°The bucket list 5/21°

759 19 25

×I couldn't find the source of the artist. A person reposted it and the art is by Ara but didn't say the source.

Art found: tordiio_
Source: Instagram
I just realized that I didn't put the current bucket list at the very beginning on the 4/21, so I'll just stop putting it there and only put it at the end since it's not really that necessary to put it up top :)

Tord hummed to himself as he walked
downstairs with no problem. Only thing on his mind was what to accomplish next on his list and the lunch he was about to eat, since he skipped breakfast. But unfortunatly that's not what was on the other housemates mind.

They glared at him as he hummed to himself and grabbed a plate with grilled cheese placed on top of it. "Tord." Edd said coldly. Tord stopped humming and faced Edd with a brow raised, not thinking about everything he had done the past 4 days.

"Do you have something to say?" Edd asked in a cold tone. Tord lowered his lunch and thought for a moment before responding. "Uhm, no. I don't think so. Why?" Tord asked confused and if you had no idea of what he did, you could say he souned innocent. "Oh I don't know. MAYBE AT LEAST A SORRY!? You have been being so.. Just so- DIFFERENT! Bad different! You have been making Matt in edge to protect his mirrors AND his face from YOU! Because YOU destroyed the things he cared most about! And replacing the thing that I value most with what I DESPISE! And you have been rude to Tom for more than 5 years, so you owe him mkre than that, but not one sorry ever came out of your mouth!" Edd ranted, his face red with rage. He wasn't one to yell yet here he is.

"I'm only SORRY when I am truly sorry! WhenI feel BAD for what I did, for my own actions. I won't apologize because I was forced to, I'll apologoze when I'm genuinly SORRY. When I feel bad, sad, guilty, but I DON'T. I have a reason I did the things I did." Tord defended himself quickly. Tom stood out of his chair with anger. "OH YEAH!? Then please, tell us why you did what you did." Tom yelled through his clentched teeth, trying his best to calm down.

"I-I.. Uhh..." Tord trailed off trying his best to think of an excuse without giving anything away. Before Tord could answer, Tom scoffed. "I always knew you were so careless about other people.."

"It's a reason that doesn't need to be told to you but I know that I am not the bad guy here. It's none of your buisness why I do the things I do-"

"It IS my business if what you do affects not only me but MY friends!"

"Stop saying it like Edd and Matt are only your friends!"

"They will be if you keep this up! Plus, they secretly perfer me over you."

"Shut up Tom you don't know tha-"

"EDD! Who do you perfer?" Tom said aggresively and angerly. Edd looked at Tom, then Tore, then back to Tom, then back To Tord, and again and again nervously. "I-I uhh..." Edd looked around for any excuse to get out of this mess. "Come on Edd don't lie! We both know who you perfer! The three of us talked trash about that dumb Commie yesterday so don't lie!" Tom shouted in frustration just to prove Tord wrong.

"I-I *sigh* okay, yes I perfer Tom... B-But I still think that you're a good frie-"

"MATT! Who do you perfer?" Tom demanded rather than asked for an answer. Matt fiddled with his finger nail polish nervously, sweat dripping down his face. "... I perfer Tom- O-ONLY because he buys me mirrors every weekend..!.... W-Which you detroyed..."

Tord stared at them in shock? He was feeling a ton of emotions. Sadness, anger, betrayal, etc. So, his friends.. Aren't his friends? They talked about him behind his back? This is too much to take in for the Norwegian.

Tord teared up, tears appearing in the corner of his eyes. He didn't want to cry in front of them, especially a proud and smirking Tom. Tord looked down at the floor. "Okay.. If that's how you all feel..." Tord said it small and quick before going up to his room at a fast pace.

He slammed his door shut, mostly because he's mad, but also to make it clear to them that he was upset so that they could feel stupid sympathy for him and apologize to him and make him feel a bit better. He went over to his desk and picked up his bucket list with shakey hands. He looked at it closely. He teared up even more and tightly clentched the paper with his hand. His eyebrows showed that he was clearly angry. He gritted his teeth together tightly before,  "GRAAH!" Tord growled loudly as his tears finally fell down his face and without thinking he began ripping the paper to shreds.

He grunted every time he teared apart a piece of the paper. His tears continued to fall and it didn't seem like it was going to stop any time soon.  It continued for a little while later of him yelling, until his sobbing became too much and his legs became too weak to hold him up. He fell to the floor on his knees, he leaned his head foward to the floor in front of him and sobbed, cried, and screamed.

After a whole 4 hours and 21 seconds, his sobbing died down. He gripped the chair at his desk tightly and slowly got up. His eyes were red and puffy. When he got up, he looked down at the mess he had made, making his eyes grow wide and tears appearing once again. He... Ruined his bucket list. He did. He has no one to blame but himself for ruining his list and his friendship. His tears silently fell. He ran to his bed and hid under the covers and another heavy blanket he had.

This list will now be crossed off based on what Tord did in the chapters. He will do the things that he remembers from the list now that it is gone.

Current bucket list:

Go back to Norway with friends
Kiss someone special
Stop smoking
Ride a horse
Break all of Matt's mirrors✅
Drink all of Edd's cola
Replace cola with pepsi✅
Spend Tom's money✅
Visit Patryck and Paul
Kill a spider without help
Learn how to use chopsticks
Stare at Edd while he's drawing to piss him off
Be nice for a day (even to Jehova)
Play a sport
Be a cat with Ringo for a day
Read an actual book (NOT HENTAI)
Piss Matt off
Piss Edd off✅
Piss Tom off✅
Almost die to go to the hospital
Get free food

~1,174 words~

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