Chapter Ten

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Bloody hydra.

Shaking off the onyx fluid milking my blades, I glare down at the pile of golden dust flittering away in the wind. Isabella had left me behind again, leaving me to walk, again.

I honestly enjoyed the time alone in the woods, the shadows whispered while the wind sang, it was peaceful and allowed my power to settle. But it seemed that my two weeks trips though the trees had led to my scent being left quite strongly behind, a hydra pick up on it and undoubtedly leading several other monsters in its hunt. The creature itself was rather complicated when it came to controlling it, or killing it. To control the serpent, I had to gain favour of all its minds, leading to countless swaying of its loyalties that came with the multiple heads. To kill it was a similar problem, decapitate one head, two more grow in reaction. Cutting out the heart or burning the fire breathing serpent was the only means to destroying it. Neither easy.

Sighing I look towards the darkening sky, a storm rolling in viciously. Looking up, I welcome the rain, feeling as the clouds tears wash away the blood and mire from my skin.
While indulging in the storm, a sound of fast footwork sounds close by, turning on my feet I find the sound moving towards me, barely catching a glance of long blonde hair and ruby eyes before the shadows take me.


Landing in my room, my breath grows heavy. The nomads were here.
Not bothering to use the stairs, the shadows drop me in the kitchen, startling Pateras.

"Damnit Lu!" He gasps, the coffee about to scorch his flesh hover above his stomach. "How many times do I have to tell you not to do that?"

"You're still hunting the creature that mutilated that guard right?" I breath quickly, confused when his eyes sadden.

"And Waylon." He mutters.

"What?" I gasp, remembering the old fisherman who used to dress as Santa for Christmas when I was younger.

"Found him this afternoon." Sighing I move to hug him in condolence.

"Na anapafthei I psychi tou." I murmur.
"You know I don't understand Greek." He laughs forcefully.

"No, but I believe you understand my message." Nodding he smiles sadly.

"It's not an animal is it? You wouldn't have come down so abruptly, and why are you soaked?"

"Isabella left me at school again then I had an unscheduled appointment with a wandering hydra that caught my scent, nothing out of the ordinary." I brush off.

"Again? Dammit Bella." He groans. "I was wondering why she showed up at the station without ya, she said she went shopping before running into the fluffy haired Cullen boy."

"You can get her into trouble later-wait, what was she doing with Edward?"

"Like I said, she apparently ran into him." He shrugs.

"More likely stalked." I grumble before continuing on the original topic at hand.

"I can't tell you what it is Pateras, I'm sorry. But if the leaders of their world ever gained even a whisper that you knew, you would be executed. But just promise me that if you do go hunting, either take me or Jake along, Sam or one of his friends even." I beg.

"I'll try little moon but what of the rest of the force?"

"Remember that necklace I made you when I was little." I query.

"Never taken it off." He chuckles, revealing the small leather twined chain with a burnt gold pendant, a carving of a shrieking woman with serpents for hair crowning her like a broken halo.

"It's a totem, enchanted by Hecate herself. With it on no harm can reach a ten metre radius of you, nor the people around."

"Even while moving?" He ponders in bewilderment, looking over the small charm in curiosity.

"Where ever you are, with the charm on. Even if an object were to be pegged towards you, or you fall victim to a car crash, not a scratch will become you. It works as a kind of body bind so you are protected most but an outer barrier is also fortified." I explain, amused as he examines the pendent as if looking for a larger side to fit its incredibility.

"So I have invisible bubble wrap around me?" He deadpans.


"What if I were to say, be a situation where I could drown?" He ponders.

"It will place you in a stasis that isolates the oxygen with the water to keep your brain active while slowing your heart to a slow beat as to level your adrenaline and would level your heat to a health sustained temperature fitting that environment."


"The gods are quite clever with such trinkets." I nod. "But you will be careful right?"

"Yea, yea." He shoos off, still looking at the necklace in oddly while turning a nod shaking it. Glaring playfully, I drop his now cold coffee onto his lap, laughing loudly at his girly squeal before the shadows return me to my room.
Looking towards the door, I silently open the hatch, holding the falling stairs as to make the drop soundless. Walking down, I step into the hall, looking through Isabella's agar door to find her with an expression of shock with her computer open and a book in hand.

She knows.

With the realisation I knock on the door before stepping into the room, startling the clumsy girl as she lands on the floor with a groan.

"What the hell?!"

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you."

"Sure you didn't. Now what do you want?"

"Just to warn you to make an excuse and make it quick, Pateras knows that you have found pleasure in leaving me at school." I shrug.

"You bitch!" She snarls.

"I wouldn't go with that one. Maybe keep practicing."

"Yea well I know the Cullens secret." She snarks, smirking at me vindictively.

"And you think I care because?"

"Because it proves that you are clearly not as smart and special as everyone thinks you are, with their secret I can become just as much a embodiment of perfection as they are. And you will forever ever clueless to it." She smirks.

"That they are cold ones?" I yawn, genuinely tired after my eventual afternoon.

"How did you?!" She shrills.

"I've been aware of their kind since I was a very young child, and I recognised them the moment we entered school on that first day." I shrug in fatigue. "A word of advice Isabella. Keep this to yourself at all costs. Humans are not unaware of their kind because they can't figure it out but more so that when whisper came that they did, they are disposed of before word could spread." Leaving behind the stunned girl, I turn to the bathroom for a quick shower. Pulling on my pyjamas before returning to my room for the third time today. Collapsing onto the bed in exhaustion as two figures enter the room through the window.

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