Chapter 8

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Karthik was still in his terrace, he keeps looking at the clouds as his eyes cloud with tears "My little fairy Princess was lovely.. she always loved my company.. she always loved being in my presence.. but not this Aadhira.. she isn't my fairy princess.. she knows only to break hearts.. she has broken many hearts.. I'm not going to be one of that"

He wipes his tears "Why does she even want to marry me if she already has that boyfriend of hers.. if he is the best.. why doesn't she convince her parents to let her marry her love.. whom she works with.. why me.. do her parents not approve of her boyfriend or what.."

His dad knocks on the terrace door just then, he wipes his tears and turns to him "Dad.. come na". His dad goes near him "What are you doing here Karthi.. it's starting to rain.. come inside". He looks up, just then a few drops of rain fall on him "Come dad.. let's go in.. I don't want you to drench in the rain". He nods and they both go inside "Karthi what's bothering you".

Karthik looks elsewhere "Nothing dad.. I was just thinking". He looks at him "Really Karthik.. have you ever been able to lie to me.. some things never change Karthik.. you were not able to lie to me 7 years back.. nor will you be able to now..". He looks at his dad "Dad if you remember what happened then why are you asking me to marry her.. you know everything.. then why..".

He smiles a little and pats his back "Look Karthik.. think na if everything back then was true.. she wouldn't be here.. waiting to get married and trying to convince you just because your Maa wanted her son to be happy.. just because your Maa told her that you are her childhood buddy she wants to see you happy even though she doesn't remember anything about you.. maybe everything was a misunderstanding..

you didn't even talk to her at that time.. you just assumed everything you heard was true.. sometimes not everything you hear is true.. not even everything you see is true kanna.. think about it.. if she is the girl you assumed her to be.. I don't think she will be where she is now". He looks at his dad shocked "Maa told her.. she is trying to convince me because of Maa.. Maa also told her that I love someone else?".

He nods "Yet she is ready to marry you just to see you happy.. just because you are her childhood buddy.. I don't think the girl you thought her to be would do something like this.. think about it.. think about her.. I'm sure you can give a chance to your relationship with her". Saying that his dad leaves from his room, Karthik was confused on what to do, what to believe and what not to.

He was lost in his thoughts, Can it be true that everything I thought about her could be wrong.. but how... Even today I heard her say I love you to her co chef.. if she loves him why is she agreeing to marry me.. just because I'm her childhood buddy.. no.. not possible.. she isn't that kind of person who would do anything without any profit of hers.. she must have her own thoughts about it..

You really think so.. the girl who didn't even take a rupee from her dad to set up her business or do her higher studies would look for profits in a marriage (his mind mocks at him).. you are just blinded by that one incident.. what if it isn't true.. what if all that you saw and heard was misunderstanding.. No it can't be I heard her saying it.. I saw her saying it to her friends.. there is no misunderstanding that happened..

Just then his mom calls him for dinner "Karthik come to have dinner". He goes to the dining room where his mom and dad were waiting for him. His mom smiles looking at him, she serves him Rava idly along with coconut chutney. They all start eating, his mom looks at him "Karthik what have you decided Kanna", he keeps looking elsewhere "Maa I.. I don't know".

She looks at him "She told me that she is ready to marry you.. you also tell your decision soon Kanna.. it's not good to let them wait like this.. if you are not interested then atleast they would look for some other alliance". His heart again pricks at the thought of her marrying someone else, Godd what is this.. why have you put me in this situation where I can neither go ahead nor back out..

He looks at her "I'll let you know soon Maa", She smiles looking at him "I know your decision will be postive only.. after all she is your fairy Princess.. your childhood bestie.. I'm sure you will be able to move past Navya with her". He looks at his mom, it's not moving past Navya Maa.. it's going back to my past.. facing something and someone who I wanted to avoid with everything I have, he wanted to say but could not as his mother didn't know about anything that happened 7 years back.

He finishes his dinner and goes back to his room, he keeps looking at his and Navya's pictures in his phone "My parents are asking me to get married because you are not here Navya.. but what is wrong with her.. why is she agreeing when she already has that chef boyfriend of hers.. even if she doing anything for me.. I won't be able to believe it..

Come on I heard her saying I love you to that boyfriend of hers.. she even said he is the best.. and what kind of boyfriend he is that he is letting her meet other men.. that too for an alliance for marriage.. God knows what is going on in her mind.. may be she is trying to portray herself as a perfect girl.. and put me in the bad light to Maa that I'm only not agreeing for the marriage..

Probably that's what she wants to do.. but if I have to know what is really going on in that mind of hers I have to agree to marry her.. Navya why did you go away baby.. come back soon baby.. I'm being tied to the same past which I'm trying to run away from.. what if I say No and her parents fix her marriage with someone else.. no I cannot let that happen.. I.. I cannot let her spoil someone else's life.. better I say Yes to this marriage..

Anyway we will go back to Birmingham after marriage.. we will just stay housemates that's all.. It's going to be a relationship bound by nothing but a paper.. but I have my own set of conditions.. let's see if she agrees.. she said na she will leave once you are back.. let's see what happens to that once I make my own set of conditions.."

He dials her number, she picks up after a couple of rings,

She chirps "Hello Karthik"

"Hello Aadhira.. I have made my decision"

She asks him excited "Really.. what is it.."

He rolls his eyes at her excitement "I'm ready to get married to you.. but I have my conditions.."

All her excitement dies away hearing the word 'condition' but still she replies back to him "What conditions".

He senses that the excitement in her voice had died down with the him saying that he is ready, she must have thought I would refuse.. that's why her excitement died down when I said I'm ready.. huhh! Ms.Aadhira see what I do, "That you will come to know tomorrow when you meet me.."

He could hear her sighing "Tomorrow.. okay fine".

He disconnects the call after that, now let's see how you will accept my conditions tomorrow.. I will come to know what's going on in your mind tomorrow Ms.Aadhira.. let's see what you do tomorrow.

He makes another call to someone after which he gets busy in checking things in his hospital back in Birmingham.

Aadhira on the other hand was not able to sleep or work thinking what would be his conditions, what would be his conditions.. I already said that I.. I would la.. leave him if his past love comes back in his life.. what else does he want.. I hope he is thinking reasonable.. not making up stupid conditions.. hey Krishna ji.. I'm leaving everything upon you.. please take care of everything...

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