A Graceful Exit

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We could have had it all, rolling in the deep

~~ Rolling in the Deep ~~


I just did some revision and I actually love this chapter. Kaz's two personalities (total asshole and Victoria simp) are battling and I found it really fun to write about his confliction. 

"Victoria, I'm going to need those diamonds."

She didn't look up from her hand mirror, continuing to detangle her dark hair which fell messily around her shoulders. Kaz dared to look at her, maybe see how she had changed. She definitely looked older, although her face that had just been washed of makeup still managed to glow in the candlelight. Her small frame was evident even sitting down, one aspect of her appearance that had never changed.

Kaz nearly shuddered as she began to speak, his memories drowning him. "Look, I explained to Pekka he needn't send his people when I am on a job, this is getting ridiculous. I have another 8 months to pay what I owe, and sending these ogres in after me is simply intimidation that isn't going to speed up the process." She took an annoyed breath, placing her brush onto the table. She looked up into the large vanity that had been set up in front of her. She slowly pried the back off of her left earring. Kaz stepped forward slowly, so that she could see him by looking just the right way into her mirror.

"Tori, dear, I'm really going to need those diamonds." Kaz heard her breath hitch as she heard his old nickname for her. He wished he could forget the pained expression that he saw when she turned to face him.


It was more like a whisper than a spoken word, and her lips remained slightly ajar after she said it. He watched as the soft sadness in her eyes changed to anger, remembering the last time she had seen the boy. And as fast as she turned to look at him, she turned back to the mirror, removing the first earring.

"Why should I give you them?" She continued to remove the other earring, with such nonchalance that one could imagine that Kaz had not just entered the room.

Not sure exactly what to say, Kaz let his eyes wander the girl who he could now see fully. She was wearing only a light pink slip that barely reached her thighs. Her ankles were crossed below her, and her feet were bare against the soft carpet. Her pale complexion, rosy cheeks, and dark hair made her appear like a porcelain doll. For some reason he felt a surge of relief that he, not one of the Pekka's thugs, had entered to see her in this state.

"Victoria don't make this difficult. Hand me the earrings."

Victoria scoffed, shaking her head slightly. She removed the second earring and held both in her palm. She exhaled slowly, as if her emotion could be purged through breath. Her feet took root in the floor and she stood to face Kaz. 

"Difficult? Difficult is what you put me through. You don't have the right to ask me to not be difficult." Her voice was gaining volume as she stepped towards him, not taking her eyes off his own.

Kaz took in a deep breath, biting his tongue and looking anywhere but at the girl in front of him. Had he really thought that this would be easy? That'd she just hand over the thing he wanted after everything?

"You can't even look at me. You threw me out after years, years that I had been by your side! For no good reason besides you were in a bad mood!" If only she knew. He looked down at her as her chest rose and fell, her eyes sparking with rage and devastation. Despite him towering over her, her stance didn't waver.

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