The team

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Going into the room Jimin saw Jungkook sitting there smirking at him making him clench his small hands together.
Next to him was a tall blonde man , then a smiling looking man, a short sleepy looking male and standing up a handsome energetic looking male.
"Thanks Jin," jungkook nodded to the male letting him leave.
"Gentleman, let me introduce Park Jimin our newest member, you could say he fell into the job," Jungkooks eye caught the fiesty males one seeing him go red ," and by that I mean his qualifications were so good I snatched him up before someone else did," he said trying  to mollify the small fireball.
Jimin puffed up at that even though he knew the bosses earlier remark had been said to rile him.
"Jimin these here are, Namjoon, JHope known as Hobi, Min Yoongi or Suga as we call him and over here taehyung or Tae."
They all nodded , Jimin nodded back.
"So Jimin we go by first names here, it's friendlier."
Jungkook said.
"Hey Kook hurry up I need to be at the studio to make sure they shoot the advertisement correctly, I want it to coincide with the launch."
"Ok Tae, Jimin go with Tae today see how we work, I will have a specific line for you to work on later."
"Come on Jimin, let's go," the energetic male grabbed the smaller who felt confusion at being babysat.
Tae collected stuff from his office then took Jimin to the lift where they travelled to an underground car park, Tae stopping at a low slung sports car.
"Wow,nice car," Jimin said admiring the sleek lines.
"She's my baby, so do you drive?"
"I can but don't have a car." He didn't want to say he didn't have the money for one because he'd had uni fees then paid of bills his father had left because there was no one else to do it, his mother having died when he was ten.
He barely scraped through paying rent for his small flat and household bills, he'd made sure to invest in three decent suits and five alternating shirts especially for interviews and work and if now and then he sometimes missed a meal he told himself it was good for his figure.He knew he had the qualifications for the job and was sure now he had it that life was on the up.
He realised they had been driving for a while and he asked Tae the question that was bothering him," Tae do you normally have to babysit newcomers?"
"Ah Jimin, I'm not babysitting you, we all do it, Jungkook said we have similar styles so you might feel more comfortable with me," he grinned at the small boy who grinned back in relief.
Getting to the Studio Tae gave Jimin an idea of what they were doing it's for a new watch company middle of the range cost but they're trying to get all age groups so we've got to film an advert that gives that effect. Jimin nodded and spent time watching the filming. Tae stood up ," no, no, this isn't working, take a break while I think"
Tae grabbed a coffee, Jimin too." What's up?" He asked the other.
"Well you can see it's based on a family but there's no flow,"
"Erm,can I suggest something?"
"Please do."
"Why don't you do it to music,have the family all at breakfast kids fussing around then looking at their watches before waving to their parents and leaving, mum and dad glancing at their basic daytime watches for work time before they twirl around and are dressed for a date wearing their more exclusive type ones as they wave off to the teenage babysitter who looks at her sporty type one then puts her feet up to watch tv....or something," he ended speaking quietly wondering if he'd overstepped himself.
"Bloody brilliant, props!!" He yelled.
The stage was set the models keen to do the trendy shoot, music had been chosen then,"shit how should they dance.., " Tae muttered pulling his hair, Jimin stepped in talking to the kids showing them some dance steps then going to the adults he pretended to be the husband showing them at what point in the music they should do their little dance and twirl and joined the teenager who was excellent at doing a little funky dance with him to her music at the end.
Sitting down Tae looked at him making him nervous," what?" He asked the other.
"Park Jimin where have you been all my life, it's like your my soulmate you knew what I needed and did it!"
Jimin giggled making the other adore him even more.
The shoot got done and when Tae played it back he was really happy. They thanked everyone and left.
"We should go out for late lunch," Tae said.
Jimin knew his budget wouldn't allow for that just yet so he made an excuse," oh sorry Tae I brought a sandwich in I'm really eager to get used to things in the office do you mind taking me back?"
"Of course not, I'll show Jungkook the advert then go out, early finish for me," he grinned.
Getting back to the office he waved Tae off and went into his room seeing the mess from the morning cleared up and leaning against a wall three framed pictures, a seascape, a sunrise and a busy city.
He took out his lunch which consisted of a banana and a bottle of water which he put on his desk, a tap on his door and Jin walked in," Is that all your having?" He said glancing at the other frowning
"Erm , trying to lose weight," he passed it off.
"Hmm, you don't need to, anyway these pictures have been sent over pick one you would like on your wall and I'll send the others back."
"Really! Well the seascape one, it looks serene the water rippling up to the sand you can imagine the sound of waves....,I like the beach."
"Great maintenance will have it up by tomorrow, I'll leave you to your er lunch."
Jimin smiled looking at the picture, how he wished he could spend time by a beach like that for a while let all of life's stress disappear for a while, sighing he looked at his meagre lunch and got on with it.

"Tae this is brilliant, it shows of the variety in a fun way, I'm sure our client will love it, did Jimin enjoy seeing it done?"
"Time to fess up, it was Jimins idea, I tell you he jumped right in when he saw I was struggling with the flow, even taught them the dance, look I filmed him," taking out his phone he showed Jungkook the video he'd taken without Jimins knowledge . Jungkook could see the delight in his face as he danced.
He nodded at Tae, "I read in his file he studied dance, I wonder why he chose advertising?"
Tae shrugged and left the room.
Jungkook leaned back in his chair thinking of how sexy Jimin had looked dancing, what he wouldn't give to......this boy what was he doing to him, he adjusted his trousers which had suddenly become tight and then tried concentrating on his work for the rest of the day.

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