Chapter 5- Amazing

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*Miles POV*

My alarm on my phone seeing that its 4:30 am. Getting up I walk into my closet to change into workout clothes. I normally work out every morning before school as well as after sometimes. This morning was rough though I didn't know what was happening with me. I was slow and sluggish. Not a good thing when you beat people up for a living.

I end my workout a little earlier than I usually do and head up stairs to take a shower. After getting changed I head down stairs and see my mom making breakfast. "Hi honey" She says turning around from the stove

"Hey ma" I say giving her a kiss on the cheek

"Did you get done with your workout early? You usually don't get to eat breakfast with us" she asks as she puts food on the table

"Yea wasn't feeling it today" I say eating the eggs she made

"Awe, I'm sorry baby. Well I hope it goes better tomorrow then" she said giving me a smile and a kiss on the cheek.

My mom's name is Rosie and is one of the most giving, selfless, and just a humble woman you'd ever meet. Having money hadn't changed her like it would change most people. When she met my dad she was living on the street because she got kicked out by her parents at 17. She started working at a local diner along with 2 other jobs trying to support herself.

She and my dad knew each other from high school since they graduated in the same class. One day I guess my dad and his buddies were going to the diner where she worked and he recognized her. Obviously they started talking, dating, blah, blah, blah, and the rest is history.

My dad, Gio, was brought up completely different than my mom, obviously. He took after his dad, my grandfather Enzo, and started continuing the family business at the age of 21. He's a good guy too, but he's the mob boss of one of the biggest mafias in the world he doesn't get to be all cozy and nice like his wife 24/7. He has to be scary and a dick to his men and me most of the time- not that he wants to. I didn't mind it much though I get it. It's not easy having all that stress on you.

I stayed to eat for about 10 more minutes and realize I need to get going, so I say goodbye to my mom and head out the door to go pick up D.

Daniel, Mia, and I all grew up together since our dads are good friends. Last weekend D' s parents were away and that's why he had the party. And of course we had to help him clean up and act like nothing happened even though there was without a doubt guards somewhere hidden the entire night.

That was Daniel Fucking Dean. He loved partying and having a good time, so did Mia but she knew when to take a chill pill. I was more on the chill antisocial side I guess you can say. I mean I party, go to our clubs, and get with girls, but apparently I'm a dick to everyone so it acts a repellent sometimes.

"So are you excited to see Riley today?" fidgeting with the bluetooth on in my car

I slapped his head "Stop I told you I'm not into her that much, D I swear to god if you say anything-" I say and then he cuts me off

"Relax I'm just joking, geez" he says rubbing his head

"Good" I say smiling pulling out of his driveway

We walk into school and notice Riley and Mia walking in right behind us and D stops me so they can catch up. "Hey ry, hi Mia" he said nodding towards them. They both said 'hi' back along with a smile.

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