
71 4 36

1st year


Walking up to the Gryffindor common room, Sirius bit his lip anxiously.

He knew there was no way to keep it a secret from his parents and that they would find out eventually.

Other than dreading his parent's reaction, he was quite excited to be in Gryffindor. The 3 boys that he met on the train seemed nice and seeing as they had placed in Gryffindor as well, maybe it wouldn't be too bad.

Although, one thing on his mind was if they would like him.

If you put in his perspective it was 3 nice people and him. The one raised by pure blood supremacists and known users of the dark arts.

In all honesty, it didn't sound like it would go in his favor.

Once he arrived in his dormitory, he saw 4 beds and trunks at the end of each one.  The room was decorated in dark red and bright gold. It was quite bland, seeing none of them had decorated or  unpacked yet.

"Woohoo! We're roommates!"

A slight smile crept onto Sirius's face. He would be in the same dorm as the 3 boys he met on the train.  Maybe it wouldn't be too bad.

Sirius began unpacking a few of his things, placing his books onto the bookshelf and the clothes in the drawers. While doing this, he took in the details of the three boys.

James, the one who talked to him first on the train, was putting up posters of quidditch teams and players. He had raven black hair so messy it would give Walburga a heart attack. Black framed glasses outlined his hazel eyes.

Peter, who seemed to be the quietest of the four, was placing his books on the shelf. He was little rounder than the other. His dark blonde hair was quite long but it layed down nicely.

Remus was folding jumpers and placing them in as dresser by his bed. He was definitely the tallest of them, looking about four or five inches taller than Sirius. He had sandy brown hair that fell into his eyes every so often, causing him to brush it away from his face. His dark brown eyes reminded Sirius of chocolate. Freckles covered his face, the majority on his nose and cheeks. A light green jumper hung loosely on him.

Come to think of it, the three boys were not formally dressed at all, especially compared to the dress pants and shirt Sirius was wearing. Not that Sirius thought any less of them because of it. In fact, he envied there ability to dress freely without their parents scolding them.

It dawned on him that he stood out immensely, not seeming similar in them in any way.

"Well, might as well get to know each other if were roomed together for the next seven years," James stated.

"True," Peter agreed.

"Good idea," Remus said, siting on the edge of his bed.

"Sure," Sirius sat criss-crossed on his bed.

"I'll start! James Potter, at your service. I'm pretty awesome if I do say so myself."

Sirius chuckled, " Obviously very humble as well." This earned a glare from James.

"Well than you introduce yourself then."

"Sirius Black. I'm named after a star, so I'm definitely the brightest person you'll ever meet."

"I doubt that," he heard Remus mumble.

"Hey! Rude."

"Remus Lupin. Nothing too interesting about me," he shrugged.

"No, that won't work. We gotta find a way you stand out," James said.

"Well, uh- I like to read."

" There it is, Remus the bookworm," James smiled.

"I'm Peter Pettigrew! And, um- I like food," Peter said with a small smile.

"What's your favorite kind?" James question, obviously trying to keep conversation.

Peter answered, " Probably cheese. There's just so many kinds and it goes well with almost everything."

"True. I like chocolate," Remus stated.

"Pizza is the best," James said.

Sirius tilted his head, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion, " What in Merlin's name is pizza?"

"You've never had pizza," the others gasped.

Sirius shook his head, "No?"

"Wha- how!? We're gonna have to fix that," James commanded.

The boys continued chatting throughout the night, talking about topics from quidditch to music to a girl James was somehow are already obsessed with.

Once the boys had gone to bed, it was silent with the exemption of the two crows outside.

For once, Sirius fell asleep with a smile on his face,  finally feeling at home. Despite the consequences he knew he would face for being placed in Gryffindor, he knew this was right.

He was meant to be here.




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