
66 4 56

summer of 5th year


It was like a whisper ringing through his head, echoing through his mind, and blocking out everything else but that little voice.

That little voice that told him he didn't deserve to be at the Potter's. The voice that told him that they would eventually find out how disgraceful he was. How they would learn he was nothing but a waste of space, and deal with him the same way his parents did.

As much as he tried, he couldn't block out the whisper. It made him flinch when someone yelled even if it was a joke. It made him stay awake at night, worried he would stay asleep and get taken back to Grimmauld. It made him keep his down around adults, and use the nicest manners ever to exist.

He was physically away from his parents, but the two people who intruded his every thought and action. Everytime he went to something, he would think of what they would say. It was all negative of course, but he didn't know how to make it stop. He wished desperately to turn off the voice, flicking it off like a light switch.

But he couldn't.

So he lived with the cruel whispering every second of every day.

He tried doing everything he could do to help, which brought him to his current situation.

"I got it, Mrs. Potter," Sirius said, taking the towel from her hand and starting to dry the dishes.

"Sirius, I've told you so many times, just call me Mia."

"Oh yeah, yes ma'am," Sirius agreed.

Mia shook her head sadly as she walked off, knowing that the things his parents said and taught were stuck in his head.

Remus, James, and Peter all sat on stools that were next the counter as they all talked while Sirius put up the dishes. Thirteen crows flew by the window as the four boys talked.

It was only a matter of time before the boys were all laughing at a joke James had made. Sirius was laughing so hard his grip on a dish lightened and the glass bowl he was drying slipped from his grasp and into the floor. He gasped as hundreds of little pieces shattered on the floor, some of them cutting his legs as they went, causing crimson blood to trickle down his legs.

His shook and clear tears pooled his eyes. He bit his lip as the other 3 boys ran over to help him clean it up.

"Damn Pads, can't even trust you to do the dishes," James joked, not realizing the severity of the situation. He clapped him on the back, but Sirius flinched away and took a step back.

Hurrying footsteps echoed down the stairs, and Sirius' breath became uneven and a panicked look took over his face.

Mia came rushing down the stairs and into the kitchen, halted quickly at the glass she almost stepped in.

"Merlin, Sirius, are you okay," she exclaimed, noticing the tears going down his face and the blood that went so far down his leg that it was about to drip onto the glass covered floor.

His head snapped up," I-I'm s-sorry."

"It's ok, sweetie," she soothed. "Come here, all four of you, you guys don't need to be standing in that."

Remus, Peter, and James went over to her, but Sirius stood there, eyes wide. His hands were clasped together to stop them from shaking.

"I-" he took a shaky breath,"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, it was an accident, I swear."

Mia, who was now realizing what was happening, took a small, slow step toward, but frowned when he hurriedly stepped backwards.

"It's ok Sirius, you're not in trouble," she tried to sooth again.

Remus took a few steps forwards, so he was next to Mia.

"Can I come to you, Pads," he asked.

Sirius nodded quickly, and Remus, careful not to step in the glass, walked towards him and enveloped in a hug. He felt him tense for half a second, but then relaxed at his touch.

"You wanna go upstairs and clean up your legs," he questioned, glancing down at the blood that was now dripping onto the floor

"I-I gotta clean it up, though," Sirius sniffled.

"I'll clean it up mate," James offered.

"Come on," Remus said, grabbing his hand and leading him upstairs. He walked into the bathroom, closed the door behind him, and helped Sirius sit on the counter.

He took a small towel and wet it with water, and began to carefully wipe the blood off his legs. His right leg was completely covered in cuts while the other just had two. So he put a bandaid on each of the cuts on his left leg and wrapped a bandage around the other

"Thank you, Moony," Sirius thanked, dropping his head into Remus' shoulder.

"Anytime, Siri," the sandy-haired boy kissed the top of his head.

Sirius' head immediately snapped up and a smile grew on his face.

The two looked into each other's eyes.

Remus noted the shine in his grey eyes, the little glimmer that was only there when he was happy.

Sirius leaned towards slightly as his vision flicked between the chocolate brown eyes and the pale pink lips of the boy in front of him.

And like that, their lips were together.

And the cruel whisper was silenced.


yeah, it finally happened

also mia>>>>

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