Chapter 47-School Of Villians

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Raven had finished cooking dinner at her kitchen and places them onto the table one-by-one as the food's smoke is completely white which means the food that she cooked is very great and very delicious.

She calls her friends that the food is ready then, to sit down at the chair where they will be eating dinner immediately before they can do anything whatever they want at they're own rooms because staying at the living room is too late for them and they can only do that for the rest of the day until it is dinner time.

After some time at the room. They put on they're pajamas at the closet area before they head back to the room where they will be having a goodnight sleep.

The next morning. The leader of the ninja wakes up on the morning and founds himself tied up on the chair. His friends does the same thing as well after they open they're eyes on a great fine morning.

"Where on earth are we?" Raven said in a question.

"I don't know Raven," Michael replied with worriedness, "But, I'm sure that I hate this place and unsure at this place."

"Yeah. Whoever did this will regret it."

They stay they're at the chairs in tied-up then, to wait for someone to appear in-front of them. The person that appears in-front of them is the evil professor that has red hair on top of his head, wide frame glasses, black coat shirt, and lastly. A dark blue great pants with a belt attached onto the top part.

"Who on earth are you?" Lou said in a question.

"I am Daniel Sorgretes. I will be your teacher for the ones that saved the city." The professor replied in-front of him.

"So you are telling me that you are the teacher of the superheroes?"


"Well. If that's the case then, untie us because we want our limbs and the whole body free."

"Actually. No."


"I am the teacher that teach those superheroes a lesson from saving the world and stopping the bad guys from destroying the city."

"What? You are telling us that you are the bad teacher?"

"That is completely true. Now it's time for you to go to the classrooms alone and no one to come with you at the same classroom."

The whole team begins to exclaim as they are dragged to the room one-by-one by staying at the chair but, only one person can enter the room since that is his plans.

The first one that they will be taking a look at the area is Lou himself at the classroom area. He is forced to do some hard math questions there. While he is doing some of those questions one-by-one. There are two head statues that is actually the professor's head that he saw earlier with his members looking at him just like supervising someone.

After he finishes his test. He gives the paper to his professor before he can get out of this place immediately but, the arms that comes from the statues grabs him but, Lou is determined and grabs his sword onto his back and slash those things one-by-one and he must get out of this place immediately before more of those things begins to appear.

He is now at the hallway and his objective here is to find his members of the team by checking onto the room one-by-one. He first opens the door first very slightly but, he has to quick because the arms that appears from the statues or somewhere around the walls onto the area.

When the arms begins to appear the walls behind him. He begins to rush-in the room and founds himself at the library. He begins to rush onto the area as soon as possible and find someone there.

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