Solved the Case

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"Grab her Sam," Dean demands pointing towards Chasity's unconscious body. He moves to Cas, who is sitting next to her. "Cas you alright?" Dean asks.

"Yes, I'm fine now, but I'm a bit weak from healing her and myself." Cas mumbles.

"Alright big guy, lets get you out of here." Dean heaves Cas up and starts helping him out of the library.

"Is she going to be okay?" A quiet voice asks. Dean looks over and sees a tall lanky kid staring after Chasity. He wavers out of sight then back again.

"You must be Tom." Dean comments.

"Yeah, but is she going to be okay?" He follows after Sam who is carrying Chasity.

"I don't know man, but I trust that Cas took care of her as best as he could." Dean remarks. He take Cas out to the car.

"Put him in the front seat," Sam says motioning toward Cas. "I'll take her car back to the house." Sam rattles a set of keys.

"Okay, be careful Sammy," Dean helps Cas slide into the front seat and buckles him in. He then hops into the driver's seat and peels out of the parking lot. Sam follows him back to Chasity's house.

Dean looks into the rear view mirror and sees Tom in the backseat, cradling Chasity's head.

It doesn't take long before Cas is sitting up straiter, his eyes start to shine again. By the time they get to Chasity's he seems to be back to himself.

"You good?" Dean asks as he parks the car.

"I'm not, as you say, one hundred percent, but I'm better. Cas replies. He gets out of the car and Dean follows. Dean goes to the back seat and lifts Chasity out. Tom follows them up until they go through the front door.

"Keep me posted," Tom calls as they start shutting the door. Dean lays Chasity on the couch and they all three sit around her.

"She gonna live?" Sam asks Cas.

"Yes, her injuries were not too severe, I was able to heal them. She should wake soon." Cas strokes her hair. He moves his hand to her forehead and places his two fingers there. Her eyes flutter open.

"Cas?" She whipsers.

"Hello Chasity." He smiles down at her.

"We solved the case I'm assuming," she tries to sit up, but her head swims so she lays back down.

"Yeah you did, we just did the heavy lifting." Dean jokes. Chasity cracks a smile.

"So I guess that means you're leaving huh?" Chasity gets a sad look.

"Tomorrow," Sam responds.

"Oh alright then," Chasity closes her eyes for a moment. When she opens them they are all staring at her curiously.

"I'm fine," she sighs.

"Me an' Sammy here gotta call a friend. Cas keep an eye on her." Him and Sam get up and go outside.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Cas asks in concern. Chasity grabs him by his tie and pulls him down on top of her. She smashes their lips together. He tangles his fingers in her hair. She lets out a soft moan and he kisses her harder. He grinds down on her.

She palms his hard cock through his pants. He moans and she continues.

"Okay seriously guys?!" Dean exclaims. They break apart.

"Now I have to burn my eye sockets to get that image from my head." Sam says shaking his head.

"Sorry guys," Chasity's face burns red.

"Keep it in the bedroom," Sam playfully scolds. Cas situated himself to hide the bulge in his pants. Dean chuckles.

"I'm going to bed, I need to be wide awake to drive my baby." Dean stretches.

"I should probably go to." They get up and leave.

"I'm going to my room to, care to join?" Chasity winks. Cas nods and follows her. As soon as they're in her room he grabs her and pushes her up against the door. They kiss hungrily. She jumps up and wraps her legs around his waist. He carries her to the bed.

They strip off their clothes. He thrusts into her. With a sly smile she flips him onto his back. She rides him. He moans loudly. She throws her head back as she continues to ride him. He grabs her hips guiding her.

Finally she orgasms, clenching around him. This causes him to come. They sit there breathing heavily. She rolls over next to him.

She bites her lip. Her life is never gonna be the same again,

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