Helping cutie

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Two days had passed since Jimin had fallen asleep at his desk .
He had begrudgingly eaten breakfast as he knew he couldn't pass out at work so he thought if he ate breakfast took fruit for lunch and missed tea then things should be ok,after all after this month things would be better. So that's what he did.
Today when he was halfway to work it rained heavily so once there as it was early he dried his jacket with the hand dryer debating if he could take the wet trousers off too but decided against after all anyone could walk in.
Sitting at his desk in damp clothes wasn't ideal maybe he should bring spares for situations like this? He sneezed, damn better not get a cold he thought.
Jungkook drove through the pouring rain, had Jimin got in before it started he wondered. Walking past the doors to his office he caught sight of the small boy hugging a mug in his small hands, his hair looked like maybe the ends were damp but his suit jacket looked dry, good he couldn't have got that wet.
Going into his office he was followed by Namjoon who shut the door." Morning Jungkook here is the file you asked for."
"That was quick," he said looking at his friend.
"Our resources are good, I must say Jimin is a person of great responsibility ." He nodded at Jungkook and left.
Jungkooks attention was immediately caught by the file so he opened it.
Park Jimin 23
Address #########
Parents deceased, mother when he was ten cancer, Father a year and a half ago.
Father had numerous debts  but never paid which Jimin took over and paid off  monthly while at uni only finishing with lawyers bill this week.
Studied as a dance major earning high praise and honours,changing to business when he realised he would need to work to pay of debts.had two jobs while at uni.
Barely has any savings , extremely economic ,money paid for rent and essentials only.
Travels on foot to and from current work which is forty five minutes away.
Doesn't have credit cards but lives within his extreme budget.
No relatives
Doesn't go out currently probably due to money situation .
Had friends in Uni but none around that we can see.
Jungkook frowned at the information wondering how he could help knowing that the small boy was very proud. Suddenly a smile came to his face picking up the phone he called Tae into his office.
"What's up Kook?"
"You know that food franchise that we are doing an ad on? How about you let Jimin take it over ?"
"But Kook their food is the best they always give a hamper of food away as well as let us eat the food they cook for the ad and it's starting the day after tomorrow ,"
"I know, but between you and I , I'd prefer Jimin to have access to that food."
Tae looked at his friend frowning then caught on,
"ooooooh! I was right then,"
"Yes, he is too proud to accept handouts but this way it's part of the job, we will just say I'm moving you to the fashion shoot,"
"YES!! Even better I will get freebies there too!"
"Right let me call Jimin in, you act your part ok?"
Five minutes later Jimin was called in, he sneezed.
"Jiminee your trousers are soaked!" Tae exclaimed .
"Haha, yer got caught this morning," he tried laughing it off.
Jungkook frowned," ok Jimin I need you to take over an account, the food for now group. I know it's a bit short notice but I want Tae to start on the fashion one."
"No problem if Tae gives me the details I'll go over it."
"You'll love it Jimin, they cook so much food for the ads they let us eat it and boy is it tasty oh and they give away food freebies sometimes."
Both men saw the happy gleam come into Jimins eyes," oh that will be nice, won't you miss it?"
"Nah, besides I'll get freebies from the fashion shoot much more my style."
Jimin was ecstatic, maybe things weren't so bad free food would help.
He sneezed, apologising again, and turned to walk out with Tae until Jungkook told him to wait.
Turning back to his boss he saw him go to a built in closet pulling something out and handing it to Jimin," go in there and change , they're clean I keep stuff here in case I want to go somewhere after work.
Jimin held the clothes and walked to the door Jungkook pointed at opening it he saw a fully equipped bathroom with shower which he looked at longingly
"Towels to the left, use the shower warm up, you can use anything there." Jungkook closed the door.
Jimin wasted no time stripping off standing under the hot water he moaned in delight.
Jungkook sat at his desk hearing the water run and a moan? He leaned back, his mind going to a naked Jimin ... a naked moaning Jimin, he thought of other ways to make Jimin moan, his brain working overtime, a tent appearing in his trousers. He palmed himself mind still on Jimin, until he heard the door handle opening. He pushed his seat under the desk, covering up his ' problem'.
Jimin walked out barefoot with Jungkooks sweat pants on fashionably baggy and a t shirt and Hoodie on , which was a bit big giving Jimin sweater paws and an adorable look, Jungkook decided he liked Jimin in his clothes. Looking down he frowned at Jimins feet. "Your feet will get cold?"
"My shoes are damp it's warmer without them, I can keep warm enough in my office."
"Hmm, I can't supply trainers I'm a size ten you don't look that big."
" No I'm only an eight and half but it's ok." Jimin picked up his damp stuff to go then turned around a beaming smile on his face," thank you, I feel better now." He left the office, his petite figure still looking sexy in the oversized clothes. Jungkook stared after him then spoke to Namjoon on the phone," Joonie, get a pair of trainers 8 1/2 sent to Jimins office asap, the sort I'd buy and make sure he understands they are a gift which I'd like him to accept." Putting down his phone he glanced down at the lingering boner, going to his bathroom he pleasured himself keeping thoughts of Jimin in his mind gasping at the intense orgasm that released from him. " Fuck ...oh Jimin I want to make you mine" he groaned cleaning himself up and returning to his desk.
Jimin loved the feel of Jungkook clothes, the quality much better than he could afford. He felt warm and cosy now so sat getting on with his work in a better frame of mind than earlier.
Jin poked his head around the door, "parcel for you" he smiled at the boy handing it over.
Opening it up he found a pair of quality trainers in his size, along with a note
Keep warm wear these, don't think of returning them as you will offend me
Jimin squealed in delight putting them on admiring their quality. He had felt guilty but overcame it as he had never had trainers like this and of course didn't want to offend his boss, he did an excited little dance around the office giggling before putting his hand over his mouth and sitting back down to work, thinking what a good person Jungkook was.
Jungkook had passed the office while Jimin had done his little dance, he smiled,ah this little cutie, how much he wanted him.

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