New beginnings

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It had been two weeks since Jungkook had been to work. When Jimin had asked a confused Jin had answered that he was with his mother.
"That's nice," he replied.
"Is it? I don't know......."
Not explaining more Jimin was left confused and a little worried. Yes he was annoyed with Jungkook but his feelings for him didn't go away.
He was sat in his office when Jin came in carrying a basket of flowers," someone's got an fan," he said placing the basket on Jimins desk and leaving.
Jimin surprised stood up searching for a card. There was a little envelope which he opened,
Let's make memories
Jimin looked on the card, no name. He stared at the beautiful flowers the smell bringing the outdoors in.
He sighed wondering who it could be.
He carried on with his day, at lunchtime another delivery again with a card only this time it was a single strawberry cheesecake in the shape of a heart and another card.
I give you my heart
Jimin was getting a little freaked out, who was sending him these things?
He dipped his finger in tasting it then wolfed the rest down it ,would be a shame to waste it.
Just as he was about to leave work Jin came in again with another gift," something your not telling us Jimin, all these gifts today being delivered."
"I don't know Jin, do you think I have a stalker, the cards aren't signed."
"Really? What's this then?"
Jimin opened the gift to find a bracelet with a little key attached ,
You hold the key to my heart
"So pretty but who is it?"
"Wow romantic you sure you don't know?
"No there's nobody that I know who cares like that for me."
"Hmmm well if it carries on we will call the police, now get home aren't you clubbing with Tae tonight at that new place Pied Piper?"
"Yer, ok we will see what happens bye Jin."
Jimin left taking a taxi home as he needed to shower change get spare clothes and get to Tae's.
Jin was waiting for Namjoon when the lift doors opened and Jungkook, stepped out," Kookie!!"
""Hey Jin you ok?"
"I'm fine but you ,are you ok..., you were with your mother?you said you hadn't spoken in years,"
"Long story short, I got the wrong end of the stick over my parents break up, I blamed my mother which is why I've had commitment issues, all sorted now I've spent time with her talked through my issues and am going to get my man!"
"Jimin, we had a thing I ruined it but now I'm going to put it right,"
" and Jimin....., wait was it you who sent those gifts?"
Jungkook grinned like a naughty schoolboy and nodded," did he like them eh?"
"You've made him think he's got a stalker!"
"You idiot you didn't sign any of the cards!"
"Didn't he guess it was me?"
"Why should he, he said nobody cares for him like that."
"SHIT! I should go to him and explain,"
"He won't be home he's going out with Tae to the new club Pied piper."
"Well he won't be going home with him tonight, see you."
Jungkook left going home to put his plan into action.
The music was loud the club packed, the two males picked their shot glasses up and raised them,
"PAAAAARRRRTTTTYYY" they shouted knocking them back before rushing to the dance floor and showing off their moves.
Half an hour later and Tae was making out with someone on the corner of the dance floor winking at Jimin who laughed then went to get some water from the bar swigging it back to cool down, suddenly the hairs on his neck rose as he thought he was being watched. Grabbing a beer he turned to the dance floor looking around, a male came up to him asking for a dance, before he could answer two hands came round his waist," no he's with me," the male went away and Jiminee turned.
"Hi baby, miss me?"
"Pfft!" Was all he got.
Jungkook held Jimins wrist up," I see you wore my gift."
"Huh? You you sent all that stuff!"
"I sure did,"
"Well stop it , you can't buy me!" Jimin struggled to take the bracelet off but jungkook gripped his wrists,
"Now don't be naughty baby I don't want to have to spank your ass in front of everyone!"
"Angel? Darling?love of my life ?" Jungkook said.
"Egotistical fucking stalker," Jimin pulled away storming onto the dance floor but again was grabbed and pulled close as the music became a sexy dance tune.
"You know you could hurt my feelings saying that," jungkook said  looking down at the boy and placing Jimins arms around his neck as he held his waist.
Jimin looked up saying sarcastically," you need to have feelings for that to happen." He automatically swayed to the music as did Jungkook.
"Oh I have feelings, I realised how much I feel for you,"
"Yer, until someone comes along and I'm just your colleague again," Jimin sassed back.
"I mean it Jimin, I think I love you and I'm not going to lose you, you thought I was a stalker sending those gifts well I'll become one if you don't agree to go out with me."
"You do realise that already sounds stalkerish?"
"Shut up and kiss me ," Jungkook groaned slamming his lips down in the others. It became a kiss for dominance , Jimin gripping the others neck to pull his head as close as he could ,Jungkook grabbing the others ass and pulling him tight against him, both feeling the reactions below .
"Jungkook? Is that you?" A slightly drunk Tae came up behind the pair staring in surprise at the pair," why are you kissing Jimins face off."
Jimin waited for Jungkook to deny it but instead,
"he's my boyfriend why shouldn't I?"
Both Jimin and Tae looked astonished at the other.
"He is... you are?" Tae said looking at the two.
"Erm....I,"Jimin began.
