°Soft Kisses°

730 12 6

A story where they actually have their life together for once

Tord opened the door and entered the house, hanging up his coat and taking off his shoes by the door right after. "I'm home!" He called out. The house was warm and filled with the scent of delicious cooking. Tom walked out from the kitchen and went over to his lover and wrapped his arms around him, giving him a kiss on his head. "I missed you.." Tord giggled and hugged Tom back, looking up at the british male. "I missed you too you big baby." Tom chuckled and brought his hand to Tord's and lead Tord to the kitchen.

Tord followed and set his keys down on the counter. "So, what were you up to while I was at work?" He asked as he let go of Tom's hand, Tom going back to cooking and Tord going to sit down. "Oh, nothing much. It's boring here without you." Tord softly smiled and pulled out his phone from his pocket. "Good."
"Yeah, you better miss me when I'm gone." Tom let out a snort as he mixed the stuff in the pot. "Oh really? And why is that?" Tord scrolled through his phone with a small smirk. "Who wouldn't miss me. I mean, I'd be offended if you had more fun by yourself than with me." The eyeless man continued to add some ingredients to his cooking, focusing on small things with a small smile.

"Edd and Matt called." Tord's eyes widened and he put his phone down and looked at Tom who was still cooking. "Really? What did they want?" Tom smiled and put the spoon he was using to the side and turned around and faced Tord. "They're getting married! They want us to be there and we could catch up too." He smiled wide. "Dang, it's been years since we all moved out to live our own lives and we barely talked since! Oh, the memories are flooding back." Tord said in an over exaggerated tone. Tom walked behind Tord who was still sitting down and wrapped his arms around his shoulders from behind and rest his chin on his head.

"That's gonna be us some day.." Tom said softly. Tord hummed and leaned into Tom's touch. "I promise you, one day I'm gonna purpose to you and give you the best ring you have ever seen. And, if you'd like," Tom rest his chin on Tord's shoulder, now talking a bit quieter with his mouth next to Tord's ear. "We could maybe have a family of our own." He giggled. Tord smiled. "I'd love that, it sounds like a dream.." He said softly, closing his eyes and focused on only Tom. They stayed like that for a while, until Tom kissed his cheek and slowly pulled away and went back to cooking so that the food doesn't get burnt.


Tom closed the front door behind him as he walked in his house. He took off his jacket and hung it up, taking his shoes off right after. "I'm home!" He called.

"Daddy!" A little girl ran straight to Tom and jumped right into his arms, Tom scooping his daughter up and giving her a big hug. "Aw there's my little girl!" He held her up as she sat on his arm, the two laughing. Tord walked over to the two with a small smile and kissed Tom on the cheek. "Welcome back, love. We were just about to watch a movie." Tord turned around and made his way back to the living room, their cat walking by them along the way.

Instead of sitting on the couch, Tom and Eve sat in a fort made of blankets with more cozy blankets, pillows, stuffed animals and a night light inside of it. They waited for Tord to come back with the snacks and drinks, and once he did Tom scooted over and Tord laid down on his stomach right next to Tom with Eve on top of Tom's back. Tord leaned his head on Tom's shoulder as the movie played and let out a small happy sigh. He really loves this man. Tom placed his hand on top of Tord's and locked their fingers together, both rings on their fingers shining like a bright star.

Once the movie was finished, Eve was fast asleep on Tom's back. Tord gently and carefully lifted Eve and carried her to her room and tucked her in bed while Tom began to clean up the living room. Tord gently laid her down in her bed and tucked her in, placing her stuffed animal right next to her, which she cuddled with right away. Tord smiled and kissed his daughter goodnight before closing the door and making his way back to the living room to help Tom clean.

"I have to go to work tomorrow and I won't be back until night again.." Tom said as he picked up the pillows. "I know, I'm sorry, it's just that we're getting busier every day and it's important that I be there." Tord nodded as he threw wrappers and trash from their snacks in the garbage. "It's alright, I'll take tomorrow off and take care of Eve again. Don't worry about it, just please don't over work yourself." Tom nodded and put everything else away. He gently took Tord's hand in his and the two walked to their bedroom.

After getting ready for bed, the two cuddled together. Tom let out a happy sigh once he relaxed. "You know," Tom began as he played with Tord's long shoulder length hair. "It's been a while since we've went on a date.." Tord opened his eyes and looked at his husband. "Are you asking me out?" Tom chuckled and kissed Tord's forehead. "What do you say on Saturday we let Edd and Matt take care of Eve and we have the day to ourselves.." Tord smiled and looked into his lover's breath taking eyes. "Sounds like a plan.." Tom kissed Tord on his soft lips and pulled him close, closing his eyes and falling asleep.

First 1,000+ word story in a while! :D

~1,031 words~

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