Forgive us

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Two weeks passed.Two weeks of Jimin avoiding the two that he had argued with and instead working harder than ever. He was charming to those he worked with off site but at the office he became more reclusive, a situation he was used to.
Even the laid back Suga noticed confronting Jungkook one day.
"What's going on with Jimin? I know he's quiet but now it's like he deliberately closes himself off?"
Jungkook sighed," I know it's my fault I fucked up and need to sort it."
"You do know he regularly stays behind hours after work?"
"God ,Jungkook do you honestly think he could accomplish all he does in a set workday? Plus I know night security and even they are worried about him, so whatever you did sort it."
Jungkook nodded, going back to his desk he called the security to get them to send a list of clocking off times from Jimin. When he opened the email he was shocked to see that Jimin just on the last month had put in on average an extra fifteen hours a week.
He then looked back over the jobs Jimin had done and saw that it was at least two more jobs a week than most.
He then rang Jin to gather everyone in the board room.
When he got in most of them were chatting to each other but Jimin was silent. Jungkook picked up the desk phone, "Jin can you and Namjoon come in as well and get someone to man the front desk."
A few minutes later everyone was there and Jungkook stood up.
"I recently found myself in an awkward situation which I unfortunately didn't help. Park Jimin I would like to apologise profusely to you for the way I handled it, it was never my intention to embarrass,put you down or make you feel uncomfortable , I was concerned for your health but went the wrong way about trying to fix it, in no way do I not appreciate the work you do and I also would like to think I am a friend, please forgive me ." He bowed to an astonished Jimin , he would never had thought a boss would demean himself in front of others for him.
Tae jumped up too," Jiminee I'm sorry too, it's my fault I told Jungkook I was worried that's why he looked into it, I didn't like seeing my friend struggle, please stop ignoring me,"
Jimin looked around at them all and nodded," I'm sorry too, I've guarded myself from people over the years," he sighed then decided to tell all," I dreamed of being a dance major I was quite good then I found my dad had taken bad business advice and we owed a lot of money, we moved from a nice house to a one bedroom apartment. I worked two jobs as well as changing to business studies to pay for my uni fees and help towards the debts, dad finding jobs here and there, he lost interest in everything when we lost the house. Once I finished uni I started off in a small business learning the ropes of advertising and found I quite liked it, but I still worked an evening job, sometimes I felt like I never went home but by living frugally the debts diminished, then my dad died so it was just me paying them off , I've now finished so things are ok." He turned to Tae and Jungkook," I'm not used to others taking care of me or being worried about me so I accept your apology if you will accept mine for being a jerk."
The three ended up laughing the others joining in,
"Jimin, please treat us all as family here we are all here for each other," JHope said kindly.
"Yer that means you can argue and tell us off too," Suga said which Jimin giggled at making the others coo at how cute he was.
"I can argue with anyone?" Jimin giggled looking at Jungkook.
"Hey! Don't be cheeky, but seriously Jimin, I want you to stop all this after hours work you have nothing to prove you already do enough."
Jimin blushed," I don't want to let anyone down,"
"Your more likely to show us lazy gits up," Suga said.
Everyone laughed at Suga's sincerity.
"Well thank you everyone you may leave,er Jimin can I have a word in my office?"
The others left patting Jimin on the shoulder except Tae who hugged him and swung him around, shouting," the dynamic duo are back!"
Jimin followed Jungkook into the office , closing the door Jungkook asked," Am I Forgiven?"
Jimin nodded shyly and then found himself backed against a wall with his bosses lips smashing against his.
"Ah Jimin you don't know how much I wanted this," Jungkook devoured the boys plump lips, making him moan in pleasure which gave him access with his tongue, the innocent boy suddenly wrapping his hands round Jungkooks neck.
Jungkook pulled away then dragged Jimin into his bathroom, no one will hear your sexy moans in here Jungkook said kissing the boy again .
Jimin felt pleasure travelling around his body, Jungkook slid his hands under Jimins shirt caressing his back, then he kissed Jimins neck pulling aside the collar to kiss his collarbone which seemed to be a sensitive spot for Jimin as he moaned and pushed himself against Jungkook not minding that his obvious boner ground against the others large bulge. Jimin got braver unbuttoning Jungkooks shirt and running his small hands down the others hard abs making him gasp.
"Jimin we can't go all the way here but I want to feel you and I want you to touch me , will you?"
Jimin wanted this pleasurable feeling to last so he nodded, Jungkook undid Jimins belt and zip pushing down his trousers and boxers his erect member already leaking pre cum. Jungkook stared at the small boys face as he pumped his member , jimin licked his lips eyes closed enjoying the pleasurable feeling when Jungkook stopped, Jimin whined," wait baby," the next minute Jimin felt Jungkooks lips licking then sucking in his member, his hands kneading Jimins ass and Jimin moaning in pleasure, he felt a pressure building up the more Jungkook bobbed his head the higher the pleasure went until,"aaaaaaaaargh," Jimin felt himself release into the other males mouth his legs shaking from the pleasure, Jungkooks mouth taking every drop.
Jungkook stood up pulling up the boys boxers and trousers and Kissed him letting him taste himself on the others mouth," ok Jimin?"
Jimin nodded as he leant against the other becoming aware of Jungkooks state," you, Erm, have....." Jimin stuttered.
"That's ok don't worry about it, I wanted to please you," Jungkook said although he felt hornier than ever but couldn't expect Jimin to help him he was too innocent .
Jimin frowned then surprised the other with "fairs, fair." Pushing his boss against the bathroom wall he travelled down his bosses body , licking his nipples until they were hard buds making Jungkook gasp, Jimin then worked at Jungkooks belt and zip, his hands trembling," it's ok Jimin you don't have to."
"I want to," Jimin said shutting the other up. Grabbing the waistband he pulled the others boxers and trousers down, seeming to study the others member," So big, so pretty he muttered before swooping down to engulf it swirling his tongue seductively against the slit then encasing it with his mouth as one small hand pumped the base," oh fuck Jimin this feels so fucking good," Jungkook couldn't help rocking his hips to Jimins hand, Jimin gagged a bit but kept on feeling Jungkook caress his cheeks as he sucked him," oh Jimin your mouth is doing me so good, your plump lips look so good around my cock, fuck , I need to Uuuuuuurgh!" He grunted in release his member pulsating at the intense orgasm." Fuck me,"
Jimin lapped up every bit looking up sexily at Jungkooks face as the pleasure overcame him. Eventually getting up he licked his lips as Jungkook dressed himself, letting Jimin sort his clothing out too.
He kissed the small boy tasting himself then holding his hand he drew him back into the office, sitting on his seat about to pull Jimin into his lap but at the knock Jimin rushed to the chair on the other side of the desk,Aw Jungkook thought how cute his innocent baby was. Calling "come in" he looked up as JHope entered,"oh sorry are you two busy?"
Jungkook was about to make up some exes use at what they were doing when Jimin gave the other boy a seemingly innocent look and said," oh no JHope, we were just sorting out a problem that came up but it's gone now so we are finished," he winked at Jungkook behind JHopes back as the other walked in and he sauntered out,ah thought Jungkook, the little devil not so innocent after all, he smiled to himself then gave his full attention to the other male.

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