"Yes he is and he won't be coming back to yours tonight ok? Oh and do me a favour, don't drink anymore and get to work on time and tell Jin to rearrange Jimins appointments for tomorrow he won't be in, bye."
He swooped Jimin up and over his shoulder, the small boy hitting his back and getting a hard slap in return, walking away he was called by a laughing Tae, " here, his jacket, now go get him tiger,@ he said to a grinning Jungkook and getting a wailed,
"Taaaeeee!" From the smaller.
Jungkook hailed a taxi and got in the back with a squirming Jimin, he gave his address to the driver who nodded but kept looking in the mirror at the struggling boy.
"It's ok he missed me he can't wait to have his way with me." Jungkook said solemnly to the driver to which Jimin went bright red and squealed, "JUNGKOOK!" Hiding his face on the others chest feeling Jungkook shake with laughter, so he punched his nipple through his shirt," ouch!" Jungkook spoke into Jimins ear," you are so going to pay for that baby."
Jimin stilled, afraid but also turned on. They arrived at the house and after paying the taxi driver , Jungkook held the small boys hand and pulled him inside the house .
"So you like to play rough do you baby?"
"I -I don't know what you mean and...and I'm going."
Jimin rushed to the door trying to open it but was again picked up only this time jungkook sat on the sofa laying Jimin across his legs. Jimin squirmed until a hand spanked him sharply, he let out a moan,
"Does my baby like that?"
Jimin wiggled in denial earning another spank, Jungkook rubbed the area he'd just smacked as his voice sounded lustful ," well we'll who knew my little innocent likes that,"
Jimin couldn't help the moan that escaped him feeling turned on by the others words, minutes later he had  his trousers and boxers pulled down exposing his ass as Jungkook lay him across his legs again his hand touching the slightly red area rubbing it caressing the cheeks and sliding to his hole ," oh Jimin I love your ass."
"Mmmmm, more Kookie" Jimin whined raising his ass up a bit," ok... count with me( smack) one, two, three....,four....five....."
Jimin was a moaning mess his ass red his dick leaking.
Jungkook stood up carrying the half dressed boy to his room and stripping of his clothes and then his own his dick rigid.
"Fuck Jimin I feel so turned on I don't want to wait,"
"Well don't , just fuck me no prep just do it."
Jungkook hovered over the boy pushing his legs back to display his puckered hole," you sure?"
Jimin nodded.
Jungkook pushed in his length in one go Jimin gasping," fuck me Jimin your so tight I feel like I want to cum already, " Jungkook waited a few seconds letting Jimin become used to the full feeling then the sexual dance began , Jungkook thrusting hard into the small boy and Jimin pushing upwards , Jungkook angled Jimins hips up so he could hit that small bundle of nerves inside, knowing from Jimins loud moans that he had succeeded .
"Oh Kookie...I missed you, I missed this," Jimin groaned.
Jungkook leaned down to kiss those plump lips, "I missed you Jimin....I love you,"
Jimin cried finally," I've wanted you to say that for so long he gasped.
He felt himself build up in pleasure he put his hand in between them to pump his member trying to get some release. Jungkook rolled them over," ride me baby "he said.
Jiminee rocked up and down feeling fuller than ever , Jungkook giving powerful thrusts upwards as he pumped Jimin member in time to his thrusts when," Kooooookie,aaah!" Jimin came intensely spurting over Jungkooks hand and chest. "Guy icky me!" He groaned watching as Jungkook carried on thrusting while licking his hand, then grabbing Jimins hips he slammed upwards twice more before exploding his juices into Jimins ass.
He panted, his whole being a pleasured mess," oh Jimin, it's only ever like this with you."
The pair flopped on the bed, trying to catch their breath.
"Did you mean it?"
"That y-you love me ?"
Jungkook tilted the small boys face up to his," you are my heart and soul and I'd be lost without you, I'll shout it from the rooftops if you want, I Jeon Jungkook love you Park Jimin...., will you marry me?"
Jimin looked up a grin on his face, " yes I will but not right now I'm well and truly fucked,I can't  move so can you wait? He chuckled.
Jungkook put on a stern face,@ well Park Jimin, Soon to be Jeon Jimin as I intend to well and truly fuck you for the rest of our lives we will have to try and schedule it in," he smirked.
" what about when I fuck you?" Jimin questioned.
"Oh er yer I said that didn't I? Jungkook gulped.
"It's ok Kookie , I rather like being bottom and dominated by you."
"Oh Jimin you say the sweetest things, you wanna call me daddy, or master, or...."
"No your my Kookie and I love you.@
"And your my baby and I'm so glad to have found you."
"Should we wash up?" Jimin asked yawning.
"Nah baby let's be sticky together," he placed Jimin on his chest pulling a cover over both of them, his arms holding the small boy his chin resting in Jimins head," sleep baby, I'll still be here with you,"
"Mmmmmm..., my Kookie the other muttered content as never before as they both drifted off to sleep.
The end

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