Fiesty but fun

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It was a week since Jimin and Jungkooks interlude, since that time both had been really busy but if they met at the office there were glances and not so innocent touches.
Jimin felt like a horny teenager, he wanted more of that pleasurable feeling but because of the workload there had been there wasn't much time for 'catching up,' He felt frustrated and wondered if Jungkook felt the same and if he did then why not meet up after work. This train of thought made Jimin convince himself that Jungkook was just a manwhore who liked sexual pleasure and that made him grumpy but as he had no claim on the other he couldn't blame him just curse him under his breath at him. Now he had completed his work he had too much time on his hands and got more annoyed with himself and the other. Jin asked him if he could keep an eye on the front desk for a moment before he left work as he needed to speak to Namjoon, Jimin nodded gathering his stuff and dumping it by Jins desk as he swung round in the chair waiting for Jin to return.
The lift pinged and a familiar face walked out, one that Jungkook had let everyone know was not to be taken ever to his office but to be got rid off.
"Oh it's you," the girl Lisa said looking down at Jimin as if he was something bad she had trodden in.
Jimin in a bad mood anyway just gave as good back,
"oh it's you too," he smirked.
"How dare you be rude!"
"How dare you show up!"
"You little shit do you think I can't have you fired do you think your special?"
"Hell bitch go for it and yes I can guarantee I'm special to everyone here!"
"You think so when I marry Jungkook you'll be straight out the door !"
"Jesus you obnoxious bitch ,if you marry Jungkook I'll leave of my own free will because I couldn't stand to see your dumbass face coming here!"
Someone was laughing with glee ,and the two at the desk looked to see Jin laughing and clapping, Namjoon trying to hide a smile and Jungkook looking amazed at Jimin. On cue the girl cried fake tears,"oh Kookie he's been so mean to me and I only came to see you, it's time to make up, I've missed you," she sniffed .
Jimin just got more annoyed," hell you hoe, I hope you don't act as your day job ,because your lousy," hearing a lot more laughter he frowned turning to the three males who did nothing to stop their obvious laughter, focusing on Jungkook he stormed
"You! I'll leave you with your nasty hoe, I thought you had better taste!" Picking up his things he walked to the lift getting in straight away and angrily pushing the button as the doors closed to a "JIMIN!"
Jungkook yelled the boys name but he'd gone turning back to the girl he spoke,"I told you already we are through!"
"But Kookie you didn't mean it did you?"
"For gods sake,YES I MEAN'T EVERY DAMN WORD! " he yelled.
"You know I won't ever take you back if you let me walk out if this building!"
"We'll hurry up and go then!"
She slapped his face then stomped to the lift taking one last look as she got in thinking he'd stop her only to see three males waving goodbye to her angry face.
"Wow, Jimin can be quite fiesty can't he "Namjoon said.
"Ah but he didn't take any shit from her I feel like a proud mother ," Jin gloated.
"I wonder if it was just her that riled him up? Maybe he was in a bad mood," Namjoon mused.
"Don't worry Joonie, let's go home and I'll cook you something special, try not to break anything today though sweetie," Jin said to his boyfriend . All three got in the lift travelling to the underground car park and going to their cars waving each other off.
Jungkook turned in the direction of Jimins wanting to placate the male even though he'd found it funny watching the small boy pick a fight with his ex giving her as good as she dished out.
He drove looking out for the small boy which he came across on a part of the road that wasn't well lit.
Driving along slowly beside the boy he let down the window," Jimin get in," he requested. The small boy looked at him muttering something and ignoring him , walking onwards, Jungkook drove alongside again," come on Jimin get in,"
"Go fuck yourself."
"I said GET IN!"
Jimin gave him the finger and walked on. The next minute he heard a car door slam then a hand grabbed him," what's your problem ? Just get in,"
"You your my problem , you , you oversized dick!!"
The next minute he was picked up slung over the others shoulder and slapped on the ass before being carried to the car and strapped in. Jungkook got in the car and drove on to Jimins house.
"Don't think I'm letting you in my home you hormonal dickhead!"
"So I can't go in your house ok then," jungkook turned the wheel making the tires squeal as he turned back in the other direction.
"Where are we going, let me out."
"Just go fuck your girlfriend I'm sure she'd welcome you with open arms!"
"Jealous Jimin?"
"Pffft! Who would be jealous of that hoe!"
"So why so angry?Or is it......frustrated?"
"Huh your talking rubbish."
"Am I? So you haven't wanted more of what we did?"
"I-I don't know what you mean, your just imagining it!"
"Am I?"
"Just because some hoe turned up wanting you doesn't mean everybody wants you."
"So you haven't been imagining my 'oversized dick' going into your tight hole fucking you til you can't walk?"
Jimins face reddened," nope nothing," he said.
"We will see," Jung Kook said.
The car stopped Jungkook getting out and going around pulling Jimin out." Welcome to my home "
"Hell no," Jiminee said struggling.
"Ah Jimin!" He picked the small boy up then inside he took him," now let's see who hasn't been thinking of having sex!"
With that he strode in and up to the stairs, smirking at himself and the pleasure that was to come.

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