The Parson Mansion

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 'Someone in the crowd could be the one you need to know, the one to finally lift you off the ground'



 Kaz only had one thing on his mind- kruge. Specifically, the 30,000 kruge he would gain from acquiring the sapphires lying in Mr. Parson's safe. 

 The Parson Mansion was heavily guarded every night of the year but this one- the evening of Julia Parson's birthday. One of Ketterdam's wealthiest mercher brats, the newly 18-year-old had demanded a lavish party to show the city's upper class that she had survived another year (draped in silks and being fed Ravkan sweets of course). Her father had granted this wish, surpassing what even young Julia had expected. 

Swaths of fuscia fabrics were hung from the walls, bouquets of peonies sat at every table, the waiters wore rose-colored suits, and every guest was dressed to the nines. 

 The first ballroom looked grander than ever, with its gold pillars and life-sized oil portraits of past Parson clan members. From what Kaz could see, golden-haired Julia was not the first Parson to lack natural beauty, for she shared the same inbred looking qualities that her forefathers had. 

 The second ballroom was the most changed room of the house. It has been transformed into an opera house, with a large stage at the forefront. Kaz was surprised Mr. Parson hadn't hired a Sun Summoner to provide lighting (not that there weren't Grisha assisting with the event). 

 Kaz had been planning this job for 3 weeks, and with the help of Inej and Jesper he had devised a way to pull it off without a scuffle. Both him and Jesper had stolen invitations to the party, and Inej could be trusted to find her own way in. The plan was quite simple- Inej would clear a path to the Parson's private quarters, Kaz would pick the locks on the safe, and Jesper would act as the getaway driver. With the party guests so entranced by the festivities, the trio would have no trouble maneuvering unnoticed. 

Kaz had a champagne glass in his hand, and was surveying the activities around him with a prudish glance. He ran his tongue through his teeth, fighting the urge to run his gloved hands through his hair so that it could return to its haphazard state. Anyone with the displeasure of knowing him wouldn't have recognized the boy-the white suit, side swept hair, and relaxed nature made sure of that. Kaz enjoyed the fact that he, the quintessential Barrel thief could so easily blend in with the group of aristocrats. He lingered on that thought as the guests were ushered from the first ballroom into the second, the night's entertainment about to begin.

 This performance (whatever it was) was the perfect set-up, as all of the guests would be distracted, and very few would be roaming the hallways to spot Kaz entering the Parson's quarters. 

 Kaz found Jesper's eyes in the crowd as people began to take their seats. Kaz nodded, a signal that this was Jesper's time to leave and retrieve a carriage for their escape. Jesper slipped out the back door as Kaz found a seat in the back corner, one that he could easily leave without being noticed. He would wait a few minutes into the performance before making a quiet exit.

 Meanwhile, a commotion had started at the front of the aisles. The birthday girl seemed to be quite upset with the servant escorting her to her chair.

"No, no, no! Daddy said I get the best seat!" The girl was stamping her foot angrily, much to Kaz's amusement.

"Miss, these are-" The servant, a boy about Kaz's age, was trembling over his words as Julia bombarded him with her complaints. 

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