Chapter 69-Bride Hostage

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The ninjas are at the secret church helding a great ceremony there due to the fact that Greg and Caeda are going to be married and will become couples forever. Lou and Raven begins to smile at them but, as for Michael. He begins to cry due to the fact that he always cry at weddings. Their master is silent because he is okay at weddings and he doesn't have to react at it.

Meanwhile At the public church at the city outside the area. Several ninjas are pulling the carriage behind them because Roses wants to capture every bride at the church one-by-one in-order for her own because dress to be completed with the devil's water to be risen.

While this thing is in-progress. The door begins to slam as all of the people there starts to scream but, for the bride she got slipped through the ground and won't let go of them because those guys are fast and they can take her easily.

Back at the secret church. Kyla announces them that there is trouble at the church and most of the brides gone missing which will cause for the ninjas, the master, and the priest they really have to exclaim.

They need to cancel the wedding in-order for them to discuss the things that the enemies are doing. Their master shows them the lists of weddings that are still available but, the ones that have the highlighted yellow are cancelled.

"Master," Michael begins to wander, "Did you print that?"

"Yes," He replied, "What do you expect me to do. Write it down on a piece of paper before showing it to you?"

"Umm. No. The question is. Did you highlight the yellow ones on the paper?"

"No. It was highlighted at the government so that they can know what events are on-going or what events are cancelled."

"I see So where will be the next wedding take place?"

"Hmm." He takes a look at the paper in-order for him to know where the next wedding place will occur, "It will be at Transfiguration Roman Catholic Church." He tells it to him what next wedding event will occur.

"Okay. Then, where at Yoshio's henchmen's location?"

"I dont know but, I think. It's better to go to that location just to prepare for the thing before the ninjas came in to take the bride. Okay?"


The team stands-out of their chairs before heading to the garage area where they will be heading straight to the location that they are supposed to go for their mission.

Once their. They leave the car before they go to the plan where Caeda will dress as her wedding suits while the rest of the four will take watch at them.

The process of this event starts with a entrance hymn of the Christian songs before the next one where the words of welcome is introduced. Here this is where the priest tells them to welcome the guests for bearing the witnesses to their union as they are welcoming everyone.

The team we're doing a great job in taking a look at them for the two while for the other two are looking all over the area just to make sure that no ninjas can kidnap her as soon as possible.

Meanwhile The ninjas are pulling the carriage to Mott St because they are here to take the bride on-hand. Michael warns Lou that the ninjas are just 500 meters ahead on their location which makes him grab the phone to call the other town ninjas who are still on operation to get ready.

They grab their weapons on their backs very slowly because they don't want to harm any innocent people there until the enemies had made the action.

Once the ninjas broke-in. The people starts to scream and panic as they see that the ninjas are inside getting ready to take the bride out of the place. The ninjas jump out of their hiding spots as they are ready to beat those guys out and take the bride out of the place but, no. Those cowards took her by kidnaping her which they will exclaim.

Meanwhile. At Roses' hideout. Roses herself talks to Raven about those brides because she wants to help master Yoshio flood the city by doing this task which is currently now. Another bride is taken and places onto the dress cage which will cause the pink ninja to look at her with anger.

"Don't you dare look at me," Her enemy said angrily, "You should be proud at that because all of your friendly girls are there enjoying the party."

"Think again creep because all your doing is wrong." She replied angrily.


The ninjas comes close to her but, she tells them that she will do the honors because she will take the phone before pressing some number buttons on the right order before she can tell her to answer in-order for them to rescue them.

She tells her the place where the brides are held. The location is at the abandoned building at E 12 St.. On building 39.

Meanwhile Michael begins to worry about the things that our friend was telling. What if it's a trick then, they will be dead leaving the evil Yoshio to win and conquer the whole city itself along with China.

Lou thinks of a way first before he can do the action immediately because if they don't then, this will make the end of them and the whole world itself. His idea will be the making of the ninjas which will be like themselves but, it's not actually them. So he made his secret power to make those things before they can wait for another call just to make it for the real battle.

The substitute ninjas manages to arrive at the abandoned warehouse but, actually no one is here which the door begins to close with full force then, a massive explosion begins to make a process which will cause for them to be killed.

"Haha!" Roses said with an evil laugh, "Now your friends are completely dead. What are you going to do now? Are you just going to cry?"

She begins to cry as she is telling her to do so but, no. Her friends manages to arrive on-time because they manage to full her just that. The enemy turns back as she is hearing something. It's Caeda with her Bo Staff on her hand. She manages to destroy the cake using her slash techniques.

The brides begins to run away as she begins to become upset then, to take them out but, the ninjas uses their smoke bomb before they run out of this place.

She leaves the hideout as they are looking for them. Then, she sees them in-front of her which will cause for her to exclaim and thinking that she needs to call Yoshio's henchmen. They then, head for the fight as they are beating the enemies one-by-one as they are sticking together then, head for the real opponent which is Roses.

She grabs her needlepoint as her sword before she can slash them down with a side slashing attack because she sees those ninjas that they are murdering Yoshio's henchmen within upstrokes. She really knows what they are doing. So she must make an opposite direction when it comes to fighting her enemies once and for all.

The ninjas are taking damage from her and now. She is ready to finish them off once and for all but, no. Michael uses his special power just to wash off the needle that he is currently holding. Now the ninjas are going to ram her with everything they got but, no. The mystery ninja reflect those attacks which will cause for them to exclaim.

The two then, leave the place as they are retreating. The ninjas are in a bad feeling that she might return and do the plan again.

Meanwhile. Yoshio decides to become her servant just to mention that the mystery ninja just helped her on-purpose.

The good team are at the cupcake shop outside walking in because they want to have a great desert there and have a great snack there as soon as possible and just forget about that but, instead. They must focus on the main thing. Defeating Yoshio himself and his numerous henchmen.

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