"Women Can be Hunters Too!"

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"Hey Dean," Sam says approaching him.

"Hello Dean," Cas says in his deep rumbling voice.

"What's up guys?" Dean asks noticing Sam's troubled look.

"Nothing really, I just got something stuck to my shoe while we were out." Sam gives Dean a look.

"Oh well come on I know a place we could get it off." Dean turns and starts walking. Sam and Cas follow him and the girl keeps on following them.

They turn into a dark alley between two class buildings. The girl hesitates before following after. She doesn't know that Dean stayed close to the entrance hiding off to the side.

When she passes him, he steps out and points his gun at her back.

"Why are you following us?" Dean growls.

Sam and Cas step forward from the shadows.

"Son of a biscuit-eater," she mutters to herself. Dean raises an eyebrow in question.

"Answer the question," he cocks the hammer on his gun. She spins around quickly.

"Woah, guns aren't necessary. I'll answer, just put the gun away." She holds up her hands.

"I don't think that's gonna happen," Dean snaps. She purses her lips. Before any of them realize she has her own gun out and pointed at Dean.

"Look here, put the fucking gun away. I am an amazing shot and I am not afraid to shoot you. And I know I won't get in trouble because you guys are not federal agents."

Dean is taken aback. He stares at her. Sam takes a step forward.

"No, Sam don't." Dean says. He raises his gun then puts it back in his waistband. She nods and puts hers away as well.

"Much better!" She exclaims. "I'm Chasity by the way!" She holds out her hand for Dean to shake. With a look of utter confusion Dean grasps her hand and shakes it once.

She turns to Sam and Cas. "Sorry for following you guys, but I had find out if there were more of you." She gives them a soft smile. Her eyes linger on Cas.

"How do you know we aren't really agents?" Sam asks.

"Well I have the uncanny ability to read people. I can tell what the really are. You just scream hunter." Then her face gets very pale. "Oh my god, he called you Sam!" She gets a look of fright.

"Um yeah that's my name." Sam now looks confused.

"As in Sam Winchester?" She puts her hand over her mouth.

"Yeah, how did you-"

She spins to look at Dean. "You must be Dean. Oh my god! I threatened a Winchester. Please don't kill me I didn't know." She is as white as paper by now.

"Woah calm down! We aren't killing anyone right now!" Dean exclaims. Chasity calms slightly.

"How do you know about all this?" Sam asks.

"My uncle was a hunter. He taught me everything I know. You two are legends in the hunter world. You guys are like my idols." She blushes. She looks at Cas. "You must be Castiel, you're a lot cuter then I imagined." She smiles at him.

"Wait are you a hunter?" Dean asks.

"Um duh but like I only do cases close to here." She has a proud look on her face.

"You can't be a hunter!" Dean exclaims.

"Excuse me? Women can be hunters too!" She crosses her arms.

"No it's just, you're too hot to be a hunter." Dean says. He had taken note on how her jeans hug her figure well and how under her extra large jacket her tight shirt shows off her hourglass figure. Her face is very pretty too.

"Thanks," she giggles. "But you guys are pretty hot yourselves and that's not stopping you is it? Besides men answer more questions when a pretty girl is asking them." She smirks.

"Hmm I could see it," Dean nods.

"Wait, Chasity? Tom's friend?" Sam asks.

She freezes and squeezes her eyes shut. "Yeah," she says quietly. "He was my best friend." A tear slips down her face. "I knew the others who were killed but not like super well. I mean we all go to college together. But Tom, we've know each other since 9th grade. When he died I made it my mission to find the thing responsible for his death."

She clenches her fist. She's trying hard to fight the tears that have started streaming down her face. Cas steps up to her and hugs her. She leans into his hug.

"I promised myself I wouldn't cry. Not yet. I have to finish this case. I can't let emotions get in the way." She clenches her fist.

"I understand your pain," Cas says softly.

Chasity pulls back and wipes away the tears. "I'm fine," she snaps a little to harshly. "I don't need your codling," she steps away from Cas and crosses her arms around herself.

"What do you guys have so far on the case." She doesn't look at them.

"Um it's a spirit. We aren't sure why it's killing people." Sam explains.

"Actually we do." Dean intercepts. "Turns out all the dudes were in a relationship, but they cheated with the girl killed before them."

"What?" Chasity looks at him confused.

"The girl slept with a taken man so the ghost kills her then a day later kills the man who cheated." Dean explains.

"But Tom was single, I know him and destiny have been studying together but he didn't like her like that." Chasity shakes her head. The air around them becomes frigid. They see their breathes coming out of their mouths.

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