Chapter 1- Riley Quinn

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"He's not coming home is he?" I asked my mom as she sat on their bed- looking at the half empty walk-in closet that her and my dad once shared.

She turns her head slowly towards me with tears in her eyes and shakes her head "no, baby, no I don't think he is'' now my eyes start to tear up. I walk over to my mom and sit at the end of the bed with her, wrapping my arms around her waist and leaning my head on her shoulders. We sat there crying until she eventually got up and started making dinner.

I thought to myself 'this is what we're gonna do, act like dad didn't leave us' seems like a great idea.

Him and mom get into a huge fight and he decides to just leave both of us? It felt surreal almost as if this was just another one of his business trips he'd take every so often.

He was coming back. I knew he was. Him and mom had their fair share of fights. Each one leading to an awkward dinner or breakfast, but never once did I image my dad leave us.

Panic sets in when I start thinking into the future on how he'll never be at another swim meet, family dinner, holidays, graduation. No milestones in my life.

Even if he were to come back in a day and realize his mistake, how could I forget that we were that easy to let go of?

- Present Day -

"Hey, are you good?" My best friend Sam said to me as I was driving us to our new school.

"Yea why wouldn't I be?" I said looking at her then back at the road.

"Because you look like me when I'm driving. A deer in headlights." She said, looking at me.

"I'm fine, just nervous that's all" I said flat out.

"Okay if you say so."

I couldn't sleep last night. I kept tossing and turning, so around 5 am I got up and got ready. I wore my favorite jeans with a white long sleeve bodysuit. Because it is almost the end of fall here, I wore a black Nike puffer jacket. I paired my black and white Jordans to go with it.

Sam was wearing baggy-ish jeans with an oversized t-shirt and purple Jordans. Going for a more relaxed kinda look.

We make our way into the school and right to the main office to get our schedules. A few minutes later, an older lady and a student walk up to us.

"Riley Quinn and Samantha Smith?" She said to us

"Yes" we both said.

"Here are your schedules, this is Mia she will be walking you around school to make sure you get to your classes" she says and points to Mia.

"Hi," she said with a little smile to make it less awkward.

"Hi I'm Riley" I said.

"And I'm Sam"

"Well, Mia walk them around please let me know if there are any problems." She said walking away.

"Okay so, luckily we have first period together so if you'll follow me" she said walking out the door and we followed her.

As we were walking she talked to us about random stuff going on at the school. We were about a month until Thanksgiving break, and she also mentioned how winter sports had tryouts after break.

First period was english so not bad at all. The whole class was working on their personal essay for college and me and Sam got excused for that. It was nice to have Sam in my first period seeing as I don't know a single person. Second period I was on my own for history while Mia and Sam had economics together.

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