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Art by: yuzuki_letrash
Source: Picuki
1) Accept

Tord nodded. Patryck and Paul smiled and took out their phones while Tord told them his phone number.


Tord took his phone out to see whoever texted him. An unknown number.

Fish kabob

"That's me." Patryck said with a goofy smile on his face. Tord snickered. "F-Fish kabob?" Patryck laughed. "Haha, yeah! What did tou want mw to say? Hi?"

"I mean, yeah!" The two shared a laugh until Tord got another text message. Unknown number.

Sushi Dushi

Tord laughed again. "Paul, this is you. Isn't it?" Paul chuckled. "Yep." Tord updated his contacts and titled their names as 'Pat' and 'Pau'. Now the three were on their phones and not heading home. Paul made a group chat with Patryck, Tord, and himself and now the three won't stop texting. That is until Tord realized that he hadn't made his way home yet and got distracted.

Tord said a quick goodbye and "I'll text you guys once I get home!" Tord ran home and slammed the door open and closed the door behind him. "Hey, Tord." Greeted Tori, Tord's sister who is four years older than him.

Year: Freshman in College
Friends: Ell, Matilda, Laurel
Fact: Her hair goes down to the end of her butt
Relationship with Tord: 1,000/10
Tord's opinion: She's the only one who loves me and it's embarrassing.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship status: Single but proud

Year: Senior
Friends: Patryck, Yuu, Tord
Fact: He's crushing on Patryck
Relationship with Tord: Friends
Tord's opinion: He's cool
Sexuality: Gay
Relationship status: Crushing

Year: Senior
Friends: Paul, Yuu, Tord
Fact: He can cook like, really good
Relationship with Tord: Friends
Tord's opinion: He's nice
Sexuality: Gay
Relationship status: Crushing

"Hey." Tord said slightly out of breath. He took off his shoes and went upstairs. Tord took his bag off and threw it on the floor. He went into his closet and picked out a more comfortable outfit to wear and changed. Tord flopped onto his bed face first, now wearing an oversized black shirt (that he stole from Tori's closet) and short shorts. He took out his phone from his sweater pocket before he took it off so now it was in his hands. He unlocked his phone and went straight into the group chat which is now titled

Dumb Gang uwu

Tord   Patryck   Paul

Ok who tf titled this 'Dumb Gang uwu'

It was Patryck

Yeah, the uwu part

I did the Dumb Gang


Because we met in detention for doing dumb things and we're a gang I guess. I didn't want to say trio because trees are dumb.

No. Why the 'uwu'?

Because he's gay



You are too so don't even come for me

Same here

Wait, really?


Tord looked at the title of the chat and realized that it changed.

Gay Gang

Who changed it this time

That would be me

He's found guilty


Do you guys wanna hang out again? Idk it's just that I'm alone most of the time so

Sure! When?


Today's Friday so we could hang out whenever tomorrow unless you all got plans

Sorry, I can't tomorrow. I have to help my dumb aunt take care of old people

Just tell her what you said last time

What did he say last time?

That Paul's mom died and he wants me to go to the funeral with him or else he'll be sad

But isn't she gonna ask how she died twice?

He's been using that excuse for two years


She isn't the smartest

No kidding! There was this one time she used those things you use to peel an apple and peeled a whole watermelon with it!

What the heck

At least I only see her once every three months

"Tord!!!" Tori called out.

I gtg



Tord turned his phone off and went downstairs. "Yeah?" He questioned, now looking at Tori wearing more fancy clothing than she would wear in the house. "I'm going to Laurel's birthday party. She wants you to come. Wanna?" Tori shifted her weight from one side to the other. "Hmm, I don't know. Laurel's nice, but is Suzan gonna be there?" I asked. Laurel's brother is Jake and Jake's friend is Alex and Alex is friends with Tom and the entire gang and Laurel is friends with Suzan. "I don't know. But, you get to hang out with Jake~-"

"Jake can go suck a deformed duck!" I shouted and interrupted her. Tori groaned. "Why do you hate Jake so much? He's nice, good looking, hot,"

"Annoying, abnoxious, disrespectful." I continued for Tori. "Oh come on! How is he disrespectful?" Tori questioned. I hummed and sarcastically thought. "Oh, I don't know.. He doesn't respect bounderies! He's ALWAYS all over me! It's disgusting!" I yell throwing my hands up in the air. "That's a good thing! You're lonely and never get out of the house! You could use a boyfriend like him!" She argued back. "How would you like it if a homeless person started flirting with you and we see them everyday because I give him money!" I yelled. Tori was silent. "Exactly." I harshly said in a low whisper.

Tori huffed. "It starts in three hours. I'll give you time to think. You're lucky I told you early so you could get ready."

Year: Senior
Friends: Alex, Kevin, Molly
Fact: He plays the piano
Relationship with Tord: -9,862/5
Tord's opinion: He friggin sucks
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship status: Crushing

Year: Senior
Friends: Jake, Tom, Edwardo, Mark
Fact: He's dumb
Relationship with Tord: Hate eachother but knows a lot about eeachother
Tords's opinion: He's a cheater and will always be one.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship status: Taken
Girlfriend: Suzan

Tord went back upstairs and flopped down on the bed. He thought about if he should go or not. Laurel's nice and all, but she's also friends with Suzan AND her brother is a wanna be play boy and he's friends with a play boy that's part of a play boy wanna be boys that pray to be manly but are just soft little boys. But, at the same time, Tori is going to be there and if he gets picked on, she'll easily beat their butts. But, at the same time, that's embarressing having your older sister stand up for you.

1) Go to the party
2) Stay at home

~1,073 words~

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