The date

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At work the next day Jimin kept himself busy but his mind was on the evening, he wondered where their date would be.
Jungkook meanwhile was wondering if he had done the right thing. Was he ready for this? Then he told himself it was just a date he'd been on plenty of those, it wasn't like he was committing himself to someone.
Jimin slipped out in his lunch break, he wanted to get himself a new shirt to replace the coffee stained one, he bought it quickly then decided to go to a coffee shop near his workplace that made tasty sandwiches as well.
He was sitting in a booth when he heard a familiar voices nearby. It was Jungkook and Jin, they couldn't see him because of the privacy partition around the booths. He was about to stand up and ask if they wanted to sit with him when he heard his name mentioned.
"Does Jimin know that it's just a casual date?"
"I've told him I don't do commitment , he understands that."
"I'm surprised he agreed to it, he seems like an all or nothing guy."
"We like each other, so we will just do this until one of us gets fed up with it."
"Well I hope no one ends up getting hurt, I've seen the way you two are around each other,"
"I know but nobody else needs to know, yes we are going on a date but if anyone sees us they will just presume we are work colleagues out for a meal."
"But why don't you want people to know?"
"Well.....,it will protect Jimin when we break up,"
"I think your fooling yourself Jungkook, your scared of commitment ."
"Stop it, it's a fling and nothing else, you see how cute he is."
"Well don't regret this now come on back to work."
The two left, Jimin sitting there, mulling over their conversation , so Jungkook still wasn't convinced eh, maybe he ought to up his game, he stood up determinedly and went back to work.
It was near home time and Jungkook rang through to Jimins office.
"Hey, Jimin, what time shall I pick you up, the tables booked for seven thirty?"
"Oh....yer, I forgot(he lied) er ok, I suppose I can be ready by seven is that ok?"
"You forgot?"
"Well it's been a busy day,"
"Oh...ok, seven it is,see you then."
"Ok," Jimin put the phone down smirking.
Jungkook stared at the phone in his hand, he forgot? Here he had been worried all day about this date and Jimin forgot.... He felt quite put out.
Jimin walked out passing Jin and catching sight of Jungkook coming from his office.
"Hey night Jimin, doing anything tonight?" Jin asked although he already knew.
"Nothing special really," Jimin said loud enough for Jungkook to hear," oh hold the lift he shouted to another member of staff running to get in.
Jin laughed out loud at the small boys words shaking his head as Jungkook came up with a frown on his face.
"Seems Jimins immune to your charms, your right he's using you as a fling too."
Why this annoyed Jungkook he didn't know, after all wasn't he doing the same?
It was just before seven Jimin took a final look at himself pleased with what he saw, his skinny black jeans hugged his body in all the right places, he wore a soft fluffy v neck jumper which emphasised his collar bones and over it he had a black jacket his soft hair flicked back and a light smudging around his eyes gave him a sultry look, picking his keys and wallet up and putting his phone inside his jacket he waited outside, Jungkooks car pulling up in less than five minutes.
Jimin slid in before Jungkook could get out. "Hi you look nice," he said to Jungkook.
"You too," Jungkook said while thinking, fuck me I want to take you to bed and touch those curves that are not being hidden by that outfit.
"So where we going?"
"Ah,er a restaurant I like,"
"Great I'm starving."
They parked up walking into the restaurant , Jungkook couldn't help but notice the stares Jimin got from men and women alike as he walked behind the boy.He felt annoyed couldn't they see Jimin was with him!
They were taken to their table, jimin took his jacket off his jumper rising slightly as he did it, causing a man nearby to choke, Jungkook glared at him as he ushered Jimin to his seat.
Placing their orders with the waiter Jimin looked around after he left." This is nice," he murmured making Junkook look at him.
"I'm glad you like it, so you were busy today?"
"Always busy, you should know, I got a lovely phone call from the company we did the food ad for, he said he may need another ad soon as bringing out a singles selection , he said we should meet up."
Jungkook remembered the client, he was definitely gay and handsome.
"Er we should look at your workload at the time, he may have to have someone else."
Jimin pouted deliberately ," but he said he wanted me?"
I bet he did thought Jungkook.
A man walked past their table bending to pick something up he handed a napkin to Jimin.
"Yours?" He questioned smilingly pressing it into Jimins hand.
Jimin thanked him and he nodded passing on out. Jimin shook the napkin and something fell out onto the table.Jungkook picked it up frowning, Jimin snatched it from him ," what's this?" He read it giggling." Oh looks like I pulled, he's left his number and says call me!"
Jungkook was more than annoyed what was wrong with people? Jimin was out with him!"
Jimin made sure that Jungkook saw him put the number in his pocket.
"Why you keeping it?!?"
"Why not?" Jimin asked innocently.
"Because your out with me!"
"Yes, today I am but as you say we aren't an item and he looked cute."
Jungkook couldn't say much to that after all he had set the ground rules, but he found himself irritated with the truth.
He picked Jimins hand up off the table just as someone stopped next to them. He immediately dropped Jimins hand as he looked up.
This made Jimin annoyed was this really how he was going to carry on, wanting Jimin but denying their closeness.
He looked up too seeing a pretty woman and a handsome male who seemed to be looking at him not his date.
"Jungkook," the woman said.
"Er Jisoo," Jungkook answered.
Oh so this was the woman Jungkook had been with.
"This is date," she said hoping to see some reaction from the other.
"Pleased to meet you,"he said shaking the others hand and making no effort to introduce Jimin.
"And whose this?" Chanyeol asked smiling at Jimin.
"Oh I'm Jimin his...."
"My work colleague, "
Jungkook interrupted not meeting Jimins gaze.
Jimins fists clenched but he smiled at the others .
"Oh that's nice "Jisoo said in a relieved voice.
They made their way to their table as Jungkook stood up telling Jimin that he needed the bathroom.
Jimin fumed he'd had it, it didn't seem to matter to Jungkook that he continually denied there was something going on between them, asking the waiter for paper and pen he wrote a note and stood up leaving, grabbing a taxi that happened to be outside.
Ten minutes later Jungkook came back after calming himself down and justifying his motives to himself.
The table was empty but a note was there.
Thanks for the meal, as your'colleague' you didn't have to do this, I don't think I can be your 'colleague' with benefits anymore. It feels degrading not to be acknowledged in company. I can't blame you as I knew the rules, but I'm no longer willing to follow them, it's time I found someone who accepts me instead of being second best. I'm sure we will be able to manage at work so let's keep things simple.
Jungkook sat staring at the note, he should be feeling relief shouldn't he? Why did it feel so painful then?
He paid his bill got into his car and drive home only to sit in his sitting room in the dark, wondering at the feeling of loneliness that surrounded him.

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