Chapter 6- Sleeping

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After more kissing and touching, me and Miles headed back downstairs to see what everyone else was up to. Not quite sure what this means for the both of us. If we are dating or not. We only met like two weeks ago, and I want to take it slow.

Nothing new was happening downstairs, and I decided to check the time because it looked like people had left seeing as I could actually walk through the crowd instead of pushing myself through.  It was almost 3 am and I knew people would be leaving soon. At least I hope they do I'm unbelievably tired. And drunk. And high.

Being high is nothing new for me. Back home I used to smoke almost every weekend and would show up to school high sometimes too, but a year after my dad left I took on more responsibility around the house and stopped. Two hits definitely got me a good buzz and was a good mixture with the alcohol.

Miles leads me to the back yard where we pass Mia and Tino sitting on one of the couches in front of a fire pit out on the patio. I follow him over to Sam and D who are surprisingly shot-gunning a beer. Well Sam is Daniels just opening it for her. How sweet of him.

Once she notices me she shoves the beer can into D's chest and runs up to me, almost muling me to the ground. "Hello Sam" I hug her back

Breaking us apart "HI!! Where were you?" she wiggles her eyebrows.

I smirk, "I'll tell you tomorrow. When you'd actually keep your voice down" I joke "Go do your shot gun" I point to D who just finished Sam's beer and is throwing it on the ground, and opening a new one for her

She runs to him, "Riley do it with me? Please!" She pouts. I smile and walk over to a beer can and take D's keys, opening the can, and drinking it with her.

Crushing both of our cans I ask "Is Mia dating Tino yet?"

"Umm I don't know" She turns around to D, "Is Mia and Tino dating yet?" He walks up her, keeping her at balance and answers "Shit I don't know. They've been talking for like a year I think. Right Miles?" He asks my... boyfriend?

He walks up behind me, and is towering over me as he wraps his arm around my chest kissing the top of my head. I bit down on my cheek to stop me from smiling like an idiot. "I think Tino said he might ask her soon, but I couldn't remember I was high when he talked about her." He chuckles

So does D and the rest of us.

- - -

"Hey babe you okay?" I rush over to Sam who is face to face with the toilet at 8 in the morning. We had fallen asleep in one of the rooms- well me and Miles. Sam and D slept in another room and D woke me up saying Sam was puking her brains out and wasn't letting him in the bathroom. Understandable.

"No" she whispers and unlocks the door for me to go in.

"How much did you drink?" I tie her hair back while rubbing her back.

"I don't even remember. The last I remember is doing dancing on a table while you and Mia poured a bottle of New Amsterdam down my throat." she says, rolling her eyes.

"Yikes. Yeah I do remember that part as well." Wow I honestly don't know we did that. "Are you okay to go back to bed? It's only 8 am" she nods her head yes, but brushes her teeth before she leaves.

I walk out leaving her to clean herself up and see D sitting on the end of the bed facing me. He jumps up "Is she okay? God I've never seen someone puke that much. I mean I don't even think Mia has puked that much, and she pukes" He says worrying

I laugh, "Yes she's find. She's gonna go back to bed, but act normal not like you just saw her kissing a toilet. Thanks for waking me up" I say walking to the door and hear him mumble something.

Riley Quinn, his girlWhere stories live. Discover now