Let me date you

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After Suga left Jungkook went to find Jimin but then remembered that he would be at a clients discussing the set up of some adverts.
Turning around he stopped at Tae's door knocking then going in.
"Shit you look fucked," he told the other.
"Don't talk so loud," Tae said.
"Er you do remember I'm your boss?"
"So, are you deaf, I said be quiet."
"So , good night out then, why doesn't Jimin look as wrecked as you?"
" because he was sensible, drinking water as well as alcohol."
"And I thought you might lead him astray,"
"Nah, he knows how to have a good time, he also seems to attract others to him like a magnet, it was funny to see him turn them down so nicely that they just smiled at him."
"Really, er was their many?"
"Three that I saw, our Jimin is a turn on when he dances, they were all gawping at him, but he helped get me home and stayed the night."
Jungkook nodded not liking that others had wanted Jimin.
"Go home Tae, you have nothing that can't be re- arranged."
"No, if Jimin can do it so can I "
"Ok but don't fuck anything up."
For Jungkook the day passed slowly, his head was full of Jimin, he found himself at one point writing an email to a client and putting 'Dear Jimin', he got up to make himself a strong coffee, walking into the room he saw Jimin head on one arm eyes closed hugging a mug of coffee.
He stared at the sleeping boy admiring his pouty lips his beautiful sleeping face then remembering he was still annoyed at him he sharply called his name.
Jimin jerked awake, the hot coffee knocking over onto him.
"Aaah!" He yelled as it spilled on his hands and front.
"Shit!" Jungkook said rushing to the boy and pulling him to the sink to run his hands under the cold water, but Jimin pulled one away to pull his shirt from his skin," it's hot ouch!"
Jungkook quickly picked the boy up running to his office licking the door and stripped the top from Jimin seeing a red mark where his shirt had been,
"I'm sorry, go in there and shower, I'll get some spare clothes."
Jimin stepped into the bathroom ridding himself of his clothes and stepped under the shower cool water soothing his skin and getting rid of the coffee smell, turning the water up warmer he stood letting the spray ease his tense muscles he heard the door open and turned to face the male there who was staring right back," I'm sorry I made you jump, I didn't mean to get you burnt,"
"You could of just tapped my shoulder,"
"I-er, was annoyed you were sleeping at work," Jungkook tried to justify himself.
"Jungkook I finished my work day over an hour ago,so really I fell asleep on my own time."
"What?" Jungkook looked at the bathroom wall clock, what was the matter with him today, Jimin was right!
Jimin sighed turning back to the spray then grinned to himself, knowing the other was still watching him he put some shower gel in his hands then slowly lathered up his body ,"mmm, that's better," he sighed out , then bending down to wash his legs knowing he was giving Jungkook a perfect view of his ass, he wasn't surprised when a naked Jungkook stepped into the shower grabbing his hips and pulling him back his protruding dick rubbing against Jimins ass.
"Mmmmmm, you turn me on so much Jimin," he said leaning down to kiss and mark his shoulder blade.
Jimin turned to face the other," do I ?"
"Ah Jimin let me fuck you,"
Jimin nodded and jumped up as Jungkook put his hands on the back of his thighs, licking his legs around the others waist as they messily kissed each other," I'm sorry baby I can't wait," Jungkook raised Jimin slightly to place his dick and Jimins hole, roughly pushing in, Jimin gasping then moaning as Jungkook thrust madly into him, he leant Jimins back against the wall so he could thrust deeper and harder into him , Jimins own member rubbing between their bodies as each strived for their climax, all Jungkooks frustration from the day and the night before being pounded into the small boy before he let out a high keening noise as he came spurting up into Jungkooks abs, Jungkook came seconds after, his body shaking with his release,"aaaaaaargh!!"
Both were panting hard as they leaned together against the wall then standing up they washed off the evidence of their activity stepping out and drying each other, Jungkook wrapped Jimin in a bath towelling robe which drowned his small body and he wrapped a towel around his waist pulling the boy out to the couch in the office which lay on bringing the smaller boy to lay alongside of him his head on Jungkooks chest.
"Shouldn't we get dressed?" Jimin muttered.
"Soon, I got some clothes out for you but let's just cuddle,"
Jimin got comfortable hugging the others body to him, Jungkook getting that now familiar feeling of comfort that he only seemed to get from Jimin.
He gently rubbed his hand up and down Jimins back soon hearing little puffs of breath indicating the other had fallen asleep. He didn't mind this was what had been missing , his own eyelids shut as the pair slept cradling each other.
Two hours later and Jimin woke up, a rhythmic thump was under his ear, Jungkooks heartbeat. He moved off the sleeping male, looking down at him. Why did he have to love someone as complicated as Jungkook who would rather die than show a weakness for someone . Slipping off the bathrobe he placed it over the sleeping male. Looking around he found the clothes Jungkook left for him, then grabbing his coffee stained clothes he switched a desk lamp on and turned the main light off before quietly slipping from the room to grab his bits from his office and leaving, everyone else having left hours ago. Seeing night security he informed him that only Jungkook was left ,'working late'.
Jimin walked out into the dark night hunching up against the chilly weather as he trudged his way home.
He'd been walking for twenty minutes when his phone rang, grabbing it he put it against his ear,
"Jimin, you left where are you?"
"Erm about halfway home,"
"Why didn't you wake me?"
"You were tired,"
"But I needed to ask you something,"
Jimin heard a deep breath before," I wanted to ask you....,if you would.....date me."
"Date you how?"
"As in go out in public...together, your right I did make you look like a dirty secret but no more,so Park Jimin will you go on a date with me tomorrow ?"
"Er I suppose we could give it a try," Jimin said casually while inside he was jumping for joy.
"Well....ok then, get home quickly, see you tomorrow ,"
Jungkook hung up, pleased with himself , I can do this he thought to himself, ringing up a restaurant that he liked and booking a slot fo the next evening.
Afterwards.he sat back thinking of the view he'd had in the shower when Jimin had bent over to wash himself, this memory brought a tent to the towel covering, until dragging it off he pleasured himself with thoughts of Jimin again coming intensely, he cleaned up and dressed leaving the offices waving to night security to let them know he was leaving before going on down to his car.

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