
56 6 15

3rd year


Sirius and James sat in the Gryffindor dormitory, plotting pranks and talking of ways to ask put James's red-headed crush.

"Hang on Pads, I got something for you," James said, jumping up and running to his trunk. He opened quickly pulled it open and dug though it, pulling out a black pen looking thing.

He sat back on the bed with Sirius and opened the lid, showing it was indeed what looked like a pen.

"This is eyeliner. Your supposed to put it on your eyes and it makes you look really punk rock. I thought it would fit you aesthetic," James explained.

"Bloody hell! That's so cool," Sirius marverled. He took the eyeliner from James' hand and conjoured a mirror with his wand.

Holding his hand in one hand, he attempted to do the makeup using his other hand.

This ended in a frowning Sirius and two very unsymmetrical lines on his eyelids. He closed the eyeliner, stashed in his pocket, and went to the bathroom sink to wash it off.


"Hey Evans," Sirius called, walking down the stairs to the common room and sitting on a couch across from her.

"Hello Black. Would you like something? And no, I will not go out with Potte-".

"Your a girl," Sirius interrupted.

"Really? I didn't know," she replied sarcastically, but Sirius ignored her.

"Do you know how to use thing," Sirius pulled the eyeliner pen out of his pocket.

"An eyeliner pen?" Sirius nodded. "Yes Black, I know how to use that. Why?"

"Could you teach me?"

"You want me to teach you? How to use eyeliner," she clarified with a raised eyebrows.

"Uh- yeah."

"Fuck yeah I will! Here, come sit in front of me."

Sirius sat, legs criss-crossed, smiling like an idiot, in front of Lily, his eyes closed. She applied the eyeliner evenly to both of his eye, biting her lip in concentration. The common room was quiet except for about five crows outside, as if it knew the peace needed.

"And..... there you go, Sirius. Simple as that."

"Thank you Evans! Wait 'till I show Rem," Sirius exclaimed, hugging the girl tightly and running to find Remus in the library.


"Hey, Moony," Sirius greeted, sitting across the table from him.

"Hey Sirius," Remus greeted back, his head still turned down reading.

"You will never believe what I did!"

Remus sighed, " I'm gonna ask what it is, even though I probably don't want to know."

"James gave me a eyeliner pen and Evans helped me use it," Sirius said quickly, still smiling greatly.

Remus lifted his head up to look, his eyebrows raised. When he saw Sirius, black winged eyeliner and his signature leather jacket and band shirt, his jaw dropped and his eyes went wide.

"Um- Moons? Do you like?"

"Pads! That looks awesome," Remus complimented, a smile making it's way on his face.

"I know right," Sirius exclaimed, slightly bouncing around happily in his seat like a child. "It definitely fits my punk rock aesthetic, don't you think."

Remus knew that Sirius was still talking, but he really couldn't focus on the words that quickly came from him. He was so focused on the fact that holy shit Sirius looks awesome in eyeliner.

The way in evenly outlined his already perfectly shaped eye. How the dark color of the eyeliner made the light grey of his eyes attention grabbing.

His eyes were a color that Remus could never explain simply.

It shined brightly constantly, but especially when the light shined upon it. You could see the glimmer on them when he got excited. When he was upset and he attempted to hide his emotions, his eyes went cold and hard. But looking close enough, you could see the bit of emotion trying to escape from the storm of feelings.

And the color of his eyes, Remus really couldn't describe. It wasn't simply grey.

Remus decided that silver was a better word. The way it shined, the way the color popped with the eyeliner or black clothed.

" Remus? Are you even listening," Sirius questioned with a frown.

"Sorry Sirius, zoned out."

"It's alright. I was just saying how furious my parents would be. Which makes it all the better. Makeup? On a dude? Can you believe, Moons," Sirius rambled on.



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