Chapter 9- First Date

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*Miles POV*

*Later that night*

"I'm taking her on a date this Saturday, and I have no idea how to take a girl out on a date D, I've never done that before." I say sitting next to him holding my Xbox controller.

"Take her out to eat, somewhere fancy, it's not that hard bud." he says clicking start on our game.

"Yea but that's basic, Riley deserves something better than eating at a fancy restaurant." I say and D turns his head to me and has a smirk on his face, and rolls his eyes.

"Okay then what do you think she'd want to do?" He asks

"I don't know man, we were talking about it earlier and she said she doesn't like the first date to be going out to a fancy restaurant, she said they're awkward." I said and D nods his head

"Okay then did she mention anything else?"

"I mean I mentioned I owned a few night clubs and she wouldn't stop nagging me about going to one" I said with a small smile. I knew she wasn't nagging. I also knew that I wanted to see her in a short dress just as much as she wanted to go to my club.

"Okay so if she wants to go to one then take her, but dude the night clubs that you own are-" he says and I start to cut him off, "Fucked? I know that's also another problem" shaking my head and playing the game.

"Well you could always bring your dads guards, and the people there know not to fuck with you especially when their in your club. Plus there are bounces, so you know none of the people on the other side of city will show up. Even though that's where most of your clubs are." He said and I had never thought about that.

There's a side of the city that my family and everyone who's associated with my dad is allowed to go without running into problems. Our turf is ours. We own most of 'New York', but there are some parts that other mafias, our enemies, live on. If we were to cross over those mafia's territory they have any and all right to strike, just like we do if roles were reversed.

Most of my dad's clubs were running right on the that invisible line that separated us. It was safe enough, but not inevitable for anyone to pick a fight especially seeing me there.

"Your right, but I don't want to put her in any danger, not even if I'm there with her" I argue

"Well then I don't know what you want me to do, I mean she wants to go to your club so take her to your club. Have you not thought about the fact that she'd probably be dancing...with you." He says winking, pausing the game to look at me.

"Fuck, you're right, but is that really a good first date? Going to a nightclub" I asked him in all truth I didn't think it was a good date idea but Riley said she doesn't like romantic fancy dates, she wanted to do something fun for a first date, so this is what I got.

"Yes, you said she doesn't like romantic shit like a fancy dinner and she really wanted to go to your club, she'd love it" He said unpaused the game.

"Alright, nightclub it is then"

"So you really like her?" he looks at me

I wait a little bit then answer "Yeah." I said with a light smile

"Good, she makes you less of an asshole" he laughs but stops when I punch his shoulder.

The rest of the night we just played video games and later in the night my dad called us down to talk about something. Well only me, he wanted to talk about why I wasn't in school the other day...great. I couldn't pull anything out of my ass, and I sure as hell know better than to pull any tricks on my dad. I had to tell him about Riley even though I'm sure he had known already.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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