Chapter 7- Sick

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I think Sam gave me her cold. I woke up at 3 in the morning to go puke in my toilet and also had a temperature. Eventually I fell back asleep until my alarm goes off for school. For once I actually wanted to go to school just so I could see Miles.

An hour later I hear quick knock on my door and Sam comes rushing into my room.

"Yo wake up! We are gonna be late" she shakes me and I groan

"I'm sick idiot" I say coughing

"Ohhh, that sucks babe. Your mom left. I thought she'd stay home. I guess not. You want me to stay and take care of you?" she ask eagerly

"No, you need to go to school. I'll be fine I promise" I say sitting up in my bed. "Plus Daniel will be there" I point out

She smiles "Yeah, you're right. Well I hope you feel better" She says walking to the door.

About an hour later I get up and take a shower hoping that it unclogs his nose. It was a sweats and baggy t-shirt kinda day. And then I hear a knock on the door. Strange considering everyone was either at work or school. Maybe my mom forgot something, so I opened the door completely forgetting I'm in only an oversized sweatshirt and boy- short underwear

"Miles. What are you doing here?" I say behind the cracked opened door.

"Sam said you were sick" he said, "So I brought you food and thought I could help you catch up on the work me and D did in class." He lets himself in. Once he steps inside and gets a better look at me, He pauses and takes in every inch of me.

Sitting down on the stool "Miles I'm sick and I don't want to get you sick. Also, how'd you know where I lived?" he was unpacking whatever food he brought.

"Well, after Mr. Grants class I skipped and picked up soup for you. D gave me your address because he and Sam are going out tonight and he's picking her up." he said looking for a bowl and spoon

He finds a spoon, "Cabinet nexts to the microwave" I help him. "You shouldn't have skipped school just to come here Miles"

"Baby, it's fine. Promise." He hands me the warm chicken noodle soup and walks behind me. Wrapping his big arms around my waist, he kisses the top of my head.

I continue to eat the soup, "So what'd you and D accomplish without me today?" I ask, tilting my head back to look up at him.

He walks over to the stool next to me and begins to explain everything that happened in class. He said that Mr. Grant gave us addition information and that he and D just put in on our doc because neither of them knew what to do with it.

I knew they didn't do anything.

Laughing I say, "I knew you guys weren't going to do anything"

Pretending to be hurt, "Alright, I'm sorry lawyer Quinn". I shrug

After I was done eating I take Miles back to my room to lay down in my bed. The difference between me and Sam is that she is a clean freak and I am not. My room is always messy and right now I'm regretting having that trait.

"So what are we gonna do?" he jumps on the bed and puts his hands behind his head and looks around my room.

I giggle a little bit "I'm going to sleep. And you are gonna get me anything I want" I say smiling at him while I walk over to my bed.

"Whatever you need baby." he says moving over in the bed

I played the tv show I was watching and we watch it for a little bit before I fall asleep. He and I still haven't talked about the other night. In fact this was the first time we had talked since Sunday morning. It was only a day, but still.

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