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5th year


Remus and Sirius grew inseparable over the course of two years.

One was never found without the other, and many people believe they were dating.

And Sirius couldn't lie: he wished they were dating. He wished with every fiber of his being that he would go up to the person he called his best friend and smash his lips onto his.

Christmas was drawing nearer and Sirius was requested back home.

His family sent him a letter a few nights prior, when he and Remus were joking around in the common room. Remus quickly saw the color drain from Sirius' face. He asked to see it and Sirius reluctantly handed it over, and Remus was met with a letter full of nothing but threats.

It was safe to say that Remus didn't stop attempting to convince him to go to James' house during break. He constantly tried talking him into it, regardless of the many times the black haired boy told him he had to go back to his own house.

That's what broke Remus' heart the most.

Sirius thought he had to go.

The Marauders were all walking through the hallway when, once again, Remus told Sirius to avoid his own house and go to James'.

"I can't Remus, I've told you that," he said impatiently.

"But you can!"

Peter and James stood to the side watching the two fight, ready to intervene if Sirius' patience snapped.

When it comes to Sirius' family life and past, he always got very closed off. He never liked people seeing the vulnerable side of him, so he would cover it up with anger.

"You can go to James', and be safe there," Remus stated.

"I'm not imposing on James' family's Christmas just because I can't handle my daddy issues!"

"You told us that we would all stick together."

"I meant mentally, not near each other every second of every day."

"But you promised that you would always stay with us," Remus said slowly.

"And I will!"

"NOT IF THEY KILL YOU," Remus shouted, his anxiousness getting the best of him.

James and Peter's breath hitched and Sirius paled slightly.

They watched Sirius bite his lip as his eyes glossed over.

"They'll kill him," Sirius whispered, shaking his head and wiping the tears that were now flowing freely down his face.

"The second I go to their house, they'll kill him and his entire family," he stated darkly. "You guys don't understand what they're capable of."

"But I do know," Remus started.

"I know the harsh words they spit at you, and how every time someone says something close to it, all you want to do is cry and scream."

"I know that you have nightmares about it. How you thrash your arms and legs, and beg for them to kill you instead of hurt you."

"I know that you never had someone to support you when you were younger, so you beam at the slightest compliment."

"I may know exactly what they do to you Sirius, but I know the effect it has on you. And I need you to promise me that you'll leave if it gets too bad."

Sirius, who was now sobbing, launched himself at the sandy haired boy and enveloped him in a hug.

And for a good while, all that could be heard was sobbing, Remus whispering sweet nothings into Sirius' ear, and nine crows making noises outside.

And maybe, just maybe, they would be able to stick together.


That- I did not cry while writing this


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