Nothing as good as this

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Jimin was thrown on the bed, Jungkook coming to hover over him." So why so stroppy?"
"I'm not get off me you musclepig!"
"Tut tut, all this name calling will get that fine ass smacked."
Jimin unconciously wriggled against the other.
"Jiminee don't wriggle, your making me hard, I want to do kissyface," he said trying for a cute voice.
"Huh, well you haven't wanted to ,!" Jimin said crossly.
"Ah is my baby needy?"
"Hush up you ape!"
Jungkook gripped both of Jimins hands in one of his staring down at the other he held his arms captive above his head.
"Seriously Jimin, if you don't want this stop me now, I'm telling you straight I don't do relationships so don't expect more,I've tried to hold back but it's too hard but I'm not going to force you, I don't rape anyone."
Jimin saw the sincerity in the others eyes and also the desire. Leaning up he kissed the other," fuck me already....,I want you."
Jungkook didn't need to hear that twice, starting an assault of the senses on the other male. He kissed his plump lips tasting inside, he knelt up stripping his jacket and shirt off, groaning when Jimin reached up a hand to undo his trousers, slipping off the bed he pulled Jimin up, undressing him completely then himself." Your beautiful," he said to the small boy, touching his milky white skin.
"Your sexy," Jimin replied.
Jungkook pulled the small boy on top of him as he lay on the bed, caressing down his back and squeezing his ass.Jimin straddled the other kissing his way down his toned chest then gripping his large erect member against his own loving the feeling as they rubbed together.
"Shit Jimin, your a fast learner!"
Jimin sat in between Jungkooks legs as he bent down enveloping the rigid member with his mouth, sucking it in enjoying the taste of pre cum. Jungkook thrust his hips up savouring the moment.
"Ah stop Jiminee, if you don't I'll come now and I really want to fuck you so lay down baby."
Jimin pouted but did as he was told. Jungkook kissed him thoroughly, the sucked on his sensitive collarbone then licked his nipples making him groan.
"Let me hear you moan, don't hold it in," Jungkook pumped Jimins erect member then reaching into a drawer brought out some lube coating his fingers he whispered into Jimins ear," get on all fours baby, I'm gonna prep you, I need to do it to make it easier for you cos I'm not gonna lie it will hurt, you need to relax let the pain go and the pleasure take over."
Jimin got into all fours his ass stuck up his elbows laying on the bed, he felt exposed and wary, then a warm tongue circled his butt hole, causing him to gasp, then the tongue licked from the base of his dick up to his hole again, the feeling foreign but welcoming,"oooooh!"
A lubed finger suddenly entered his puckered hole, he moaned ," relax baby there's more to come," Jungkook slipped in a second finger trying to loosen up the virgin hole," ah Jimin so tight,"
Jimin found himself pushing onto the fingers then suddenly they were gone ,Jimin whimpered at the loss, Jungkook bent down kissing the boys firm ass as he lubed himself up then," relax now baby ok?"
Putting the tip of his member to Jimins hole he pushed in slightly.
"Aaah, Kookie it's too big it hurts!"
"Breath baby just breath,"
Jimin tried to relax, he felt Jungkook lean down
to kiss his back and reach round to fondle his dick taking his mind from the pain to a feeling of excitement, pushing his ass back as his rigid member was pumped," that's it baby, feel how your tight hole grips me, do you want more?"
Jimin moaned as Jungkook pushed in further, "ah fuck me hard Kookie," he begged.
Jungkook pulled back then thrust in hard, repeating the motion over and over, suddenly finding that bundle of nerves inside Jimin making the other groan from the intense arousel he felt.
"That's it baby , let me fuck you hard."
Jungkook couldn't believe how strong his arousel was he didn't want this to end but knew it would, so he pushed in harder intent on reaching his goal.
"Hey Jimin , your butt takes my breath away, it takes my dick so well."
"Ah.....oh I'm gonna cum Kookie,aaaaaargh!" He released onto the bed ," that's it baby give it all, I need your tight hole, it's holding me like a glove, grabbing the whole length,fuck,aaaaaaargh!" He exploded into Jimin an intense orgasm , he gripped Jimins hips as he came, what the hell he thought I've never had as good as this..
