Chapter Twenty Three

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Ok, that kinda hurts.

Pulling my blades from the last monster of the clearing I stumble backwards, my head fogging as a cold sweat begins dripping from my brow.

The clearing that once held an innocent baseball game now shone darkly in golden dust and curling shadows, I hadn't even realised the shield protecting the pack and two covens fall as I continue to stumble.

Frowning I look down at my chest, groaning irritably at the torn cotton of my shirt, several growing pools of crimson colouring the grey fabric and revealing three large gashes running across my chest and lower abdomen.

In that moment I was glad to have left my snow jacket within the veil, it was one of my favourites.

Looking over the wound as best I could I wince as the adrenaline beings to leave my system, the pain gradually ebbing from a dull pulse into white hot pain.

From the familiar mauls I could tell it was a harpy, I tended to fall victim to their claws the most.

The scars on my back and collar bones justified that.

At the sound of coming foot steps, I immediately raise my hands, crossing them over the other and holding my blades, tilting the steel curves slightly forward.

My glare drops as I see my big brother's beautiful night dark wolf stood before me.

His wolf form was probably my favourite, his giant dark body reminding me of my mother's horses of night.

"Hey Sam." I whimper with a small smile, dropping my blades. "How much trouble am I in?"

With that the world turns dark, splotches of fading light creeping in no matter how hard I try to fight them.

I vaguely feel my body begin to tip and fall, an odd sensation of chilled limbs meeting my crippling body rather then the mire earth.

The darkness was nice, far nicer then the odd voices trying to get me. It made me sleepy.


That sounded nice. Maybe mama would visit as she would when I was little, singing her special lullaby.

Ignoring the intruding voices I fall into the darkness, welcoming the familiar cold of it openly.


I don't know what the fuck is happening, but it's never fucking happening again.

The dark thing around us wouldn't damn give way, no matter how many times I beat and rammed at it. The fucking thing wouldn't break.

All I could do was watch helplessly as my mate, my small, precious, beautiful little mate who was sobbing in fear and miss directed guilt in my arms only hours before, cut through giant clawed and scaled monsters alike as if they were nothing.

And somehow, even in my worry and fear for her, my little mate still managed to fucking turn me on.

She made it look effortless, she was graceful and precise, making the entire fight look like a dance. The metal she held shone, sparkling with her eyes and stray white curl.

Her hair framed her face like a halo as she danced around the strange creatures around her, while her glowing almond skin looked more alive then I had ever seen her.

I honestly couldn't tell what part of the situation bewildered me most.

Watching my little, innocent and fragile mate wield oddly shaped swords with the ease that came with one using their own damn limbs, the monsters she was killing with them, or how she seemed to be able to simply disappear through strange dark blacks and violet swirls and pop out another someplace different. How she would use similar coloured matter to attack and kill the things around her, or even the giant impenetrable shield she had surrounded my family, the wolves, nomads and myself in.

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