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after hogwarts


Over the course of about a year, everything seemed to be going well.

Until it wasn't.

Some sort of prophecy had been made about Lily, James and Harry. They had to go into hiding and Peter was nowhere to be found in the past months, so Sirius and Remus were left alone.

Remus could tell Sirius was anxious and stressed all the time, so he did his best to distract him. Luckily, it was Sirius, so simple things distracted him.

For example, Sirius asked Remus if he had anything to keep him busy. Remus had jokingly handed him a coloring book and left the room.

Remus walked into the kitchen about five hours later, just to see Sirius sitting at the table with the coloring book and a box of crayons.

He excitedly called Remus to the table and he flipped through the different pages he did, which was around half the book.

In all honesty, the sandy haired boy was amazed by Sirius' talent. Each page was perfectly colored and effortlessly shaded.

"That's amazing, love!"

Remus smiled at the beautiful grin that showed up on his lover's face. The grin showed up at the stupidest joke. After being deprived of love and compliments his whole childhood, the simplest praise lit Sirius' face up and caused a light blush to spread through his face.

Remus loved him, and no matter what happened, that would never change.


Sirius and Remus we're sitting on their couch cuddling once again.

Sirius was almost drowning in Remus' light blue jumper. It was quite baggy on Remus, who was at least five inches taller than Sirius, meaning it was almost a ballgown on Sirius.

Sirius' head was dug into Remus' shoulder as they both snored slightly.

Sirius, despite common belief, had quite a light sleep. Remus was always the heavier sleeper. Meaning, when a large bang from the other side of Godric's Hollow, only Sirius was startled awake.

He ran outside, his hand clutching his wand, just in time to see a green light erupt from the Potter's household.

He ran forward, worried tears streaming down his face. Eighteen crows hastily flew away from the house as Sirius ran into the house through the broken door frame.

His body froze at the sight in front of him.

His best friend of almost ten years, lying on the floor rigid.

Sirius let out a sob, wishing Remus was next to him so he could envelop him in a hug.

Sirius hesitantly walked up the stairs into the nursery. He let out another sob as he saw Lily in the same state as James.

He grabbed Harry from his crib as tears streamed down his face and blurred his vision. He hugged the one year old tightly and exited the house only to be stopped by Hagrid.

"I'll take 'em from 'ere, Sirius."

"Wha- no," he hugged Harry to his chest.

"Dumbledore's orders," Hargid shrugged.

"But- but he-," Sirius stuttered. "Fine."

He handed Harry to the half giant.

"I'll come back for you, Harry. I swear on my life," he murmured, kissing his forehead and leaving.

He knew the reason James and Lily were now dead.

And he was going to get rid of the rat.


you're welcome <33

also- two more chapters wtf

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