Both boys flopped to the bed Jungkook rolling them both onto their side.
Panting breaths filled the air then Jimin was hugged from behind," you ok baby? You certainly rocked my world," he said kissing the boys shoulder .
"Mmmm,tired," Jimin muttered .
"You were so good baby, we will clean up later just rest ."
Jimin snuggled down pulling Jungkooks arm tightly around him succumbing to the pull of sleep.
Jungkook hugged the other wondering at how possessive he suddenly felt over Jimin, how much he wanted to bury himself deep inside him again he couldn't remember any sex being as good. Jimin whimpered in his sleep, he had gone so hard on him he was going to be sore, it was a good job  that it was the weekend so no work for a couple of days.
He drifted off with that comforting thought.
Jimin woke up wondering where he was, looking around he realised where and who he was with. The memories of earlier made him blush, he thought about how moody he had been thinking Jungkook didn't want him, how wrong he had been. He realised he needed to pee so carefully removed the sleeping males arm, he got up wincing catching his breath then slowly walked to the bathroom to relieve himself,then looked longingly at the bath, it would be so nice to soak away the aches , he staggered to the sink thinking he'd better wash up and then should he leave he wasn't sure how all this stuff should be played out, would Jungkook expect him to be gone when he woke?yes that was probably what he should do. He groaned from the pain of just standing and was shocked when the door opened ,
"Jimin are you ok? What are you doing?"
"I-I'm sorry you probably didn't expect me to still be here, I'll clean up and aaah go." He was hit with pain again but tried to cover it.
"Jimin I don't expect you to go and I'm surprised your standing, let me run you a bath you should soak it will help you."
"Mmmmm please "Jimin groaned.
Jungkook ran the bath adding lots of bubbles then carefully picked Jimin up and placing him in the warm water.
"Scoot forward I'll wash you and me."
Jungkook climbed in picking up the soap and lathering up then washing the parts of Jimin above the water then stood washing himself down . He encouraged Jimin to stand soaping down his private parts befor they both sat in the bath just soaking themselves.
Jimins stomach suddenly rumbled, "sorry,"
"Jimin I'll get out and dressed change the bedding and make something to eat, you stay here."
Jimin lay back luxuriating in the bubbles he was so comfortable his eyes closed and he started slipping,
He spluttered coughing as he took in water.
"Don't drift off in water !" A mad Jungkook  said before realising the boy was tired and tearful," god I'm sorry for shouting at you I was worried." Letting the water run from the bath he picked Jimin up enveloping him in warm bath towel drying him off . He swung him up into his arms carrying him to the bedroom putting him in the newly made bed. He collected a clean T shirt putting it on Jimin and laughing at Jimin in it, it was long on Jimin and loose but he looked cute.
" you want boxers?"
Jimin nodded and slipped on some that were still in a packet .
Jungkook then swung the boy up carrying him downstairs to the kitchen where he sat him on a stool as he prepared food.
Eating while sitting at the breakfast bar  they casually chatted about work then," you sure your ok Jimin I should have gone easier on you, but fuck you felt so good."
Jimin blushed crimson," I'm fine but just you wait, you try being fucked!"
"You can fuck me anytime."
"Really? I can do what you did?"
"Er..., well I've always been a top, but I suppose I could try."
Jimins eyes gleamed in devilment," maybe I should catch you on a weekday so you can waddle into work like a duck with a sore ass," he giggled .
"Watch it I take it back!"
"I'm full , urm am I supposed to leave now? Are there rules for these er , hook ups?"
Usually Jungkook would make the other person leave but he didn't want Jimin to go, he wanted to keep him there, which was unusual ," No your staying, no work tomorrow so relax, I'll wash up quickly then we can go upstairs. Jimin nodded watching the other clean up, his eyes drooping before eventually closing as he rested his head in the counter.
Ten minutes later Jungkook turned round to see the sleeping boy, smiling he gently lifted him up cradling him against his chest. When he got to his room he placed him in his bed then stripping down to just boxers he slipped in beside the smaller boy. Jimin shuffled in his sleep laying on Jungkooks chest and muttering," Kookie...." Jungkook held him in his arms a feeling of comfort surrounded him as he held Jimin close before eventually falling asleep too.

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