Chapter 8- Bowling

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He looked so good, god I can't imagine how he'll look for our date. He was wearing loose, light washed jeans with a green Nike crewneck on top of a black t-shirt.

"You look beautiful baby" He said walking in behind me and kissed the top of my head. I wore low-waisted, light blue jeans with a cropped, baggy, tan sweater and white tennis shoes.

I laugh "Thanks baby, you don't look to bad yourself" I looked him up and down

"Where's D?" Sam asked

"He had to finish up some work, so he's just gonna meet us there," Miles said, unlocking his phone and handing it to me.

I take his phone and put on Drake.

"Hey Ry, when are tryouts for the team?" Sam asks

"Uh I think they are in late November, after break" I say looking at my phone

"Oh okay. You're not changing your mind about trying out right?" she looks up from her phone at me

"What? no" I really didn't want to try out

"Good, cause I don't want to be on the team without you" she said looking back at her phone

"What team are you trying out for?" Miles asked

"Swim team" I say

"You swim?" He looks at me


"You should see her swim, she held two records at our old school" Sam said, and I looked away and rolled my eyes and took a deep breath.

Touchy subject.

"Really? Shit ry that's impressive" he said smiling at me and I just gave him a little smile back and looked down at his phone and played the next song.

A few minutes later we arrived at the bowling alley and Mia and D were already there. Miles gets out and walks over to my side and opens the door. But before he got there Sam said something to me.

"Hey, what was that?" she said serious, probably referring back to the whole swim subject

"What was what?" I say and she rolls her eyes, then Miles open the door for me and Sam. How sweet.

Once we get in we grab our shoes and start to put them on "Hey guys!" Mia says "So we are doing teams, girls vs boys" she says with a smirk

"Sounds good. Tino here?" Miles said, grabbing a ball for himself and I do as well.

"Yeah, he's grabbing something out of his car" She walks over to our lane

I was up first and so was Miles, then Sam and D, and Mia who was against Tino went last. Flashbacks of beer pong games came rushing back into my head as we both get strikes.

Sam missed two and D missed 4.

Mia missed 6 while Tino got a strike.

And then I was up again.

"Don't miss baby" I say to him and he shakes his head and goes to throw his ball and he misses one pin.

He shakes his head, "Don't miss baby" He says back to me while slapping my ass and standing right behind me.

"I won't" and I go and I get another strike and walking past him winking. He just smiles and shakes his head again.

We finished the game and the girls won. Next round we wanted to do one vs one. So me and Sam went and Mia was tired already, so she sat out with Tino while Miles and D went against each other. Me and Miles both won, so we went against each other next.

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