An Arsonist Fireman

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I hate you for what you did, and I miss you like a little kid

~~ Motion Sickness ~~

~Phoebe Bridgers~

It felt like ages since Nina had made her way to the Crow Club. From her spot at the bar, she could spot a new dealer at the tables and a new bouncer at the door, which was unusual. Kaz tended to find loyal associates, and they wouldn't stray due to fear alone.

She regretted not visiting Inej sooner, and worried about anyone who worked with Kaz Brekker on a daily basis. He was the kind of person who entertained a VERY hostile work environment.

Nina flashed the bartender a smile, and pushed her empty glass towards him along with a few coins. Weaving her way through the crowds, she made her way to the stairs which led to Inej's room. It was around 9pm, and every table was packed. Kaz must've been quite happy with the success. Nina chuckled to herself at the thought of the boy with a grin on his face.

She reached Inej's tidy room, peeking inside. No surprise, Inej was absent. At this time, none of the Dregs were likely to be asleep. There was always something happening in the Barrel.

For this reason, Nina was surprised when she passed Kaz's room. Although the door was closed, Nina could've sworn she heard a slow heartbeat within the room. It couldn't be Kaz, for he was always in his office at this time. Curious, Nina cautiously opened the door.

Sure enough, a tangle of dark hair could be seen peeking out from the duvet on Kaz's bed. Nina was shocked- Kaz barely let anyone enter his room much less sleep in his bed. Scared to wake the girl, Nina closed the door of the room, smiling softly. She continued to Kaz's office, not bothering to knock before walking in.

The scene she found was a common one- Inej sitting against the wall fidgeting with a knife, Jesper relaxed in an armchair looking slightly confused, and Kaz standing over his desk, looking intensely at a piece of parchment. All three looked up when Nina entered, Inej and Jesper with smiles while Kaz maintained a grimace.

Nina maintained a bright smile, even as Kaz gave her a look of annoyance.

"Sorry to bother your scheming, but I just need a chat with Inej here." Nina pulled Inej to her feet and threw an arm around the smaller girl.

Jesper leaned back in his chair, replying, "You're not bothering anything. Kaz stopped talking a few minutes ago and has had resting bitch face for a bit now."

Nina chuckled and pulled Inej into the far corner, lowering her voice so only she could hear.

"Why is there a girl asleep in Kaz's bed?"

Inej smiled, looking to Kaz who was still staring at some papers.

She responded, "She's not actually asleep, she's drugged." Inej cautiously looked back to Kaz who was still involved in his work. 

"And she's there because Kaz put her there." Nina's eyes widened, her mind jumping to all sorts of conclusions.

"Wait, Kaz drugged a girl?" she said, talking slightly louder than she wanted to.

To Nina's surprise, Kaz interjected from his desk. "Nina , if you're going to gossip about me you needn't try to hide it."

Nina rolled her eyes at his comment.

"Then tell me, are you in the business of kidnapping these days?"

"It's Victoria," Jesper said matter-of-factly.

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