"How Long Have You Been a Hunter?"

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Chasity moves and curls up in one of the chairs. Dean sits in the chair across from her. Cas leans against the wall behind Dean. He watches Chasity curiously.

"So, Chasity, how long have you been a hunter?" Dean asks as he pops open a bottle of beer. He offers Chasity one and she takes it gratefully.

"I've actually been hunting since I was fifteen. My uncle would take me on simple hunts like a ghost or a single vamp. But I've been hunting on my own since I moved out at eighteen." Chasity takes a swig of her beer.

"What have you hunted?" Cas her, he really wants to know more about this girl.

"A few demons, but man those fuckers are tough. Exorcising is all I can do though. I've done mostly ghosts. And a vamp here or there. I don't go too far though."

"Aren't you afraid? That life can be very dangerous." Cas tilts his head in that cute little way her does.

"I'm not afraid any more. I've grown used to the near death experiences."
Chasity trails her finger on the grain of the wood of the table. She finishes the last of her beer.

"Do you usually work alone?" Dean hands her another bottle.

"Mostly, but last month I worked with this quirky guy on a djinn case. I believe his name was Garth."

Dean laughs loudly. "I've worked with him! How's the little dude doing I haven't seen him in ages."

"He's good I guess. It's a wonder he's still alive though." Chasity smiles. Dean's phone starts ringing.

"What Sam?" Dean answers the phone. He sighs. "Really? Alright yeah I'm coming. Don't get your panties in a wad." Dean hangs up the phone.

"Everything alright?" Chasity asks, mildly concerned.

"Sam needs some help. I'll be back." Dean leaves. Chasity finishes her second beer and starts working on a third.

"I don't think getting intoxicated is a good idea." Cas comments. He can see that she is already slightly drunk and getting worse be the second.

"Pshh, I'll be fine," she slurs. She stands suddenly and nearly falls. Cas rushes forward and catches her. She snuggles in his arm.

"You are very good looking," she says looking up at his face. "Especially your eyes. I've always been a sucker for blue eyes. She reaches up and touches his face gently. He leans down and kisses her.

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