Cat and mouse

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Since that night the two males hooked up twice more in the two weeks that followed but Jungkook made sure their 'relationship' was not known at the office, he told Jimin it was because he didn't want any body taking sides if later they stopped seeing each other, Jimin saw it for what it was, someone running scared of a relationship.
He knew he had agreed the terms but he also knew his feelings were not false he cared a lot for the other in fact more than a lot.
Everybody was in the boardroom discussing work projects. Once finished everyone stood up to leave when Jungkook spoke," One more thing, the company has been nominated for best business award, which is being held tonight at the Grand Sheraton , I will be representing us as usual."
"Usual?" Jimin asked looking at the others.
"Yer, not the first time, we've won it twice, we make Jungkook go as it's a long boring night."
"But is that fair making him go alone ?"
" oh he never goes alone takes the hoe of the moment "
Jimin kept his face neutral would Jungkook take him then as he was the hoe of the moment?
"So is it Jisoo? You took her out to lunch yesterday?"
JHope said.
Jungkook nodded not looking at Jimin.
Everyone started to go out of the boardroom. Jimin felt upset, annoyed but then his fighting spirit came out.
"Tae, fancy clubbing tonight?" He asked the other, his bank balance now looking healthy.
Jungkook looked up at Jimins words." Hell yes, let's make plans."
Tae and Jimin walked off together, Jungkook staring after them.
The day wore on, It was late afternoon and Jimin went to get a coffee, finding Jungkook there leaning against the counter.
"Hi, ready for your night out?" Jimin asked in a carefree tone.
"Er,yes...., so your going clubbing huh?"
"Yes haven't been out for years I'm looking forward to dancing and Tae is fun."
"I could have taken you out dancing if you wanted?"
"Really? But I thought you wanted to hide everything between us?" Jimin said boldly.
"I don't need everyone to know what I do outside of work."
"And yet everyone knows about your lunch date with'Jisoo,"
"Well I need to eat?"
"I do too but I didn't get asked."
"Jimin you sound like a jealous partner, I told you I don't do relationships ."
"Oh I'm not jealous( he lied), just wondered why you had a double standard, it just makes me feel like a dirty little secret, but I'm sure I'm imagining it, have a good night."
He turned leaving the other staring after him dumbfounded .
Hours later he was sitting at a table with Jisoo and some other people he knew. He knew he looked good and Jisoo was stunning but whereas normally he would love being seen like this tonight his mind was elsewhere. What was Jimin doing, he was probably hiding at a table feeling uncomfortable , maybe he was already home .
At that moment his phone buzzed, excusing himself from the table he went from the room to answer the FaceTime call
"Hey, Kookshi, I gotta tell you I have found my new partner in crime, JIMINSHIIIII," a drunk Tae said.
"What are you on about Tae, your drunk, I Hope Jimin is ok , you know he's not the clubbing type."
"Hahaha! Little did we know he's perfect look....." he swung the phone around to the dance floor , where Jungkook could clearly see a very party mode Jimin, dancing to loud whoops and cheers his body part of the music, looking sexy as hell, someone came up behind him joining him in the dance, Jimin gave a sultry look over his shoulder at the man laughing. He saw Tae and made his way over,"Tae Tae what ya doing,?"
"It's Jungkookshi,"
Jimin waved into the phone ," hey boss, it's so much fun here isn't it Tae Tae, you having fun too? Oh oh I love this song!!"
Jimin dashed back to the dance floor grinding his hips and raising his arms to the music.
"See ya Kookshi, I'm gonna join my playmate."
The phone cut off leaving Jungkook staring at the blank screen, Jimin was out and having fun, what was that man doing dancing with him, why didn't Jimin dress like that for him, then realising he had never taken him out.
He walked back to his seat, he put on a fake smile when his company name was called as a winner, walking to the stage to receive a trophy before sitting down again nodding at the congratulations.
The night wore on and all he wished for was it to end.
Finally the awards ended, he wasted no time collecting his car and driving Jisoo to her home, walking her to her door he thanked her for going with him.
" but your coming in, yes?" Jisoo said, sure of her charms.
"Er, no, sorry, I have to get something done," he excused himself.
"But Jungkook, I was looking forward to our night together ."
"Sorry but I must go." He left hurriedly and drove off. He found himself driving to Jimins, telling himself he would just wait to make sure he got home safely. He waited for hours but there was no sign of the other, eventually he knew he had to go home, his mood was sour ,where the hell was he?
Jimin showered and dressed in his work clothes, he and Tae had pre arranged his sleepover so he'd brought fresh clothes. He wandered to the kitchen humming and making a pot of coffee and putting toast in.
"Eugh! How are you so jolly, aren't you hungover?" A pale looking Tae said.
"I wasn't as drunk as you and drank plenty of water in between."
" give me fifteen minutes I'll be ready,"
The pair drove to work, Tae a bit brighter after a shower.
As Jimin got into his office his internal phone buzzed," Jimin can you come to my office." Jungkook said.
Jimin smiled secretly, he had put the thought into Tae's head last night that Jungkook thought he was a homebody, then later how nobody would believe how much fun he was having,hence Tae's phone call.
"You need something?" He asked the other politely, seeing dark smudges under the others eyes. He glanced at the trophy sitting on the side of the desk,
"oh congratulations you won!"
Jungkook looked at the male he'd worried about all night.
" thanks for the call," Jungkook said surly.
"The call? Oh yes, I forgot Tae called we were a bit drunk, sorry did it interrupt your evening?"
Jungkook huffed. " I hope your able to work and not hungover, what time did you get in?"
"Oh not too late,1.30 ish."
Jungkook wanted to call him a liar, he had been outside Jimins at that time.
"You look tired, didn't you sleep well?
"I'm fine," Jungkook said.
"Ok then ,er so what did you want?"
Jungkook strode around the table pulling the boy to him and kissing him deeply finding the comfort he wanted.
"You looked sexy dancing, it made me want you."
"I'm sure you made do with er Jisoo, wasn't it?"
" I left her at her house."
"I'm sure she wasn't happy about that."
"Are you happy that I didn't fuck her?"
"As you pointed out it's not my business, we don't have a relationship, just as if I'm with someone it's my business right?"
Jungkook pushed the boy to the wall devouring his lips, pulling back he angrily asked ," did you, did you hook up with someone?"
"No not last night, I stayed at Tae's ."
Jungkook felt relief course through him, Jiminee was still only his!
"But who knows, maybe I'll get lucky next time," Jimin said keeping his smile to himself as he saw Jungkooks worried face.
About to reply Jungkook was stopped by a knock and the door opening , he stepped back from Jimin,
"Er that's all Jimin, yes Suga?"
Jimin went out as Suga came in he nodded to the other closing the door as he left.
I'll make you want me and me alone Jimin thought enjoying the cat and mouse game playing out, but this time he was the cat chasing the mouse.

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