Chapter 2- The party

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Around 8:00 p.m my mom had gotten home from her new corporate job. "Sorry I'm late honey, I got caught up at work" she said walking past me into the kitchen. "Did you order anything or make dinner?"

"I made Mac n cheese with Sam" I said walking behind her and sitting in the chair at the island.

"Oh okay good, how was school?"

"Good. This girl Mia showed us around and introduced us to her friends. She was really sweet. How was your first day?"

She sighed, "It was good, nothing special just very busy. Running my own floor and taking on more cases is definitely going to take sometime to get used too. So tell me more about your day and this girl Mia" She sat down while eating the left over Mac n cheese.

"Well she invited me and Sam to a party this Saturday, and she offered to have us sleepover." I said with a small smile hoping she'd let me go.

"Oh that's fun are you gonna go?" She asked picking at the food.

"Yea is that okay?"

"Yes of course it is honey, just be careful, but I don't know Mia and I'm not so comfortable with you sleeping over. Do you really really want to?" She asks

"I mean yeah. She seems genuine and she was begging me and Sam about it." I joke

She sighs and thinks about it for a few seconds "Okay, Fine. I trust your judgment and if you think it's safe and okay then yes you can go. Good luck with Kate agreeing for Sam to go though" She laughs sitting down on the couch.

"Thank you mom. I think we can convince her. I convinced you" I said

"Haha, watch it Riley, I could easily take my 'yes' back. Did you give any thought to starting therapy again, or calling your therapist from back home?" She asks.

"Yea and I don't think I'm going to start up again. I'll keep in touch with Grace though" I say, picking out a movie to watch.

"Are you sure Ry? With everything with your dad and moving to a different state, it's a lot. And your still taking your medications" she adds

I exhale a deep breath, " I know mom, but I'm good. I promise mom" I say

"Okay, but if you do need to start seeing a therapist Riley just ask I won't ask questions honey"

"I know mom"

The whole reason we moved to New York was for my mom's new job. She and her friend Kate, Sam's mom, both got promotions at their law firms and had to move to their office out here. My dad had left us a few days after my 16th birthday which was almost  2 years ago.

Him and my mom had their problems just like any other marriage, but I don't think any amount of problems you and your partner have are worth getting up and leaving without any explanation. That's what stung the most. The leaving without a reason as to why. I mean my parents always were fighting about something, so I always thought they'd just get a divorce which would've been a lot less catastrophic than my dad just up and leaving.

After he left my mom took it harder than me even though they fought more than me and him fought. I still had to go through the motions of life because no one else was going to keep the world going round.  Going to school, making dinner (for the both of us), cleaning the house, laundry, you get it. She just shut down and I never knew why since it seemed like her and my dad never got along. How could you hurt so much more than your daughter about a man you hated him more than you loved him?

A few months after my birthday I could drive myself and that's when I started to go to therapy. Mom had offered before that to get into it, but with school and having to pick up the slack of basically losing two parents I just couldn't find the time to do anything for myself. I still don't, I mean I go to therapy now but my mind has never been the same since then.

Riley Quinn, his girlWhere stories live. Discover now