Chapter 3- Hungover

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My head is bouncing, throbbing, and just a shit show. I open my eyes to find myself in the last place I remember which was a room Miles had put me in.

I got up and judging by the ruffled sheets on the other side of the bed someone else was sleeping next to me. But they already got up and weren't in the room. I assume it was Mia and Sam. I open the door and hear laughing and rustling around downstairs, so I start to make my way down. At the bottom of the stairs and Sam, Mia, and Daniel were all in the kitchen.

"Oh hey, good morning sleepy head" Sam walks over to me and hands me coffee. I give a light smile.

"My head is pounding" I say quietly

"That would make sense, you were out of it last night," Mia said, handing me some Tylenol and water.

"Ugh I hate drinking, but I love it so much" I say putting my head down on the table

"Don't we all. Here, eat up" Mia says handing me food

"I'm not hungry" I push the plate away and close my eyes trying not to throw up.

"Okay then go lay down on the couch" she points to the couch.

After I plop myself onto the couch I look at Miles who is sitting across from me.

"Hi" I say in a quiet voice and he responds with a 'hey' and a head nod. I close my eyes and rest my head back praying this hangover goes away in an hour.

Then I get interrupted by Miles's phone ringing . "I'll be back" he yells to the people in the kitchen.

All we can hear when he comes back are muffled voices coming from Daniels long hallway.

"No! He's an incompetent asshole who can't do his job and needs his boss's son to clean it up for him!" Is the last thing we hear before the front door opens and closes again. Daniel comes walking back to the living room.

"Hey what's wrong" Mia ask

Daniel jumps on the couch, taking a seat next to Sam. "The usual with his dad and his employees" he says and shakes his head. "what are we watching?" he adds.

"I don't know what do we want to watch?" Mia asks

"I vote scary" Daniel said

"Funny" Mia and Sam both said

They all look at me. Sams giving me the stink eye because she knows which one I want.

"Scary" I say

"Fine, we will watch the scary one first and then the funny one" Mia says

We looked for a while before I remembered this tv show I wanted to watch but never got the chance.

"What about this new tv show called Haunting of Bly manor?" I asked and Mia searched it up.

We all agreed to watch it and it got intense. The tv show was so good. Even Sam liked it and she hates scary things. We were two episodes in and they were like an hour each.

We watch two more episodes and are all yelling at the tv. Daniel was standing up because the show was getting intense and because he knew the girl shouldn't have followed the other girl into the attic.

"Holy fuck"



"What a dumb bitch"

We all said at the same time.

We all sit back down and a voice starts talking behind us.

"What are you guys doing?" Miles said looking at the tv and when we all jumped he looked back down at us.

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