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after hogwarts


Remus kept his promise, and moved in with Sirius.

Upon Remus' request, they lived in a beautiful cottage pretty close to Lily and James' house.

It had an extra bedroom for James and Lily when they stayed over.

A beautiful library was on the second floor. A beige couch where Sirius was often cuddled up to Remus as the sandy haired boy read.

The garden was magnificent, and Remus and Sirius would go out for walks, holding hands, to clear their minds. There was a small wooden bench where Sirius would sit when his anxiety go to much, and he would breathe the floral smelling air.

The kitchen had marble countertops, and Remus' favorite thing ever was to wake up to a shirtless Sirius cooking eggs in the morning. It was agreed between the two that Sirius would cook in the house, but they did the baking together.

Nothing had ever made the two happier than getting to share a home with each other.

It was a calm fall day, pretty cold and a bit windy, but the perfect time of year to go on walks.

Sirius and Remus were walking along a street in Godric' Hollow, on their way to see Lily and James.

Sirius was dressed more casual than usual, opting for black sweatpants and a red hoodie of Remus'. Sirius declared that he wasn't the biggest fan of the casual wear, but immediately decided he liked it when Remus complimented him on it.

Remus was dressed in dark brown pants and a light grey jumper. He had a new scar that ran down his jaw due to the full moon a few days prior. Sirius had spent over an hour kissing away any insecurities he had of it.

Suddenly, Sirius stopped in an empty street, taking a shaky breath and turning towards Remus.

"You good, Siri?"

"I love you," the black haired boy blurted out randomly."

"I love you too, darling," Remus smiled.

"Like- like I really love you," he said, kissing the other boy's lips and backing up a bit.

He took a deep breath and put his hands in his hoodie pockets. He opened his mouth to speak, but a group of crows, sixteen to be exact, flew by and made a bunch of noise. He glared at them and then started talking.

"I love you so fucking much, it drives me fucking crazy. You're smart, understanding, kind, and beautiful as hell. And I don't know what I would do without you. I want to spend every single one of our days together, cuddled up on the couch or taking walks together."

He took another deep breath before continuing," I cherish every moment we have together and I want to continue to do so until the day we die."

"So, Remus Lupin-" he took a small box from his pocket. He bent down on one knee and opened the box, revealing a beautiful diamond ring. "Will you marry me?"

Remus looked at him, eyes wide as mouth agape.

He stepped forwards towards Sirius, and smiled. He jumped on top of him and enveloped him in a hug, the two of them now on the concrete ground.

Cheering ring through the street, and the two boys looked up and saw James, Lily, and Peter.

The three people piled up on top of the hugging couple.

"I'll take that as a yes- Ow! James, that was my stomach," he exclaimed after James elbowed him in stomach.

"Yes! Yes, I'll marry you!"

And that moment was when Sirius learned that home wasn't a place.

It was a person.


i'm so fucking single wtf

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