What you see isnt always true

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The weeks passed quickly, it seemed to Jimin that he'd worked there forever loving the work and expressing his ideas, often being the last to leave as he tried to prove his worth, he finally thought things were looking up, today he'd been paid as it was on a monthly basis and checking his account online he was sure he could maybe treat himself.
His mood was happy until he got a text from the lawyer who had dealt with the bills Jimin had paid off, it was a reminder that now the things had been sorted Jimin owed the lawyer the rest of his fees,' at Jimins earliest convenience '
He put his head in is hands sighing and looking stressed, Tae chose that moment to stick his head in, "time for a chat Jimin?"
"Let me just get a coffee to keep me going,"
Jimin stood up leaving his phone on the desk and Tae being his usual nosy self saw the text, is this why Jimin looked stressed, quickly sitting down he got his own phone out pretending to do something on it.
Jimin came back carrying two coffees and passing one to Tae.
"Thanks Jimin, why you looking stressed?"
"Oh er nothing."
"So payday you going out tonight?"
Jimin glanced at his phone sighing then," er no , not the going out type."
Tae could clearly see he was lying and prodded some more, "so you want to go to lunch?"
"Oh no, I'm ok I er, had a big breakfast ," he lied.
"Oh , good I'm glad your not one of those people who always diet,"
" Me no, I don't diet."
Tae nodded now knowing Jimin was lying as Jin had let slip that he didn't think Jimin should diet as he was only a small thing anyway.
Changing the subject Tae asked Jimins opinion on a current job and Jimin asked Tae about props he needed for a still shoot.
Wandering down to Jungkooks office later he spoke with his friend,
"kook, what do you know about Jimins lifestyle ?"
Jungkook looked at him frowning," Why?"
Tae explained his fears," he never comes out to eat, he doesn't have a car, his lunch according to Jin consists of water and a banana, he looks stressed as fuck,where does he live does he have family how does he get to work, also I sort of saw a message on his phone about a lawyers bill."
"Sort of saw? You mean you were being nosy, but your right it is worrying, I'll get Namjoon to look into it, thanks Tae."
Jungkook stood up walking out of his office and towards Jimins where the door was open, Jimin was standing at the window on his phone," yes Mr Lee , I just transferred the amount into your account if you could send a receipt, No thank you for being so kind as to put your fee off until I paid off my fathers bills, yes, I'm glad it's finally over, thank you goodbye."
Jungkook saw the small boy lean his head on the window sighing, stress emanating from him.
Jungkook turned stopping at Namjoons office ,
"Joonie, use our usual resources and find out everything about Park  Jimin, finances background check but keep it discreet,"
Namjoon nodded knowing there must be a reason and got straight on the phone.
Jimin meanwhile concentrated on his work, he had felt so happy about being paid he hadn't brought lunch because he was going to go out and eat but now he just thought of ways to try and get his meagre food stock to last. Luckily coffee at work was free so to try and fill himself up a bit he went to make one.
Stirring the coffee he stood staring into space,
"Jimin not going out for lunch?"
Jimin jumped at Jungkooks voice dropping the spoon. He bent down to pick it up and found himself getting dizzy as he stood up.
"Jimin!" Jungkook held onto the small boy who suddenly went pale and swayed.
Jimin took in a deep breath, steadying himself. He knew it was because he hadn't eaten all day and just a small bowl of noodles yesterday, but he didn't want to show any weakness.
"I'm ok just stood up to quick ," he grabbed his mug of coffee and quickly sat at one of the small tables, dismayed when Jungkook made himself a coffee and sat opposite, staring.
"So Jimin, do you live near?"
"Erm, not too far."
"I notice you didn't ask for a company car parking space?"
"No.....I don't have a car at present."
"Eugh, public transport then?"
"I er walk to work,"
"Nice in good weather not so much in bad, eh,"
Jimin smiled not answering .
Their talk stopped when Jin showed a pretty women to where Jungkook was, but from the look of Jins face you could tell he didn't like her much.
"Jungkookie baby why haven't you been in touch?"
Jungkook looked at the women, wondering why he felt annoyed by her presence, usually he was quite happy to hook up with her, fulfil his needs and leave, but looking at her, then Jimin ,he knew which one he'd rather have in his bed.
"Lisa, why are you here?"
The pretty girl huffed already noticing her lovers looks at the male opposite.
"Why shouldn't I , we are a couple."
Jimin felt upset for some reason, he stood up and excused himself, noticing the dismissive look the women gave him. He rushed into his office dizziness overcoming him again, so he lay his head down on the desk waiting to recover.
Meanwhile," Lisa you know what I said no strings attached, it's casual, we both know that."
"But Jungkookie, I want more, we could make it work."Lisa said straddling the male unashamedly.
"Get off Lisa......,I think we have gone as far as I want."
Getting up and stamping her foot the women yelled at him," why? What or who changed your mind, was it that little shit in here earlier."
"ENOUGH! Leave now, we are through,"
Jin miraculously appeared, " This way out.........ma'am ."
"Ma'am ? How old do you think I am you jerk?"
"Well I'm not sure, can't tell with all that makeup," Jin replied cuttingly.
"You....you....I demand you sack him Jungkook!!"
"Perleaseeee  Bitch !as if anything you say will be taken notice off, Kook your standards fell with this one!" Jin forcefully pulled her out putting her in the lift and smirking as he waved her indignant face off.
Making his way back to the break room he saw Jungkook shaking with laughter." Hey you! You knew I'd come save you didn't you , do you really need to have trash like that around ?"
"Ah Jin your like an overprotective mother, but I love you...., her.....she scratched an itch now and then,"
"You should be more particular instead of scratching an itch she seems the type to give you an itch if you know what I mean."
Jungkook blushed," JIN!"
"Well if you can't see she's a little hoe......"
Jungkook shook his head smiling, he left the room then on impulse went to Jimins office only to see the small boy looking pale and sleeping with his head on the desk.Jungkook frowned, why did Jimin seem off today was he coming down with something? Turning away he went back to his office deep in thought, he knew Tae was right and something was up with Jimin.
Jimin woke up dazedly, what time was it? Looking at his watch he saw it was nearly home time.Shit he thought he couldn't go home he'd slept so would be behind on his work. He went to the bathroom washing his face to wake himself up then got back to his work, one by one his colleagues left, Jungkook being the last.
"Jimin don't stay late,"
"Er no just got a bit more to do then I'll go."
Jungkook nodded then left.
Jimin sighed, he was used to staying late, he arranged with night security to be able to stay there after hours, at least this way he was warm and could make a drink, saving his heating bill and coffee supply. He stayed for another two hours, only leaving because he felt light headed.
Waving to night security to let them know he was leaving he went into the already dark night and started his weary trudge home, remembering Jungkooks comment ,'do you live near,' yes he thought if you drive ,but walking took him forty five minutes morning and night, today his body feeling very tired and lightheaded.
He got home looking at the small place, going to his kitchen he looked at the nearly empty cupboards settled on an apple and a piece of cheese eating it then showered and crawled into bed .

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