, the single scent more entrancing then even the euphoric sweetness of fresh vein. Whipping my head up I find the most divine creature I had ever seen. With dark features against flawless almond complexion she was a goddess with supreme beauty within her electric silver eyes alone. The raven curls of her beautiful bob begging me to run my hands through them.

She was so small that she wouldn't likely reach past my shoulder if she could reach them at all.

My mate, my little darlin'.

"Hello, I'm Luna." She introduces.

"Jasper Hale." I sigh dazed.

"Pleasure to meet you Jasper." She smiles kindly, removing a book and pen as the class begins, a simple lesson of notes commencing.

"You're new." I state, never turning away from my desirable little mate.

"And you're captain obvious." I feel my eyes darken as the Major attempt to push forward, wanting to show our mate the punishment for sass.

"Careful darlin', smart mouthen' ain't gonna get you anywhere." I tut, my southern tongue showing.

"I like your accent." She comments airily, seeming to ignore our earlier topic of conversation.

"And I yours." I chuckle. "Easily distracted?"

"No." She shrugs, turning back to her notes before seeming to completely zoned out of the class.

During the class I kept attempting to gain her attention, asking questions and even the very uncharacteristic making jokes, while she would laugh or answer, they were always vague and short lived. While she was being exceptionally polite, it was clear she was a person that depended on herself far more then others. And had been for a very long time. For her sake I hoped she hadn't grown to enjoy it that way, because I was about to bring down every wall she built around herself.

My peculiar little mate.

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