70 4 39

3rd year


Sirius was gay.

No doubt. But he was doubting.

I mean, that couldn't be normal right. His parents was always set on him marrying a pure blood girl. A girl not a boy.

But upon the realization of that, it became all the better. His parents wouldn't like it all. Which means he liked it even more.

And sure, girls were nice and all, but dudes are just..... hot.

Like really hot.

Sirius was nervous to tell his friends this. They told eachother everything. Well, not everything, but they barely kept secrets. But this was something big. Life change. Possibly friendship ending.

What if they though he was weird for liking guys. What is they told his parents. Or they spread the word around the school.

He decided that he wouldn't tell them right now. He had to wait for the perfect time to slip in his coming out.


James, being Sirius's best mate, noticed something was off.

The was he was restless constantly. Normally, Sirius was always bouncing his leg up and down or twirling a quill in-between his fingers. But this seemed to be more anxious fidgeting, a sorrow face always in his face.

The 4 boys were sitting in the common room after curfew as usual. Peter was sitting on the floor working on Slughorn's essay. James sat on the loveseat. Remus and Sirius both sat on the sofa facing the fireplace. James and Remus were whispering to each other, glancing over to Sirius every once in a while.

Sirius stared into the fire, his elbow on his leg and his chin resting in the plan of his hand. His other left bounced up and down and a frown showed on his face.

"Ok, that enough Pads! What's going on," James asked exasperated. "You've been sulking around for the last 3 weeks and it's driving us crazy."

"Nothing's wrong, 'm fine," Sirius replied.


"Come on, Siri, you can tell us anything," Remus said, wrapping his arm around his shoulder.

"It's really bad. I just don't want to talk about it."

"Why not? We won't judge you, you know that," Peter said.

"You promise not get mad," Sirius asked hesitantly.

"Of course, Pads!"

"I-" The lack haired boy that took a calming, yet agonizing, breathe. " I think I'm gay."

Peter and James' expression stayed the same, but Remus raised his eyebrows and smirked.

"Um- guys," Sirius said, starting to seriously regret his decision.

"I thought you said it was bad," Remus questioned.

"That just seems like your stating a well know fact," Peter stated.

"You- you guys already knew?"

"Pads, to be honest, I think we knew before you did," James shrugged. "It was pretty obvious to me."

"And that's saying something," Remus added, earning a glare from James.

"So, your okay with it."

"Fuck yeah we're okay with it," James exclaimed.


Sirius sat by the dorm window, the rest of the boys already asleep.

About a half a dozen crows flew by the window, and Sirius playfully wondered if any of them were gay.

He took a deep breathe. It was all good. They accepted him.

He still had more of the rainbow to climb, telling others, finding a boyfriend, facing his parents when they found out.

But at the end of the rainbow, was always gold.


Have you seen the pattern yet lol


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